💔 ❤️🩹
Recommended through a book club I joined and definitely enjoyed the book! Dedication in the book: For the misfits. You are wonderfully made. You belong. Always. Technically #2 in a series, but can be read as stand alones. The series follows siblings in a family—their own “love story.” Really liked the two main characters in this book, Frankie and Ren. The story is heartwarming, steamy and humorous with such great themes!
Just finished this book, and…
I cried, literal tears. I don‘t know if I can forgive the Author. Loved the story but parts broke my heart. I felt shattered. I know, I know…just a book but I got too attached. Reading, is practically the only time I cry because I get so submerged into their lives as if I was living it (more than I live mine haha)
If you‘re interested…Kind of teenage love type story, intertwined since childhood; Full of What-Ifs
Ahh! Haven‘t posted in a while 🙈 I hope everyone has had and abundance of adventures through reading ;D
— | I recently picked up this book +audiobook and OMG—I find it quite comedic, the children are quite funny with the things they say! Chuckle here and there, heartwarming. Not too far in, but already definitely recomendable! ❣️
Couldn‘t go to bed without finishing the story within. I started it as an audiobook but became impatient with having to wait &began reading it instead :,) Ugh, can‘t say I didn‘t shed a couple tears. I became so intertwined with their emotions that ironically enough, what they felt seeped through me, too. So many emotions. I get more emotional with books than I do with real life haha But really 🥺💔 Will I really be able to sleep now?
Another great read! This book is great on audio, too—it‘s narrated by various people which works great for the stories! I loved getting the multitude of perspectives—each chapter is narrated by a different character(mainly between 2)but it follows a same story.Woven into the stories are testimonials that shed some light into the Latino immigrant experience in the U.S. showing differences in family structures,status,and levels of “Americanization.”
Forgot to post—finally finished the fourth book!! My goal was to read the book and watch the film afterward (semi concurrently) but I haven‘t had luck with that haha Nevertheless I love the series. D; I‘ve now started reading AND audio booking it hehe
I started this book on audiobook and it captivated me so much I was scared of finishing it for fear of ending the storyline and not being able to be a part of it after it ended. Weird, I know, but I usually grow so attached to books and their characters! I ended up semi restarting and began reading the book. Now I‘m a bit paralyzed. Something is happening that ties to extreme sadness and idk. I just want happiness for them😣 Has anyone read it?!❣️
🤭👀 Almost done with this book...recomendable!! ❣️ ‘Tis a love story( that becomes like a hidden love triangle) but also a story of friendship and growth and the many twists and turns of life...I though the concept of “love at first sight” we were introduced at the beginning was a little dramatic but overall I‘ve really come to enjoy Laurie‘s character and I‘m still on the fence about Jack .-.
Finally on the third book! 🤗 I‘m so excited to meet Sirius and see how the story unravels .-. I‘ve really enjoyed this series—this world. 🖤💛❤️💙💚
I really enjoyed reading the author‘s other book, “The Light we Lost” (even though the characters frustrated me at times—just like tv characters do haha) so I figured I‘d give her other book a try :D So far so good😊 This book is as much about various forms of loss, love, and human flaws as it is about self discovery, gaining confidence and reinventing your path. It might still be sad & frustrating but— recomendable. 🤗 I
Started this story on audiobook and ending it by reading the physical book— with some Havana coffee & lemon poppyseed muffins. Definitely a great read, but towards the end idk how to feel about the characters. 🤭 Made me feel all kinds of emotions. It‘s a tragic story.
Finally on the second book of the Harry Potter series— Ahhh! I‘m on chapter 11! I‘ve been so excited about these books— I have been missing out on the fandom. I can definitely say this book has continued my fascination so I can‘t wait for the rest haha. It‘s weird because even though I‘ve watched the films the books still create their own magical world within my imagination hehe 😜
Have any of you read this book? I started the audiobook version of it but somehow I can‘t fully get into it. I don‘t mind “cheesy love” stories at all ( ❤️ 😬) but this seemed like an extremely exaggerated soap opera that seems to linger more than it should—-but —- what if I‘m wrong—does it get better? I‘m usually not picky— am I being rude and judging it too soon? SOS 🧐🥺👥
So, I had to take my car to get serviced and I really wasn‘t expecting this long wait (4 hours and counting) but hey, thankfully I brought this book with me, and I‘ve advanced with my reading goal :) It also helps that they have popcorn...yummy :D I‘ve been so excited about reading this book (An American Marriage), and so far I‘ve really enjoyed it! (To be continued...)
Sooo....I‘ve seen all the Harry Potter films but I don‘t know why I never read them! (Sorry!) Oh how I‘ve missed out! I‘m almost done with the first book and I can‘t wait to finish the series and then watch the films all over again to better appreciate everything hahah... what can I say? FINALLY!!! :)
Honestly, books make me feel. It‘s an outpouring of all kinds of emotion and feelings. An adventure with every word and movement within the story. The characters, the story, and I become intertwined. They become so real. Am I making any sense? Ahh. { This goes for all books in general, not specifically targeting “If I Stay,” but I needed to tag something ;) }
I keep forgetting to post! Lately I‘ve been into audiobooks, mainly because I‘ve been driving more and I could even listen in the shower haha I really enjoyed the movie adaptation of this book but for some reason I hadn‘t read the series so I decided to give it a try :) It‘s been a while since I‘ve watched the film but it‘s definitely different in a lot of areas, but in good ways because the book is obviously still a good read! Emotion!💔😣😰😳🤫
So, I downloaded the app “Libby” a while ago and decided to try out an audiobook that was available...I don‘t quite remember how I got to this book but let‘s just say I‘m glad I did :) I really like the way it‘s narrated and I‘ve been hooked on it. What audiobooks do you guys recommend?
Decided to participate in this year‘s “Blind Date with a Book” at my local library 😬 Surprise! The novel “Brass” was unveiled! Let‘s see how this goes :) #February #LibraryPicks