Just had to share another beautiful and priceless illustration.
Just had to share another beautiful and priceless illustration.
Fun Fact: Every time R2-D2 has actual lines other than beeping or squeaking and such, I imagine that he speaks in a very deep and dramatic voice that is the exact opposite tone of his beeping.
So, I‘m power reading my way through this series because 1) I‘m not making myself wait in the audiobooks anymore because I didn‘t like them and 2) they‘re really small and quick reads which means I‘ll read more books this month which in turn means I can BUY more books next month.
Finished The Empire Striketh Back and started The Jedi Doth Return. And I just had to post to inform everyone that THERE ARE EWOKS ON THE ACT PAGES!
“What the actual fuck, Luke?”
Not a direct quote, but close enough judging by his expression.
Totally not book related, but I just needed to spread the new Pokémon Go update: RESEARCH QUESTS! Today was the hardest I‘ve played Pokémon Go since the app was first released. If you‘ve dropped it over the last couple of years, you should totally pick it up again and check out the new feature. It‘s perfect for solo players or people in rural areas.
THIS ENTIRE SERIES WAS SO GOOD! I have never had a series keep me on the edge of my seat like The Illuminae Files does. I just finished Obsidio, and it was the best them all. One wild ride.
Went to SF today for a Pokémon Go Community Day event. There was a nice big meet-up with YouTubers I did not know because I don‘t watch YouTube. I do not have the time to watch 10-15 minute videos with everything else I need to watch between recordings and Crunchyroll and Netflix. The whole game event for shiny Bulbasaurs went from 11-2 (I caught 6!) and then my sister-in-law-to-be and I went to a nearby bookstore and I bought myself something!
Even with a smaller purse, I couldn‘t help bringing Obsidio to the theater so I can read before Love, Simon starts.
I also reached the casualty last night, and sadly I am not on it. But (in case I just missed it because it was kinda like a hidden pictures game) if anyone notices the name “Tiffany Kramer,” let me know!
Since I‘m trying to be better about being active on Litsy, trying out this This or That thing from @readherwriteher seemed like a good idea.
1. Small Town
2. Country on the radio
3. Thriller
4. An emphatic HELL NO
5. Not applicable
So, apparently outside of the major stories that he‘s known for, Hans Christian Andersen...was a pretty boring writer. I was not expecting that. I ended up flipping through and only reading the stories I knew or ones that sounded interesting or that I had the patience for. Otherwise it would probably have taken me years to finish going through the entire collection.
I WAS planning on going to see Love Simon and Tomb Raider today...But then I had to drive home in a storm last night. When I checked last night the forecast said it was supposed to rain all day today, too. That seems to have changed, but I decided to stick with staying in because I still need to finish putting my room together. For now, I try to get through some more fairy tales while I make lunch.
Back on Litsy after taking a break. I was trying to keep up with too many different social apps for reading, and it ended up getting to me. I deleted Litsy for a bit, and then I got the Library Thing email so I decided to check out the app again.
While I was gone I got new shelves up and decided to move all my unread books to them for now. I still have some organizing to do, though. Carpet just cleaned and I still have to move things back in.
Finally starting my Three Dark Crowns reread! I just need to get through this, and I‘ll finally be able to start One Dark Throne.
I finished The Dream Thieves today (...yesterday?) and immediately had to start Blue Lily, Lily Blue.
And then I was told to turn my lights off because it‘s almost 1AM and I don‘t pay the electricity bill around here.
Not technically reading yet, but will be starting King‘s Cage tomorrow, so I may as well get my accounts all set up.
Overall disappointing.
👍 Great concept, great setting, managed to occasionally keep me interested enough to keep reading.
👎 Poor And shallow characters who accomplish everything too easy, clunky writing, weird pacing, small annoying plot holes. I just wasn‘t invested in this book overall.
And next up is Warcross! The cover is so pretty and colorful that I had to change up my sleeve and bookmark to match it.
I ended up loving this book so much more than I expected myself based on the cover. Yeah, it's shallow, but as pretty as the gold is, the rest of the cover felt kind of cheesy. The story, though, was amazing! I'm looking forward to book two.
This was such an amazing and heartbreaking sequel to This Savage Song, and I wish there was more in this series.
So, turns out I forgot to set this as "Reading" on Litsy, but it doesn't even matter because I'm already done. And oh my god this book was AMAZING! I couldn't put it down. One of my greatest, quickest reads ever.
Truthwitch was a bit of a struggle by the end, but I've been looking forward to this one.
We started strong on this one, but the farther I got, the harder Truthwitch got to read. There was the start of some nice worldbuilding, but a lot of it was left vague and after an entire book I still have so many questions about "Threads." And Safi and Merik had an annoyingly cliche romance. Overall, though, the greater plot of the series seems interesting, so I might go back in the future. For now, though, it's not gonna happen.
All the talk about the upcoming movie remake made me realize that I've never actually read this book before, so I decided to cross it off the book bucket list. In general, I loved the concept of the book and a lot of it was fascinating to read, but I did some narration to be so dense that I found myself getting distracted.
Let it be known that I am super terrible at keeping my Litsy books updated.
If Litsy had stars, this would get 5 from me. My first introduction to Schwab books, and still one of my favorite OwlCrate picks.
Slow start, and yet it held my attention all the way through. And once things got going, damn did it go. This was such a beautiful book.
Now that the OwlCrate book club has started, I'm switching gears for a few chapters.
"The night Kate Harker decided to burn down the school chapel, wasn't angry or drunk. She was desperate."
Probably one of my favorite first lines in a book.
Starting my September TBR a little early and rereading This Savage Song at work tonight! Planning to finally read Our Dark Duet once I'm done.
I loved this book so much! It was such a fun read, and I loved the characters and the romance was so perfect.
"Ah, it's a period joke." "It's a period period joke."
Sometimes, a book is so good you can't fathom reading anything else.
Sometimes, a book is so bad that you have to immediately move on the next one.
New World Rising fell into the second category. So here we go on my next OwlCrate book.
Don't read this book. It had an annoying protagonist who does nothing, basically no plot, and an increasing amount of errors as you get further in. It is absolutely not worth reading. Don't waste your time.
"As we sprinted through alley"
...I swear this is getting more common the further in I get.
"By of some miracle"
I could excuse this stuff if it wasn't so common.
And if there wasn't a distinct lack of commas that was giving me an existential crisis about whether or not I know how commas are supposed to be used.
First, there was the bread smile.
Okay, so Phoenix has done LITERALLY NOTHING this entire book. I'm not really sure what the plot of the book is exactly? I think it's "Phoenix agonizes over what she wants in life," because that's literally all she does: She has a mental argument about whether she should stay with the Subversive or escape back to Tartarus.
So, this was a bit of a slow burn and it's pretty description heavy. Sometimes to the point where I got distracted or confused by descriptions of the scenery. It's got a nice mystery vibe, though, and does a good job of feeding you just enough information at a time about the world. It was a really interesting read overall, and I'm looking forward to the next book.
So, the verdict was to start working on catching up on my OwlCrate books. The first one I'm working on is Sandcastle Empire, and it'll be followed by New World Rising. I showed the synopsis of both books to some friends and had them vote which one I should read first, and they both picked Sandcastle. And so far, it's not a bad choice. A little slow and narration-heavy, but overall the story isn't bad.
So, I literally just read this book in my free time all day until I finished it. It was a great book, with an important lesson in how to treat and look out for others. I'll admit, though, I didn't like Clay much. He seemed torn between feeling sorry for Hannah and blaming her for everything that happened to her. Even when realizing that he could have helped her, he blames it on Hannah for not letting. And it ultimately made him unlikeable for me.