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Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontee
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë

Reading through 200+ pages of a group of people all yelling at each other and threatening to harm each other... Honestly feel like this book gave me the flu. Avoid

Wuthering Heights | Bronte Emily
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@IndoorDame so… most of my copies of this book are in a double or triple or all inclusive Bronte leather. These are my stand alones. I did have more but a girl we mentored loved this book so I gave her some copies. For students that have to read this for high school I always give them the puffin one that is purple, for me myself the Barnes & Noble dark green purple with yellow lettering is my favourite.


IndoorDame Beautiful 🤩 thank you! My Jane Eyre is actually the sister edition of that one with the woodcuts, but I happened to find it used and super cheap so I never got the other. I‘ll look these up but I‘ll definitely especially check out the B&N. I‘ve read this often enough that I want a readable copy. 3mo
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I have all the matching Janes of these 🤭🙃 3mo
vivastory I have the Penguin Clothbound Bronte boxset 💙 3mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame That was my thought once it became required reading…‘ I need a nice pretty readable copy if I‘m going to be reading this often‘. 3mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie oooh nice! Love!!! 3mo
Tamra I love the top middle! This novel is in my top 5 favorites. 🖤 3mo
TheBookHippie @Tamra it‘s a really cool set. 3mo
vlwelser I'm surprised your top most copies wasn't something Shakespeare. Or did you pick the prettiest? Because these are all beautiful. 3mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser these are just copies of WH 🤭🤣🤭 I have 75 Jane Eyre many Alice in Wonderland and Shakespeare ummmm A LOT 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🙃 3mo
vlwelser This actually makes more sense now. I'm not sure I have even a single duplicate of anything. I may not be a book dragon. 😔 3mo
dabbe The top middle with the picture of a tortured Heathcliff. Wowza. 😮🤩😀 3mo
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Anne Brontë (/ˈbrɒnti/, commonly /-teɪ/; 17 January 1820 – 28 May 1849) was an English novelist and poet, the youngest member of the Brontë literary family.
#WutheringHeights #EmilyBronte #WomensHistoryMonth #book #books #bookbag #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #bookbackpack #bookbackpacks #bookbags #booknerd #booknerds #nerd #Classics #Fiction #Gothic #Romance #HistoricalFiction #Literature #Historical #19thCentury ???

Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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My second time reading Wuthering Heights. I figured as I was finally reading some of Charlotte and Anne for the first time, that I would re-read my favourite. After having read Jane Eyre and Agnes Grey, I would conclude that the other stories are probably slightly better written, however, I just think the story of Wuthering Heights trumps all others. The depth and darkness is unmatched and there are passages that are unlike anything I‘ve read.

i.z.booknook P.S. please excuse my reflection in the picture 😂 5mo
Bookwomble Good to know you're not a vampire! 🧛‍♂️ 5mo
BarbaraBB I didn‘t even notice it 😉 5mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect ❤️ 5mo
Eggs ♥️♥️♥️ 5mo
dabbe 💚💙💚 5mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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I know the inside of a book is more important than the outside… but isn‘t this a pretty thing? 🌺

IndoorDame Lovely! 5mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m very tempted by this edition of 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
Tamra Sooooo pretty! I love this novel. 5mo
TheBookHippie @rubyslippersreads SAME 🤣although this one is stunning too (edited) 5mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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1) I am working most of the day, but will be leaving a bit early, It is my brother's 40th bday, so we are going out to eat where we will probably be 2 of 10 patrons as most of KC will be downtown for the super bowl parade.
2) Tagged! If it's good enough for Kate Bush, what's to complain about?! (j/k WH is def not a romance, but I LOVE it)
@thespineview #two4tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing and Happy Valentine's Day 5mo
Gissy I really enjoyed that book 5mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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1. I am off to San Francisco. My daughter fell, broke 2 fingers and is having surgery to set them on Thursday.
2. Probably a love story with miserable characters…my favorite. Hence, the tagged book.

@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

Jari-chan Hoping your daughter is feeling better soon! 5mo
Ruthiella Wishing for your daughter‘s swift recovery! ❤️‍🩹 5mo
TheSpineView Thanks for playing and prayers to your daughter! 5mo
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Bookwormjillk Oh no! I hope she has a swift recovery. 5mo
LiseWorks Oh wow, hope everything goes well 5mo
AmyG Thanks so much for your kind wishes @Jari-chan @Ruthiella @TheSpineView @Bookwormjillk @LiseWorks 5mo
dabbe Sending love and positive thoughts to you and your daughter! ❤️💜🩷 5mo
AnnCrystal Oh no, 🙏💕 may your daughter recovers quickl. 5mo
mabell Oh that‘s awful! I hope she‘s on the mend quickly! 5mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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If by romantic you mean absolute obsession to the point of pure torture--even in the so-called afterlife, then it's got to be these two. 🤩

IndoorDame 😂😂👏👏 5mo
Ruthiella Fyodor Petrovitch and Grushenka! 😂 5mo
dabbe @IndoorDame 🤩😂😍 5mo
dabbe @Ruthiella Oh, lordy! 😂🤩😍 5mo
BookmarkTavern LOL They definitely are compelling! Thanks for posting! 5mo
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I lingered round them, under that benign sky; watched the moths fluttering among the heath, and hare-bells; listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass; and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers, for the sleepers in that quiet earth.
#WutheringHeights #EmilyBronte #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookbag #bookbags #bookblog #Classics #Fiction #Romance #Gothic #HistoricalFiction #Literature #Historical #19thCentury

Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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What a despicable male character Heathcliff is.
I don't know why this man is romanticised. It is beyond me. All he wanted was to possess and destroy everyone around him.

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Getting soaked in Bronte country today. It was very pretty, and very wet.

Soubhiville It looks wonderful, so quaint! 7mo
Oryx @Soubhiville it's a beautiful village. The Bronte family home is there, now run as a museum. And there's even a steam train. It's so cute. 7mo
Soubhiville How cool! Sounds like a perfect day, even with rain. 🤍 7mo
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AmyG Still beautiful. 7mo
squirrelbrain Love Haworth - my Dad lived there for a few years. (In the old school on the left as you walk from the village down to the steam train) 7mo
dabbe 💙❄️💙 7mo
LeahBergen Gorgeous! I‘ve only been once and I‘m dying to visit again. 7mo
Gissy Beautiful😍 7mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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“Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe--I know that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always--take any form--drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”

― Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

OutsmartYourShelf It's a bit cheesy but I love the 1992 version of Wuthering Heights with Ralph Fiennes & Juliette Binoche.

#ScarathlonPhotoChallenge #Haunt #Scarathlon
@clwojick @StayCurious

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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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I was a little confused at the beginning, mainly because of the characters that are introduced all at once, but once I got into the story it all became much clearer.

The plot of this book is just crazy and that‘s the genius of it. I don‘t know how Emily Bronte came up with this story but it‘s insane. The more I read, the wilder it got. My mind is still reeling

Full review: https://oddandbookish.wordpress.com/2023/10/07/review-wuthering-heights/

Tamra I adore this book! I know it‘s polarizing. (edited) 10mo
Monica5 I need to add this to my TBR list 10mo
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oddandbookish @Monica5 Hope you get to read it soon! 10mo
JenniferEgnor This will always be one of my favorites. The tragedy of it! Violence, obsession, ghosts. The most recent film adaptation was the best I‘ve seen. I have an old edition from B&N that you can‘t find anymore. The beautiful black & white photo of a man standing by one lone tree on the moors looking out has always stayed with me. 10mo
oddandbookish @JenniferEgnor Who are the actors in that adaptation? I‘ve been thinking of watching a film adaptation. 10mo
oddandbookish @JenniferEgnor Thanks! Will check it out! 10mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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#Scarathlonphotochallenge #black
Day 1 🎃

I asked my daughter to pick a black cover book from my bookshelves, this was her pick 😊

#Skeletoncrew @Emilymdxn
@Clwojick @StayCurious

Clwojick 🖤🖤 10mo
Emilymdxn Your daughter has fantastic taste 😍 10mo
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Wuthering Heights | Bronte Emily
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@BookwormAHN I am in love!!! Thank you so very much!!!!


I‘ve got my stack ready for October ! 🙃🎉

BookwormAHN You're welcome 😺 10mo
CatMS I thought about this book this morning remembering how much I loved it as a teenager, need to revisit it as an adult. 10mo
TheBookHippie @CatMS I‘ve read it several times, I collect copies of it. 🙃 I think it‘s different everytime I read it! 10mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
CatMS @TheBookHippie I'm sure I will have a different experience now, looking forward to it. 10mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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Here is Group 3 of my #Book2book options. I can either do one of these or all. Open to everyone who signed up for #Book2book. If more than one person wants a book, then I will do a drawing on the 20th for it.
@AllDebooks @Bookish_Gal @Chrissyreadit @LiteraryinLawrence @Clwojick @Cuilin @bcncookbookclub @Tineke @julieclair @Catsandbooks @TheAromaofBooks @Soubhiville @Lizpixie @KateReadsYA @TheBookHippie @dabbe @CSeydel

Catsandbooks One last stop and I kissed shara wheeler please 11mo
julieclair The Adventures of Amina, please! 11mo
Soubhiville I‘m also interested in Shara Wheeler and Amina Al-Siraft 11mo
Cuilin Also interested in Amina 11mo
TheBookHippie Wuthering Heights interested 🙃 (edited) 10mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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I finally feel caught up (for now). So I finally got around to my July wrap up. I had 5, 5 star reads!!! It was a great month with being able to sit and read while my kids either played outside, watched their favorite shows, or played nicely in their room. Knowing that I‘m not going to read as much as this, now that I‘m back to work is sad, but so glad I get to be in a few buddy reads. 🥰💛

Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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5✨ I first read this in high school and enjoyed its writing. I‘m pretty sure I never finished it then. There is a lot of similar of reused names so it was a little hard to follow. There is a lot of abuse written in here for the children. Others are trying to break the cycle. There is love and companionship through their suffering. Another Serial read that I had to finish early. 🥰

Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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Pretty sure I don‘t need to explain why this book was my first thought for a #BadRomance 😱🖤

“You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad, your bad romance

I want your love, and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
I want your love and all your lover's revenge
You and me could write a bad romance”

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Excellent 🎵🖤 13mo
Eggs Absolutely 💯 👏🏻 13mo
dabbe “ 'And I pray one prayer—I repeat it till my tongue stiffens—Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living; you said I killed you—haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!‘ “

Yep, that was one bad romance that I keep reading again and again. 🤩🤣🤗
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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“Emily” is a lovely film 💁🏻‍♀️.

DivineDiana And that is a lovely frock! ❤️ (edited) 14mo
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Wuthering Heights | Bronte Emily
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Da fuck was that! Someone care to explain to me why this is tagged as "Romance"? ??? I don't think so! ?

In the 6 months I've taken to read it, according to Mrs B I've done nothing but complain how horrendous all the characters are (other than Nellie Dean: Victoria Wood in my mental casting ?). I finished the last 20% in one go today, mainly while picnicking at Rufford Old Hall to finally get it over with, and thank goodness, it's done! ?⬇️

Bookwomble (Rating? 😒 Oh yeah - 4.5 ⭐ I loved it 💔 Don't tell anyone 🤫) 14mo
psalva Love this review! 😂 I remember having a similar reaction. 14mo
Suet624 I love your final note. I felt the same way. 14mo
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Aimeesue While I always and forever will loathe WH, your casting of VW as Nellie Dean is inspired! I hadn‘t watched any VW in a while, so I made my way to YouTube and spent a hour there watching Victoria Woods‘ All Day Breakfast. An absolute delight. https://youtu.be/zq2f8QbTrlM 14mo
LeahBergen 🤣 Great review! 14mo
Palimpsest I finally read this a couple of years ago and would have initially liked it better if I hadn‘t expected romance and the characters weren‘t so awful. I watched the 1939 film version since then which helped me appreciate it more and I know I‘ll eventually reread it. 14mo
Bookwomble @Aimeesue I did an internet search to check if Victoria has actually played the part, wondering if I'd seen it and forgotten, but not so. A pity as I think she would have been brilliant as Nellie. So sadly missed 💖 14mo
Bookwomble @Palimpsest I'm sure I've seen that film over the years, though I haven't retained much memory of it. I do have the impression that it made less of the abusive element and played up the romance, but I may be misremembering. 14mo
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë

Beautiful written, but such crazy characters...

#20in4 @Andrew65
Finished my first of four books that I'm in the middle of ..

Andrew65 Brilliant, and a true classic at that. Well done 👏👏👏 1y
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Wuthering Heights | Bronte Emily
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Oh my goodness, it's beautifully written, but all these characters belong on the Jerry Springer show.... 😬😅

Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontee
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I noticed that this biopic of my favorite Bronte is playing this weekend. There doesn't seem to be a critical consensus. Any fans of WH or other Bronte novels see it and recommend?

KathyWheeler I haven‘t watched it yet but might eventually. It‘s interesting that there‘s no consensus about it. 1y
Tamra I‘d love to see it! 1y
mcctrish I think I remember seeing posts about this in the Fall. I‘m totally intrigued 1y
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vivastory @KathyWheeler @tamra @mctrish I just bought a ticket for the Sunday matinee. I'll try to post my thoughts afterwards! 1y
batsy What @Tamra said! I don't know if it'll ever show here unfortunately so I'll have to find some creative ways to watch it. Look forward to your thoughts! 1y
anatrnd i haven't read her books, but i absolutely LOVED this movie, it was great! 1y
vivastory @batsy It's so frustrating having to work around issues like that! Fingers crossed you find a way 1y
vivastory @anatrnd Thanks for the feedback! Looking forward to it 1y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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Of course seeing the stage production made me want to read the book again…and since my husband, who has never read it, expressed interest in doing so, I picked up an edition I‘ve long had my eye on. Love, love, love Reuben Toledo‘s cover!


wordslinger42 I love these covers, too! I also have Jane Eyre and P&P. Not sure if they did any others! 1y
IndoorDame Ooh, exquisite! My copy is falling apart. So tempted 1y
TracyReadsBooks @wordslinger42 I feel like I might need those too…😬 1y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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So exciting to see a favorite book on stage & this production—both incredible AND something else—which comes from a renowned group of UK theatres was a treat. By turns engrossing & head shaking, it was fun seeing the story of Catherine & Heathcliff played out on stage in a production that included puppets, a Greek Chorus, singing, dancing, & yes, even a short rock interlude. I don‘t know if there are other US stops but it‘s an entertaining show.

Meshell1313 Sounds super fun! 1y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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At the theatre tonight and this is either going to be the most awesome thing ever…or something else…I‘m hoping for awesome. Love the book. I hope a stage production (with music I hear) does it justice. 🤞

Meshell1313 Ooh you must post a review after! I‘m so curious if it will be good! 1y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 1y
Eggs Great quote 🤩🥰 1y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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I haven't read this one since high school! Let's see what I think of it now 📖

dabbe I'll be interested to see what you think. My feelings definitely changed (I won't say how until you've read it again). 😊 1y
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Wuthering Heights | Bronte Emily
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I've seen a few reviews complaining about Nelly Dean as the narrator, saying this structural remove of the events to a past mediated by a third party is distancing, but I'm finding her role fascinating. Nelly seems to be in contention with Cathy's tendency to distort and filter reality; she seeks to help Cathy see others as beings with their own intention and agency, rather than as objects moving through her own perceptual field and existing ⬇️

Bookwomble ... only in relation to her. I'm only 40% in, but so far Nelly stands out as the existential hero of the book, self-aware and striving to liberate others. Knowing something of the end (first read, but a culturally-embedded text), it's a tragically unsuccessful effort, which makes Nelly's travail all the more courageous. Though further reading may make bollocks of all this! 😏 1y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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"Having leveled my palace, don't erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home.”

This quote could be from Pedagogy of the Oppressed, but it was said by Heathcliff to Cathy.

Suet624 😃😃👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2y
dabbe Ooh, Heathcliff. Ouch. 🗡️ 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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Whilst this isn't usually my favoured genre, I've heard so many people rave about this gothic romance tragedy, so I've always been intrigued. The drama in this book was so woefully written and I enjoyed the tense atmosphere between all the characters. Heathcliff was such an interesting yet dislikeable character, utterly obsessed with Catherine. The direction of the story towards the end wasn't how I would have liked it, but still worth the read!

Wuthering Heights | Bronte Emily
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“I believe language to have been given us to make our meaning clear, not to wrap it in dishonest doubt."

Charlotte Brontë in her Preface to "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë

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Wuthering Heights | Bronte Emily
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Well, it's certainly not before time that I read Wuthering Heights given how much I love both Kate Bush and Victorian gothic. This edition is from a set of books by the Brontë sisters that I bought Mrs. B on one of our visits to the Brontë Parsonage in Haworth, which is nifty.
There's an 1850 preface by Charlotte in which she seeks to justify the novel's perceived shortcomings, but which to me reads like a sustained dig at Emily. I'm sure that ⬇️

Bookwomble ... wasn't her intention, but she does seems to double-down on some of the criticisms. Still, how better to start the year than with a dour and doomed romance? 2y
dabbe @Bookwomble Amen! And there's no better doomed romance than Heathcliff and Cathy. Oh, how I love the moors and all things British (and Victorian, too!) I was truly lucky to have been able to teach British literature before I retired.😊 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Bronte Emily
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A perfect afternoon. ☕️🫖

Tamra One of my all time favorites. 😍 2y
Chelsea.Poole Pretty! 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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This year was the first time I ever read WH. I had expected a sweeping classic romance and boy was I ever wrong. Because I was utterly surprised by the contemptuous, despicable characters and their sick idea of love I absolutely enjoyed every minute of this disaster of a love story. I‘m thinking this is gonna be my top read of the year.

RebelReader I‘m just finishing up Villette by Charlotte and I‘m not loving it, but perhaps I should try Emily as I haven‘t read WH either. 2y
Tamra I love it too! 😵‍💫 2y
mrp27 @RebelReader I‘ve never read that or Jane Eyre which I need todo. 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë

I have gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness; how undeserved, I alone can appreciate.

Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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I got this lovely copy of ‘Wuthering Heights‘ and I just cannot wait to start it!

Hazel2019 Love this edition! 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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I read this novel long time ago. I forgot how terrible Mr Heathcliff was and how dysfunctional, violent, co-dependent these relations were. But thinking about the author, how brave she was to write in a novel about these topics was incredible and she was young. I think I need to re-read it in the future after maybe read more about the author. I will need, of course, another beautiful edition. I read the Thomas Nelson edition. 4⭐️

TheSpineView Awesome 2y
Gissy #20in4 Readathon (first book) @Andrew65 I used more than 20 hours reading☺️
14 reading hours x 10 points= 140 pts x 12 readathons = 1680 pts + 15 pts ScarathlonDailyPrompt + 5 genre + 6 post

Total= 1,706 points

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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
Tamra Love that edition & the novel! 2y
Gissy @Tamra I have various titles from the same special edition. I decided that I will read some of my special editions, when I die, many years for that I hope😜🤣 books probably will end in the recycle bin or in a charity store that we don‘t have many here. They don‘t read or have the passion for books as I have🤷🏽‍♀️So now is the moment to appreciate those beauties😍I really enjoyed that novel with that terrible character. I‘m glad I re- read it🤗 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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From now on calling this The Real Housewives of Wuthering Heights. I missed this in school and have always been intimidated by it. WHY? These people are crazy as hell.

Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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“You said I killed you—haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe—I know that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!“

#ghost #scarathlondailyprompts #teamslaughter

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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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I know we're on Jane Eyre right now, #PemberLittens, but every time I see this making the rounds on social media, I absolutely screamlaugh. Someone find the woman who wrote this tweet and give her an award. Or, at the very least, some hot applesauce to throw in an enemy's face. #Brontussy

Erinsuereads I've just discovered your posts in the pemberlittens tags so prepare for spaming, cause this incense is 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣 2y
Andrea313 @ErinSueMreads Have at it! 😂🤣 2y
Erinsuereads *meme ... Literally no idea how it corrected to incense 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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Because I'm an English Lit teacher there are an absurd amount of books I've reread an absurd amount of times, but purely for pleasure I've read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry multiple times. I've also read Wonder by RJ Palacio both in school and at home with my own kids 💛

Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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I've read some crazy books, but this was... indescribable. A good book, but damn were those characters horrible and some a bit dumb. Felt exasperated here and there. The things that went on, unpunished.. Kate Bush' song was perfect, it fit so well and gave me some much needed lightness to persevere. They're not pretty, but I do enjoy the Penguin Popular Classics.
TBR since February 19th. 2019; 279 pages.

SarahBookInterrupted I finally read it this year as well and felt the same as you. 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë
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Today‘s thrifts haul for $3.50

AuntCourtney That‘s an amazing haul 2y
AuntCourtney That‘s an amazing haul 2y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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“He wanted all to lie in an ecstasy of peace; I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. I said his heaven would be only half alive; and he said mine would be drunk: I said I should fall asleep in his; and he said he could not breathe in mine.”

Remembering Emily Bronte on her birthday.

Cathythoughts ♥️ 2y
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