Love Lost 🌸
"I was happy before I met him. But I‘m alive now, and those are not the same thing."
- Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
Reading this for our Mythology Class. 🌸📖💕
Second current read. Next to The Hunger Games. YES I read two books, right after another to escape reading slump. 😁
This book has full of equations, formulas and probabilities which made me unwell because I have allergies with Math. 😂
"Would you tell me," said Alice, a little timidly, "why you are painting those roses?" ???
Alice: "How long is forever?"
White Rabbit: "Sometimes, just one second."
Beautiful illustrations from a Barnes and Noble exclusive Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass leather edition ?
"It seems that thinking 'things can get worse' is an invitation for things to get much, much worse." - Broken Hearts, Fences and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn ?
"A world of light overpowers a world of darkness." - Threatening Souls by Nicole Lambert ?
❗️My post got DELETED❗️
I never liked scary reads because I'm such a scaredy cat who hides under the blanket! But this book is an EXCEPTION! It did gave me another look on the genre, because it's not purely horror, but with mystery and thriller as well! This book will release in a few days! Can't wait! ✨ #AllHallowsRead #FavoriteYAScaryRead
Last page of the book, Catching Fire 🍂
Currently reading on ebook. Who's excited for this book's upcoming release? ✨ #ThreateningSouls #NicoleLambert
Curiouser and curiouser ♠️❤️♣️♦️
New post in my blog!
Sheltering Rain by Jojo Moyes will have the 3R's (Review, Rant and Rating) coming up on my Wordpress account! 😉 Check out the photo of To All The Boys I've Loved Before on this Litsy feed for the account name 😁
"The town was paper, but the memories were not." I'm currently reading Paper Towns by John Green ? It's my third read out of 25 books goal for this year. Yeah, its just that small because I'm still owning few books and quite busy for University because I'm on a third year. ☺️
Also, a review is up on my Wordpress account for this book! Check out first post of review for my Wordpress account 🌸
My review for this book is up on my Wordpress account! Check it out on my 3R's: reviews, rants and rating 📖🙈🌟 at www.booksandmisadventuresblog.wordpress.com 📚
"However, there was one thing I managed to do in seven minutes that most would say is quite impressive: I became queen." - Eadlyn Schreave, The Heir ?
FIRST POST! Found an app that's for booklovers so I gave it a try! ? Check out also my bookstagram: ayreadbooks ?