Another Richard and Judy 99p book club bargain which I enjoyed. Kept me wanting to read until the end and I had no idea how the ending would turn out. 😁
Another Richard and Judy 99p book club bargain which I enjoyed. Kept me wanting to read until the end and I had no idea how the ending would turn out. 😁
Must say I really enjoyed this book. Was a blend of fact and fiction. Scary as to what went on during those crazy times when faith and superstition were so powerful that people would think nothing of killing their own family . I used to read alot of Phillipa Gregory back in the day and this book rekindled my love for historical works.
To start with the concept was good..then for me personally it got a bit 2 far fetched.. I was thinking like..really?.. this wouldn't happen. Also disappointed by the end.. overall was a OK read but wouldn't rave about it 😁
I love cruises so this book appealed to me right from the moment I read the title. A little slow in places,but gathers pace quite quickly and I raced through the last quarter of the book. An enjoyable read and one I would recommend. 😁
Just started this..read some mixed reviews but as I love cruises and a good suspense/murder/thriller, I should like it. I go on a cruise in 2 weeks but couldn't wait until then to start it 😁
An enjoyable read with the main character Helen whom I really liked. Interesting to see what a relationship like this is like...this is the first book I've read by this author and would definitely add her to my reading list.
I have not seen the tv series so had nothing to compare to. Overall a book I really enjoyed with a great ending.
My husband said this was a good book to read especially as I loved The Night Circus. It is indeed a good book, well written and I liked the story but,in the end,it reminded me of The Night Circus. In fact some parts were VERY similar. I would read the next in the series but not yet.
Didn't watch the series so let's see what the book is like...
I really enjoyed this book and it's concept,cleverly written and I liked how the story was told and the parts all intertwined..will definitely read the companion to this.. A God In Ruins.
Just about to start this.. my husband says it's great ..😊
Loved this book..great story..and a nice twisty at the end. My kind of read.
I liked the plot of this book and the twist I didn't see coming. Very clever.
What a great book!..Magic and reality interwoven to create a game. Beautiful descriptions..draws you right in. Thank goodness there is a part 2 !!
I loved this short story..very clever and draws you in instantly. The main character is SOCO Eddie Collins and I really liked his sense of humour. The author Andrew Barrett really made me feel I was right in the lift! Looking forward to reading book one..The Third Rule 😊
My next read....
Just started part two!...WHAT?!?!?