calling all idiots, punks, and meanderers-Give this "un a (re-) read.
No complaints (moans generally relished) it's only 200 pgs and has the goods
calling all idiots, punks, and meanderers-Give this "un a (re-) read.
No complaints (moans generally relished) it's only 200 pgs and has the goods
you know your feeling randy when you buy a book like this on the spot.
Cheers, Atticus.
Eco is a phenome. Short essays that are structurally beautiful. I'd of thought it was DFW if I didn't know.
Can't wait to read Foucault's Pendulum.
"For God's sake, the whole thing has to be retyped, but you asked to see it, remember, so I gave it to you as is, this is so obvious, but anybody can read a book after it's published, that's hardly the point ..."
Excellent for both hardcore SF fans as well as SF dabblers. Does not presume anything past high school memory of science (physics).
Great author demonstrating an undeniable capacity for imagination as well as a capacity to share the fruits of his imagination with a general, non-specialized audience:
Diabolo (singular) Diabolus (plural). Had to look up the definition. Nice little word. Very apposite in this context.
Cthulu Statue, approx. 7.5 inches in height, Copyright © 2007 Corinne Crowe
In Chapter IX-Horror Fiction, SKing makes his case for the
"...horror story as both literature and entertainment, a living part of twentieth-century literature... They are books and stories which seem to me to fulfill the primary duty of literature—to tell us the truth about ourselves by telling us lies about people who never existed.
Curating this collection, Leslie Klinger reveals HP Lovecraft through 22 selected stories, carefully compiled & complimented by Klinger's fantastic footnotes.