Second time and I still love it
While I really enjoyed the first part, the character development and the plot line, the second and third parts I didn't find to be as good and the epilogue was kind of pointless to me. I guessed most of the outcome rather quickly but Briony in the first part has to be worth the four stars alone. It's very graphic with war and subsequently gore in parts two and three, I didn't find it pointless but it needs to be warned nonetheless.
I think anything would struggle to match the original book, but I also really enjoyed the scientific turn this book took. It didn't have as much in the way of actual horror, but still was rather eerie. I look forward to seeing how book three stacks up to the previous two.
I doubt this will take me long but it will definitely result in black eyeliner usage going up next week.
I really enjoyed the main character Lily and her tenacity. Sometimes I find when the protagonist goes through many hardships I get annoyed (such as Oliver Twist), but I didn't have that reaction to this book. I thought the hardships showed the true character of Lily and her spirit and abilities. All in all a good read.
An engaging book, I enjoyed the characters and their development. I found the story to be a bit two dimensional but for a quick summer read it does the trick. The plot moved quickly, there were a few twists.
Very beautifully written, and tragic. Didion manages to capture grief in a way I have yet to see done. While dealing with the sudden death of her husband her daughter is also quite ill.
A well done memoir of a period in her life, I do not recommend if you're sad or have had a loss recently. It really tore into me in ways I was not expecting.
The first half of the book I was annoyed with. It relied heavily on the trope of a helpless damsel. I found the parallels to the Cold War intriguing (intended or not). In the end it was good but a little too "Avatar" meets fairy tale. I do enjoy Baba Jaga, and I'm glad to see a new way of working her into something, probably a book best for YA which is not my strong suit. The writing itself was nice I would definitely read more from the author.
So sad but so good.
I found this story of children rallying together to murder their abusive father actually quite humorous and enjoyable. It is told from four different perspectives as we learn the reasons each person has for wanting their father dead. This is set amidst a backdrop of the future where anti-sematism is rampant and Jewish people are once again becoming the target of hate crimes. If you're into family drama and morbid humor I would recommend this book.
New books thanks to book depository and #booktube may take a while to get here (about a month) but worth the wait. Now to finish #diversathon so I can jump into them.
First finish for #diversathon2.0 it wasn't my favorite Toni Morrison but it was still good enough to say it's worth reading. It took place during the Korean "war" and tells the story of a fractured soldier and his homecoming to the south.
Having enjoyed Oats work before and seeing as I enjoy horror of all varieties I found this short story collection to be a let down. The way in which the stories are "haunted" is more academic and there really isn't a grotesque about it (although you can feel it trying really hard at times to come across as 19 century gothic).
It wasn't poorly written I was just let down from what I was expecting by the blurb and title.
1) I have discovered or reaffirmed that I dislike short stories 2) sometimes even the loveliest of covers has a bland book behind it
If this is a sign of what's to come I'm already in love with this book.
While I loved and got the pop culture references, I was lost at the video games. The characters are two dimensional at best and the last chapter was a throw on that I felt was superfluous. While I'm sure parts of the story were meant to be twists and turns they seemed formulaic and heavily foreshadowed which left me feeling bored. I could be being a little hard on it but what I expected was very different from what I got out of it.
I think this book really has an interesting dual narrative going between a traditional First Nations/Native American and a colonizer. The themes of revenge and how they take a toll on a person in all ways, and the jarring disconnection of attempts at self assimilation are beautifully written.
So true
It seemed a bit stunted in the beginning and drawn out towards the end but I found the sixth book of the wheel of time series kept the story progressing nicely. It's one of my New Years goals to finish this series this year.
Finish a book, start a new one (I have three Louise Erdrich books in my tbr pile).
Still as disgusting, disturbing, and beautifully demented as I remember.
An oldie but a a goodie. Re reading for the first time in adulthood. Man I was a messed up teenager. Fabulously gruesome horror with LGBT characters and multiple ethnicities.
There was a lot of research and information which I really liked and appreciated, it however erred on the side of the administration with less patient information or discussion. I also felt the afterword was an odd place to begin a discussion about cultural voice/ appropriation and who is allowed to use what narrative. I enjoyed it, and would recommend it to people who like asylum histories.
Because fighting in the war wasn't enough?
Pretty much half way through, with my purring reading pal.
The story of Kahu who struggles with being a first born female to a patrilineal family. Vividly told, wonderfully written. I feel that the book is more graphic than the movie but it shines just as bright.
I was skeptical about Joe Hill when I found out he was Stephen Kings son (not a fan), but I was pleasantly shocked. A good mystery horror with enough fast paced action to keep me sucked in pretty much all day. When an aged rock star purchases a ghost on a second rate auction site who knows what the outcome will be. In this case a white knuckle thrill ride to the final pages. Look forward to reading more by joe hill.
Husband brought these home for me because "books are love". Going to start the Cure bio in the next day or so and add the wheel of time book to the stack tbr
Catching up on the wheel of time series since husband has officially surpassed me listening to it. I think finishing the series will be on my 2017 plans.