Starting An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson to try to get out of this mini reading slump. I've heard fabulous things about this one!!
Starting An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson to try to get out of this mini reading slump. I've heard fabulous things about this one!!
It's been a while since I've read non-ya science fiction. So glad I found this one! I loved the science of this world - The plausibility of it all. Highly recommended!
So good! I was so sure I had it all figured out but I was so wrong. Love it when a story can surprise me.
Reading this one slow cause I don't want it to end. Schwab rules! Also - I love duologies!
About half way through this one and really enjoying it. Anyone else read it?
The unique character names were too distracting. This is a - not for me but maybe good for you book.
They can't all be 5 stars! Things would get boring real quick!
My assumptions were all wrong. Fantastic read as a whole. Even more fantastic broken up into pieces.
9 short stories - some never before published. Loved them all! It was so fantastic being back in this world!