Oh the ironies of summer reading...
Oh the ironies of summer reading...
There comes a point in an incredible novel when nothing else in life matters but finishing the book. I tore through 400 (ebook) pages in a morning, and I had real tears at the end of this one. History, action, love, hate, politics, and damn good writing. For my money, King is my favorite fun, get-swept away read.
I'll say it--as much as I wanted to enjoy this, I didn't. It dragged, it was overwrought, and less engaging than it should have been. A disappointment.
"Our world will not die as a result of the bomb, as the papers say, it will die of laughter, of banality, of making a joke of everything, and a lousy joke at that."
Fermín Romero de Torres: secular prophet. ❤❤❤
My students reading the Christmas dinner scene! James Joyce is best when experienced. :)
Had the opportunity to attend a talk by Kevin Powell on the intersection of educational leadership and social justice. He's a wonderful speaker!
TFW your friend's literary accomplishments take up half a shelf at Barnes & Noble! Go, Robin Talley! ❤️
My first (and probably only) book dedication! So delighted to have had an impact on a burgeoning author!
I LOVE the day we discuss what "it" is! Myfavorite Hemingway.
PSAT one day Renaissance Faire the next! #crazyteachers
Today was...
Stuck inside on this beautiful day, but not too upset about it.
I read this in the bookstore. Typical Burnham: some great moments, some mediocre, fair amount of sex jokes. Worth a flip-through but not purchase.
#somethingforseptember Not the best book map ever, but beautiful in my signed copy! ❤️ Christopher Moore!
Welcome to my Sundays, y'all. Tutoring kids to improve on BS tests so they can go to college. (To be fair, they KNOW I think it's BS.) #teacherlife #teachersalary
Unlike some others, I thought King was in fine form for this series. Somewhat of a departure from his usual supernatural horror fare, but by the last book he had figured out how to bring it to the table as well. The first and last books were very well-done. The second book was interesting but loosely connected, but I was willing to buy it just to keep it going. Highly entertaining and kept me on the verge of obsessed.
In the acknowledgements, King talks about suicide, one of the major elements in the novel, and prevention. I love that he included this. ❤️
Help! The high school book club that I advise wants a good mystery and I can't decide between Christies! And Then There Were None or Murder on the Orient Express. Any votes? I know which way I'm leaning, but I'm willing to be persuaded!
AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! It's here, it's here! My dear friend's THIRD amazing book has been published and it's BEAUTIFUL. Can't wait to dive in!
While I was kind of tickled by King's self-references in Mr Mercedes, I love the connection to DH Lawrence even more! Such a wonderfully written and disturbing short story.
That moment when...you finish a book and can immediately launch into the next one. Thanks, technology!
When your kid ❤️s books as much as you do and sees going to the bookstore as a fun trip!
AP Lit is in analysis mode: reading "Witnesses, Secret and Not" and discussing this passage about diabetes. Beautifully written, disturbing, true.
In every book, Dumbledore always says something that speaks to the human condition. And I love him for it.
I know I'm a little late and I know there are mixed feelings, but it's still a celebratory moment.
This has been an AWESOME vacation. I'm only halfway through--I like it but I don't love it (yet?). Love Robin, though. More scenes with Robin!
I was wondering how long it would take for the writer to say something like this... "King Cashie hated the intruding whites with all his savage heart..." page 6. ?
"What would happen if we spoke the truth?"
Is it bad that I really wanted a drink in my hand the whole time? But seriously, it was an entertaining few hundred pages. I liked the structure; I appreciate a novel with multiple perspectives, but not so spread out I forget each storyline.
My first Litsy-recommended read! Just tore through it. Visually appealing, creepy, not quite as intense as I was hoping, but fun.
"...he won't always be handsome, and young, and may not always be rich."
"He is now, and I may only to do with the present--I wish you would speak rationally."
WHY DO PEOPLE LOVE THIS BOOK? These are terrible people!