By the road sometimes were high clumps of dead thistle plants, coated with white dust, and from the plants the locusts called, a high, unceasing scream like the sound of heat itself.
By the road sometimes were high clumps of dead thistle plants, coated with white dust, and from the plants the locusts called, a high, unceasing scream like the sound of heat itself.
How great is the cover on Lara Ehrlich‘s new collection of short stories? Can‘t wait. Diving in now.
“‘Tommy‘ll come back to haunt him,‘ Alice said, though she didn‘t really believe this. Tommy, hung, then burned to the bone, would, instead, be racing after Corvus‘s mother, never arriving at her side forever, released too late by the cruel facilitator, John Crimmins.”
I‘m enjoying the heck out of this month‘s Mod Classics pick. I mean, it‘s breaking my heart, but wow.
All of the stories are well written and highly imaginative. It took me a while to get through it because I had to put it down and get some space from it occasionally. In the end, quite literally, it was the last story, the title story, that really sold this collection for me.
Finished. Not rating yet. I need to think about this one, but as you can see, I‘ve made many notes.
My Jólabókaflóð gift. Can‘t wait to dig in!
As someone who grew up reading Christopher Pike and R. L. Stine, I appreciate what Hendrix has done here. He's managed to capture the spirit of those books in a very adult way. This book is a lot of fun.
"One of her rules was that Gretchen could have only six magazines and five books at a time."
I'm pretty sure this constitutes abuse and someone needs to call CPS on Gretchen's mom. Heck, I'd get possessed on sheer principle alone.
Just look at the beautiful cover on this novel. It's a combination of 80's VHS and those cheesy covers on the YA horror I used to read as a kid. I love it!
This book has everything; art, mystery, and heart.
"...But bad monsters are all about control... They want the whole world to be scared so that bad monsters can call the shots..."
"A Nazi is a person who chooses to Not See anything that would keep them from being cruel... Even if what they will Not See is how their cruelty will destroy them."
Beautiful prose and a nice dose of magical realism. This is a book with a lot of heart. It's going on my favorites shelf for sure.
"As time went by she broke, little by little, into someone whose shoulders sagged when she thought no one was looking, a woman with long ragged nails and hair always growing from its beauty-parlor cut."
Perhaps this is just not the book for me. Many times the cleverness found its way onto the page, becoming a distraction from the story. As a result, it felt overwritten with too little depth. A disappointment. I grew up watching Scooby Doo and was so sure this was going to be a fun read.