Really liked the world and the characters, but felt the story was wrapped up a little too quickly and neatly. 3.5/5
Really liked the world and the characters, but felt the story was wrapped up a little too quickly and neatly. 3.5/5
Very different than the other books I've read by Willis so far, but still fun. A quick read. 4/5
Adorable. Love the friendship between the main characters. And the art is brilliant. I really want to visit a pumpkin patch now. 5/5
Great collection of stories. Loved the variety of styles and time periods. I‘ll definitely be checking out other works by some of the authors. 4/5 #shortstories #witches
Very enjoyable read. I had a lot of fun picking out the fictionalized Hamilton landmarks. 4/5 #specfic #julyreads #canadianauthor
I love this series! 4/5
I'm not entirely sure what I think about this book. I found the story captivating and got through it quickly, but I found the characters and a number of the plot points difficult. I may have liked it better had I not been looking for some positive LGBTQ+ reading for the month. 3/5 #junereads #specfic
This collection was a lot of fun: raunchy, humorous and flamboyant. I wasn't sure about the old-school-detective-style interior monologue at first, but it grew on me quickly. And it was interesting to see how the author's voice changed story to story as they were written over a number of years. Would definitely recommend and read again. 4/5 #lqbtq+ #junereads #shortstories #specfic
Pride month reading!
A humorous and entertaining read, but some of the love scenes were just bad. I ended up skimming those after a while and focusing on the hilarious interplay between characters. 3/5 #romance #historicalromance
Really interesting collection of essays. It made me want to rewatch the series again. 4/5 #popculture #culturalstudies #nonfiction
Somewhat dated but still a fun bit of escapism. Not sure if I‘ll read the later sequels though. 4/5 #scifi #classicscifi #femaleauthor
A fun little read, but I enjoyed the second story more than the first, which felt a little disjointed and kind of rehashed things we'd already read or figured out from the books. Think I would have enjoyed it more if the whole story had been set at the Black Cottage before the three were separated. I quite liked the story of Queen Elsabet and would love to see some other stories of other queens over the centuries. 3.5/5 #ya #fantasy
Picked this up at the launch at Bakka-Phoenix on Saturday. I can‘t wait to read it. #shortstories #scifi
Decently entertaining, but I probably won‘t read the sequels. 3/5 #marchreads #rockabilly #specfic #angels
This was a pick for my specfic book club and it's the first book we've chosen that I won't be finishing. I've really enjoyed William Gibson's books in the past, but this plot just dragged on and felt pretty misogynistic. I struggled to get about halfway through before our meeting and based on the discussion I don't think it's something I'll return to. #marchreads #steampunk
Cute book, but definitely more for nostalgic fans than children unfamiliar with the show. 4/5 #marchreads #picturebooks #kidsbooks
Cute adaptation, and I especially liked the addition of the LGBTQ storyline. However, I don‘t know if it was the format, or if they were aiming for a younger audience than the original, but it felt a little rushed and like there was less character growth. The email/journal entry device was interesting, but I think I would have preferred more of the comic panels. 3/5 #marchreads #graphicnovels #adaptations
Really enjoyed this collection. It‘s an interesting mix of fairy tales and supernatural tales. 4/5 #shortstories #februaryreads #fairytales #specfic
Started reading for the February meeting of my local specfic book club. #Februaryreads #shortstories
I was really excited to read this one since I love fairy tale retellings but I could not get into it. I read about 70 pages and skimmed a bit more but eventually gave up on it. What a gorgeous book design, though. #februaryreads #ya
The first few chapters felt a little slow, but once the set-up was finished and the story picked up, I was hooked. Couldn‘t wait to get my hands on book two to see what would happen next. 4/5 #februaryreads #ya #darkfantasy
Great collection of specfic stories.
Library haul. I‘m a sucker for fairy tale retellings so I can‘t wait to read this.
I adore this book. It's adorable and moving and humorous. I've read it twice through in the last week, and have checked out the website to catch up on the rest of the web comic and bonus content. Absolutely recommend. Can't wait for the second volume to be published. 5/5 #januaryreads #graphicnovels #hockeyreads #lgbtq
I loved book 1 in this trilogy, and really enjoyed books 2 and 3. I liked the combination of mythology, time travel and science fiction, and thought over all it was a well-written series. Will likely reread at some point in the future, and will definitely be checking out some of her other books. 4/5 #januaryreads #bigbook #mythology #scifi
An interesting collection of essays. Some of them really spoke to me and my own experiences with anxiety, some of them didn't so much. But I think there's something there for a lot of readers. 3.5/5 #nonfiction #januaryreads #canadianauthor
Cute and odd. Enjoyed it but don‘t know that I‘ll read more. 3/5
This scene stopped me in my tracks. If only. #januaryreads #specfic #epicreads
My Christmas present book haul.
A friend gave me this book as a young teenager and I reread it multiple times over the next few years, but this is the first time I've read it in probably a decade. There's a few things that notably mark the book as a product of the '90s and a couple problematic points, but overall I still really enjoyed it. Each story had a nice dose of angst, maybe a little humour, and ended with love triumphing. Plus each is a holiday tale. 4/5
Quiet Christmas morning with a collection of Christmas romance stories and holiday Rice Crispies.
#decemberreads #Christmasreads #romance #shortstories
I‘d already read and adored the original version of this anthology and was excited to hear there was an expanded version. The new stories were fantastic, and the extended notes section has added to my to-be-read and to-be-watched lists. Definitely recommend. 5/5 #decemberreads #shortstories #scifi #christmasreads
Loved this. So emotional and moving. Great character growth from volume one. 5/5 #decemberreads #graphicnovel #manga
Fun winter mysteries. I have to admit I‘d forgotten most of the plot of the first story by the time I‘d finished the second, but they were a captivating distraction as I read them. Would recommend if romantic suspense is your thing. 4/5 #romance #mystery #decemberreads #winterreads
This was exactly what I needed after a stressful fall. I read it in a couple of bursts, and it was fantastic, but I look forward to reading it again and savouring the entries a little more. Also love the illustrations, so fun. 5/5
Great escapism read. The story moved along quickly and the characters were entertaining. I‘m hoping there‘ll be sequels that tell what happens to some of the secondary characters. 4/5 #romance #novemberreads
I really didn‘t connect with this book. I enjoyed some of the amusing descriptions and passages, but overall felt the story dragged and the ending was somewhat slapdash. Several of the characters didn‘t feel fully realized so that I‘d get confused over who did what, and there were some particularly problematic character actions for me. This edition is beautifully designed though. 1/5 #novemberreads #specfic
A modern fairy tale retelling that starts and ends in one of my favourite Toronto neighbourhoods. Very enjoyable read.
Book and bluray loans from the library yesterday. I‘ve already started on Gmorning, Gnight!
A good variety of comics and stories, of creators I recognized and ones I didn‘t. I enjoyed some of the contributions more than others, but that‘s to be expected in an anthology. 4/5 #comics #anthology #novemberreads
I was really excited when I saw this on my library‘s new books list, and enjoyed the first few chapters. Unfortunately, by about the 100-page mark the rough pacing got to me, to the point where I almost didn‘t finish the book. Won‘t be reading the sequel, but it‘s inspired me to find some of the ‘90s books. 2/5 #novemberreads #horror #nostalgiareads #YA