The rise of #AlternativeFacts is making me feel doubleplusungood. 1984 was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual.
The rise of #AlternativeFacts is making me feel doubleplusungood. 1984 was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual.
The question at the center of the book literally, and if I had to guess, literarily as well.
This screenplay recaptured the wonder I thought I'd lost after reading Cursed Child. Unlike the play, this screenplay was written by Rowling, and it shows.
Stories upon stories upon stories. The past always making itself present. Yann Martel might not be Portuguese, but he writes like it.
"An automobile is as harmless as a cigarette." Hah, 1904, you're funny.
Does it rely on fanfiction-esque plot tropes? Yes. But it also addresses adult themes that I wasn't expecting, and that's what I enjoyed most. Having two beers as I read probably helped, too.
One of my childhood favorites! I learned English from Sesame Street. I can't wait to share this with my nieces.
"Nothing is as painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change."
Too accurate to my post-graduation experience.
This whole book is a handbook on inertia, but I mean that in the most loving way. I bought it back in August 2014 and I have yet to finish it.