I loved Twinkle and Sahil and especially Dadi. There‘s a great story and wonderful characters with growth and basically this was everything I wanted it to be.
I loved Twinkle and Sahil and especially Dadi. There‘s a great story and wonderful characters with growth and basically this was everything I wanted it to be.
This is a masterpiece and Amie and Jay are geniuses. Obsidio is the biggest roller coaster and has all of the feels ever. I can‘t recommend this series enough.
This book was heartbreaking and hilarious and hopeful with characters who were easy to root for and an ending that made me hug the book when I was done.
Another great story from Cindy: fun plot and characters I really enjoyed.
Anna-Marie writes the most dynamic families and captivating settings and they‘re both wrapped up in the most lush and lyrical words.
I highly recommend all of her books.
This book starts out with a bang and was pretty fast paced throughout. The small lulls in the story felt like just enough time to get my heart steady before something else would happen. It was creepy and tension filled and there was just so much damn corn.
I don't normally read middle grade, but I love Tamara's words. Click'd is a quick and fun read with characters who were easy to root for.
A perfect and fitting ending to a series I absolutely loved. I especially enjoyed seeing all of the characters from Anna and Lola.
Empowering and fierce, Moxie is a story everyone should read.
Sadly, this one left me wanting. I did love all of the Cassian and Azriel we got and could have had another 100 pages of Amren and it still wouldn't have been enough. I missed the banter and fun that was underlying everything like it was in ACOMAF.
One of my favorite books from Paula. Excellent characters, fantastic banter and swoons, and a realistic look at mental health and treatment.
Lush prose I want to roll around in, a captivating plot with a quiet anticipation, and characters who were easy to root for. This is one of my favorites.
Being inside Noah's head was everything I could have wanted. The entire story is a roller coaster that I should have been prepared for, but I wasn't. And I don't have words for the ending. An amazing addition to Noah and Mara's story.
One of my absolute favorites and a go-to reread when I want a pick me up.
Two artists find each other on a midnight bus and swoons happen.
A fantastic Beauty and the Beast retelling of sorts, told only as Sarah could do.
I'm not normally a fan of sci-fi, but this unique format had me captivated and the 600+ pages just flew by. It was one of my top 5 books of 2015.