Apparently humanity was living in a post fact world as far back as 1859. 😂 😅
Apparently humanity was living in a post fact world as far back as 1859. 😂 😅
The quote of the day #posttruth #alternativefacts #fakenews
Dietrich Bonhoeffer had some insights that are still relevant today. #alternativefacts
Just started this one on the same day that Trump suggested Andrew Jackson could've prevented the First American Civil War. Slightly ironic. #alternativefacts
Three books that have been in my tbr pile for a while. Now might be the time to read them with Pres. Cheeto trying to scare everyone about immigrants and trans people. #fear #scaretactics #shockdoctrine #currentevents #resist #alternativefacts
Books Buying Ban.
But in my case, it stands for Better Buy Books.
Did you know that the Norse gods invented hammers and are the whole reason we are able to connect two pieces of wood and live in houses to this day? Discover more #alternativefacts like this in Neil Gaiman's newest entry in his quest to be shelved in every section in a bookstore, NORSE MYTHOLOGY! Out today!
#reading #books #amreading #bookstore #bookstagram #book #literature #neilgaiman #norsemythology #thor #mrnancy #americangods
"A great deal of the time you were expected to make them up out of your head." --> #alternativefacts
Well now. ?✊?