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St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves
St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves | Karen Russell
A San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune Best Book of the Year In these ten glittering stories, debut author Karen Russell takes us to the ghostly and magical swamps of the Florida Everglades. Here wolf-like girls are reformed by nuns, a family makes their living wrestling alligators in a theme park, and little girls sail away on crab shells. Filled with stunning inventiveness and heart, St. Lucys Home for Girls Raised by Wolves introduces a radiant new writer. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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She used to suffer these intense bouts of homesickness in her own bedroom. When she was very small, she would wake up tearing at her bedspread and shrieking, “I wanna go home! I wanna go home!” Which was distressing to all of us, of course, because she was home.

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The last month has gotten away from me and I forgot to post my new bookmark from the seller My Secret Copy on Etsy. choosing books about haunted locations, forests narrowly beat out houses for me.

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Definitely my favorite book of Karen Russell‘s I‘ve read, and far superior to her other short story collection Vampires in the Lemon Grove. I loved the magical realism and her use of the mythical and supernatural to explore our human relationship to our world and each other.

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My high school book club picks a genre or format to read each month, then everyone gets to choose their own books to read and discuss. This month we are reading short stories. I‘m not a huge short story reader, but I do enjoy Karen Russellquite a bit.
#schoollibraries #librariansoflitsy #teachersoflitsy #litsyloveslibraries

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I've been reading a story or two in car line each day and I'm loving it! The stories are so odd but well written. Reminds me of early Chuck Palahniuk in some instances.

Linsy I loved her Vampires in the Lemon Grove collection. Definitely checking this one out! 5y
kyraleseberg @Linsy Oh I need to add Vampires to my list because I loved this one! 5y
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We sang at the chapel annexed to the home every morning. We understood that this was the humans' moon, the place for howling beyond purpose. Not for mating, not for hunting, not for fighting, not for anything but the sound itself. And we'd howl along with the choir, hurling every pitted thing within us at the stained glass.

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I'm too weak to resist clearance books at 2nd & Charles 😉


A odd collection of stories but I did enjoy them in the end 3/5

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I took a trip into the city today and visited Housing Works bookstore for the first time! I‘m not really into buying books lately so this is a really big haul for me 😂

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readordierachel Love it! 6y
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All of the stories are well written and highly imaginative. It took me a while to get through it because I had to put it down and get some space from it occasionally. In the end, quite literally, it was the last story, the title story, that really sold this collection for me.

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If you loved Swamplandia you‘ll probably love this short story collection, as most of the tales take place in that quirky universe. I myself preferred the title story and one other that was more of a one off outside of that very strange island of gator farms, giant conch‘s and indoor blizzard orgies.

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Short story time! A short-lived pause before hockey rush hour.

ReadingEnvy This is my favorite Russell 7y
dixi_e @ReadingEnvy I haven‘t read any of her work 🙈 but I‘m glad I‘m starting with this. I‘m not far into it but I‘m already loving her style, language and story line(s). (edited) 7y
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My Jólabókaflóð gift. Can‘t wait to dig in!

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I was excited to read this book mainly because of the awesome title. I didn't like it as much as I expected to. Most of the stories were kind of just okay. I liked the very last story the best, which the book was named for.

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Went to meet my cousin for dinner and was running a bit early so I thought I'd quick stop in at my local bookstore. Then this happened. 😬 BUT I learned they have a great rewards program, so yay for that!

JSW Two of these are on my current TBR! 7y
jen_hayes7 Awesome!! Which two?! Can't wait to see what you think about them!! @JSW 7y
JSW The top two! 😁 7y
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#catchingup on #anditsaugust #day27 - #dogdays

Not sure about the theme's relevance, as things have been unseasonably cool around these parts lately.

Anyway, still plan on getting to this one soon, once I put a sizable enough dent in my #currentlyreading stack.

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Excited to start this one today. Read some other stuff by the same author and loved it.

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Tomorrow I'm going on a mini holiday to The Hague, so this is a short caption to say that I won't be as active as I usually am the coming weekend (and man, I'm active on here 🙋🏻‍♂️)
Hope the weather will be good and I hope you all have a lovely weekend as well! ❤️✨

#books #bookblogger #bookblog #blogger #reading #karenrussell #magicalrealism

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#riotgrams day 21 - #animalcovers

Think I've got a copy of Vampires in the Lemon Grove knocking around somewhere; apart from that title story, I haven't actually read much Russell, and Lincoln in the Bardo is my only exposure to Saunders. Will get around to fixing that, I assure you.

britt_brooke I recently read Pastoralia and really enjoyed it! I wasn't a fan of Lincoln in the Bardo. At the time it was my first Saunders. I'm happy I gave him another try. 7y
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I love#sundogbooks and make it a point to visit every time I'm in town. I also grabbed Catronauts for my kids, but my boy child left it in the car after demanding to read it immediately.

moarbookspleaze My favorite Florida bookstore' 7y
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I know I'm probably too slow on the draw here, but @Liberty asked about books of short stories. Here are some favorites and some TBR. Karen Russell will always break me. #READATHONSTORIES

aeeklund @KCorter "My Father's Mask" will forever be one of my favorites. 8y
KCorter @aeeklund It's interesting that you mention that one, because that was the story I felt went completely over my head. I recognized that I should be impressed by it, but I just felt more confused than anything. Any help would be welcome! Would you mind sharing with me your take on the story, even if you have to mark it as a spoiler? 8y
KCorter P.S. My favorites were Pop Art and Voluntary Committal. 😊 8y
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I love this short story collection with "wolves" in the title and one on the cover. #readathonanimal

Maude I'm going to have to add that to my stack :) 8y
Redwritinghood @Maude You won't be sorry. Her writing is great and the stories are fun. 8y
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Can't wait to really dig into this book. I loved Karen Russell's other collection of short stories, so I'm excited to see how her first collection compares!

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Amazing night last night at Seattle Arts and Lectures, featuring a live recording of the podcast A Tiny Sense of Accomplishment, hosted by Sherman Alexie and Jess Walter. One of their guests was Karen Russell, whom I have been waiting to meet since I first discovered her work six years ago. Miraculously, I was able to form complete sentences when I got up to her table.

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I didn't really think I had that many books with #girlinthetitle there are quite a few more shelves, I couldn't even get them all on one screen, who knew? #readjanuary @RealLifeReading

Bette Nice selection. 👍❤️️ 8y
SheReadsAndWrites I read an article not long ago about "girl" being the It world in literature the past few years. Interesting... 8y
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#girlbooks part 9: short story collections

Short story collections call for long titles.

#girlinthetitle #litsyreadingchallenge #litsychallenge2017

akfreeborn Really great collections here! 8y
lynneamch Really interesting! Thank you. Marketing was mentioned in our earlier discussion. That is such a huge part of how a title is chosen. Publishers hope to feed off of a book that was successful. Other examples: The so-and-so's Daughter(s) Death by . . . The Man Who . . . 50 Shades of . . . Seems like titles with Bookstore are trending now. 8y
Marchpane @lynneamch So true! Another popular one is The Book of . . . 8y
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One of my favorite #shortstories collections is this quirky collection by Karen Russell. #booktober #OctoberPhotoChallenge @RealLifeReading

ReadingEnvy That is my absolute favorite from her. 8y
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I'm going back to this one for my #longtitle. I love this collection. It's quirky with great writing. #booktober

OutlandishLit Karen Russell is perfect 8y
LectricSheep Karen Russell! My patron saint. 8y
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#shortstories I had to post again because this is such a great short story collection. I can't believe I forgot to include it in my earlier post! Karen Russell is fantastic. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

OSChamberlain Such a funny title 😂 8y
BookishMarginalia Love the title! 8y
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These stories feel like they are woven into a dreamscape where they all dip into one another, connected by their shared cosmos. However, they never feel too similar to one another, which is something that can sometimes happen with short story collections. This collection centers around childhood and growing up, brought forth in imagery rooted in both reality and dream. The title story is one of the best short stories I've ever read. 🐺

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3 pages in and I'm so excited to blaze through this.


Her writing is beautiful but I'm having such a hard time getting into this. I'm not always a fan of short stories...with a few exceptions like Neil Gaiman...and these felt kind of anticlimactic. I'll hold onto the book, but I'm going to try to find something I'm more excited about tomorrow at HPB.

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Saturday mornings are great.
Please do not attempt to put books next to hot stoves at home. I am a professional. Also, I have not actually started to read this one. It's number 2 on the TBR list. I just feel like girls who were raised by wolves would like bacon.