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Foucault's Pendulum (Trade)
Foucault's Pendulum (Trade) | Umberto Eco, Eco
"As brilliant and quirky as THE NAME OF THE ROSE, as mischievous and wide-raning....A virtuoso performance."THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLEThree clever book editors, inspired by an extraordinary fable they heard years befoe, decide to have a little fun. Randomly feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into an incredible computer capable of inventing connections between all their entires, they think they are creating a long lazy game--until the game starts taking over....Here is an incredible journey of thought and history, memory and fantasy, a tour de force as enthralling as anything Umberto Eco--or indeed anyone--has ever devised.
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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This is where the title of our latest episode comes from. Maggot doesn't mean what you think it means, by the way.


Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Picking one of these to read for August

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Chunkster challenge accepted.

JamieArc Good luck! I would be intimidated by this one! 2y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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My dad was pruning his bookshelves, so #bookhaul for me 😀 My tbr reduction goal for the year is now in jeopardy but oh well!

LeahBergen Lovely! 3y
batsy Nice! The Penguin Sutcliff 😍 3y
batsy Puffin, rather 😁 3y
llwheeler @batsy that's actually the only one in the stack that I've read already 🙂 loved it as a kid, looking forward to rereading sometime 3y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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2 day holiday coming up, will I get through this book? Probably not all the way but so far I'm in!

Cottage cheese matzah meal pancakes #passover and happy Easter too!

BennettBookworm These look amazing! Happy Passover! 3y
Ruthiella Yum 😋 Happy Pesach😋! (edited) 3y
Come-read-with-me Looks delicious! 3y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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“I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.”

#QuotsyApr19 | 22: #Environment

📷: Made with Typorama

Cinfhen I believe there is truth in this sentence 5y
LiterRohde @Cinfhen And I think that goes for moms too. 5y
Cinfhen Thank you, as a mom I hope that‘s true as well. 😊💕 5y
greenhairdontcare Love this. 💚 5y
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Foucault's Pendulum (Trade) | Umberto Eco, Eco
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Finished at 3am in Hamburg Central Station McDonald‘s after a complicated snafu with flight times... not ideal reading conditions for a book this complicated.

I didn‘t adore this book but reading 3/4 of it in one day while trying to stay awake for a flight probably wasn‘t very fair to it. I loved the digressions about the nature of narrative, and Lia and C‘s relationship, but the plot was impossible to follow 🤷‍♀️

zsuzsanna_reads I find this book is better on a second read. Plus you have to take it slow. But yes, the plot is open to interpretation. 6y
Emilymdxn @zsuzsanna_reads I think I just read it in the worst possible circumstances to appreciate a book like this, which I didn‘t intend to do but the flight fuck-up ruined it a bit :( 6y
zsuzsanna_reads Oh well, you can try again in a few years! 6y
Emilymdxn @zsuzsanna_reads yeah it‘s definitely one to revisit - I don‘t reread books much but this feels like one of the rare ones where I will 6y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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This German park might be the most restful reading spot I‘ve ever found!

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Hamburg is so busy I‘m not getting any time to read at all! Crawling through Foucault‘s Pendulum in dribs and drabs... which isn‘t how it wants to be read I feel. Brief stop to recharge in McDonald‘s where I‘m fitting in a bit of reading, as the museum we wanna go to will have cheaper tickets if we wait an hour.

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Back at the airport yet again! Squeezing a little reading in en route to Hamburg. Germany here I come 💛💛💛

scripturient Have fun in Hamburg! :) Are you heading anywhere else in Germany? 6y
Emilymdxn @scripturient nah just in Hamburg for a few days really, it‘s not a big trip 6y
Simona Enjoy❣️ 6y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Fangirl was like a lovely palette cleanser that put my brain back in the right place, and now I feel ready for something chunky and serious again. Curled up under my blanket with Umberto Eco for a long night working my way into this #chunkster

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Tough read for a tough commute. I love working from the Milan office, but I am not used anymore to such a long ride to work. #tiredthursday #mounttbr #umbertone

ReadZenRites May good books carry you home quickly...😊💕 6y
DivaDiane It‘s tough, but satisfying in the end. I should probably read it again. 6y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Not really spring break up here. March break was last week for grade and high schools in Ontario and reading week is usually in February for universities. Anywho.

🌦️ Can't think of any.
✈️ Foucault's Pendulum.
🌿 Fiddle heads. With a lot of butter.
📖 Any book. Any book you are reading in March. Really, just read one! It's all good!

#weekendchat @CSeydel

Lindy Mmmmm. Fiddleheads. Me too. 7y
tournevis @Lindy I can't wait! 7y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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My reading buddy and I are making great progress on this chilly afternoon.

#dog #readingbuddy #hejustwantsmyblanket

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Whew, I finally finished the absolute #tome that is From Hell, now it's time for...


Hah, haha, uh, my finished list for February is going to be about three books long, *maybe.*

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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A captivating novel but very difficult to read! I have discovered a Wikipedia page listing all the obscure words and names in the novel which is very helpful..

AiBBot Oh man. I wish I had thought of checking out Wikipedia for that. 7y
WessamD Yeah it takes a lot of efforts to decipher the novel on your own! 7y
RaimeyGallant Such a good idea. And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. 7y
WessamD @RaimeyGallant Thanks a lot :) 7y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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1. Well, it's not the biggest book in terms of page number (it only has 627), but it sure feels like it! Dense book, hard slog, worth it.
2. Smaller usually
3. Strong with milk and honey
4. "Night on Glacier Bay" herbal from Butterfly Herbs
5. In bed
6. Always loved reading, but the obsession started with the Chronicles of Narnia!

Jenni_Capps The Chronicles of Narnia, I love it! Such a good one! 7y
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Foucault's Pendulum (Trade) | Umberto Eco, Eco
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I read this once, a long time ago now. I hadn‘t read him before, hadn‘t discovered my own love for semantics or semiotics: all I knew is the cover looked cool and the writing style intrigued me.

I read it in a day. All of it. Woke up thinking I‘d get a chapter in, called in sick, barely remembered to eat. By the end I was as frazzled and unsure of reality as the protagonists were, and it was amazing. Eco at his playful, insane best. #rainydayread

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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If you want an easy, uplifting story, do not read this book. If you want to read a book about three men who begin to play with the words, ideas, and theories surrounding the Templars to an obsessive level only to become consumed by the power of the Plan, then read this book. Lia is my hero.

AiBBot WARNING: I felt like I could stop after each page and research all the ideas, literary forms, historical/psychologic/sociologic references. I bought the book but finally downloaded it on my kobo because I kept checking up words in the dictionary. It was exhausting to read. 7y
tournevis In the 1990s, a year after it came out, a literary magazine did a survey and it showed that only about 1 in 10 people who had started it had actually finished it. I was not surprised. 7y
AiBBot I totally get that. 7y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Oblomov26 Wow that is perfect 7y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Earlier in the year, enjoying some wine and figuring out the mysteries of Foucault's Pendulum so that I can #Ruletheworld 😼 #junetunz @Cinfhen

batsy Close fight in the polls between you and Snufkin 7y
Billypar @batsy How could I complete with him? I'll have to make him an ally- with his mistrust of authority and easy-going pipe-smoking, he'd fit right in with Eco's editors 😜 7y
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Cinfhen Ha @batsy Honestly I would hate to #RuleTheWorld @Billypar it's a pretty messed up place these days 😠 7y
batsy @Billypar Yeah you'll have to talk him into forming a party. You'll win the majority. Pipe-smoking, wine-drinking, easy-going reading... I'll canvas for you guys 😀 7y
Billypar @batsy Excellent- let's win some hearts and minds 👏👏✌ We just need a party name- maybe #Littenarians ? And #Snufkin2win for the campaign. 7y
batsy @Billypar That's so catchy. You were made for this! 😁 #snufkin2win 7y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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5/5 If you're in the middle of this and wondering, 'is wandering through this seemingly endless secret history lesson really worth it by the end?', the answer is yes. The payoff is memorable to say the least and it's got a hell of a denouement. But the whole thing is good- even the rabbit holes and lengthy discussions put you in the same headspace as the protagonists- after awhile you start to become complicit in their growing obsession.

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Taking the plunge. If you don't hear from me in a month, send help.

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco

I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.

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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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CouronneDhiver Unreal! Thanks for sharing. 😄 8y
Tav That is a wondrous thing! 8y
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LeahBergen He was amazing. 💗 8y
Suet624 Wow,wow,wow.. 8y
Hobbinol Gosh, I just loved that. Thanks!❤❗ 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @BookInMyHands @CouronneDhiver @Tav @LeahBergen @Suet624 @Hobbinol Didn't you all just want to walk with him and hang out and talk about books? He looked like that would have been so brilliant! 8y
Suet624 YES! (edited) 8y
Hobbinol No doubt! 8y
Tav YES 8y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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About to start my next #LitsyReadingChallenge book. #LRC15 #translated

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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Some duplicates in paper format (in Slovenian and English) ...but I will not share with you how much duplicates I have in paper and e form, because I'm embarrassed. One more thing - now I have some books in the triple format, due to the audiobooks and this goes on the #blameitonlitsy account!

#seasonsreadings #multiplecopies

TheLondonBookworm I have sooo many duplicates!! It's just whenever I find a book that I really like I end up having it in all formats 😂😂 I feel your pain! 8y
Theresa Duplicates are so easy to accumulate when they have specials like getting the audiobook for a reduced rate if you buy the ebook 1st & the combined total for that offer is less than the regular price of the audiobook! And then there are different covers for different editions! So many excuses! #blameitonlitsy 😁 8y
Simona @Theresa I'm very good with excuses 😁 8y
Simona @TheLondonBookworm It's just ridiculous! 8y
UwannaPublishme 😊👍🏻 8y
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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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I'm slowly going through Foucault's Pendulum. I really enjoy it but it's the kind of book you don't want to rush. And it was also nice to take break while touring in Northern Territories- Australia

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco

I'm slowly going through Foucault's Pendulum. I really enjoy it but it's the kind of book you don't want to rush. And it was also nice to take break while touring in Northern Territories- Australia

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco

Somehow I've ended up on a bit of a conspiracy kick between this and the podcast Tanis and a book club discussion last night that included The Da Vinci Code. I found this book surprisingly propulsive considering that it consists almost entirely of info dumps and is over six hundred pages long. The Name of the Rose is more accessible for sure.

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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Humbled by the power of nature and the power of literature
#umbertoeco #ubirr #australia

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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I've just started this one and I have to admit, it's not an easy read! But I'm now over the 100th page and the book is slowly coming together... It's been a while since I haven't had a proper challenging read. And I'm loving it! What about you? Any difficult read for you at the moment?

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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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"... Why are pyramids found on both sides of the Atlantic?"
"Because it's easier to build pyramids than spheres. Because the wind produces dunes in the shape of pyramids and not in the shape of the Parthenon."
"I hate the spirit of the Enlightenment," Diotallevi said.

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Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco

"'What was the Catholic Church?' a Martian historian in the year 3000 might ask. 'The people who got themselves thrown to the lions or the ones who killed heretics?' All of the above."

Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco
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I would be lying if I told you I completely understood this book & could explain it to you. But that didn't stop me from loving it.

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