Reading this baby but i wont be able to finish it before the new year 😭
Reading this baby but i wont be able to finish it before the new year 😭
I absolutely loved this book! I loved the magic and character growth and all the drama and playing and games!
I absolutely loved this book! You have comedy and adventure and drama and everythinh! Fully recomend it!
Full review and more on my bookstagram at @bookstagramnerdy and on my facebook page at Bookstagram Nerdy
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I simply loved the book! I had read it once when i was younger but in the spirit of remembering i decided to read the whole series! Absolutely loved it!
Would recomend if you liked Harry Potter and The Hunger Games!
#PercyJackson #TheOlimpians #books #review #BookstagramNerdy #Instagram #facebook #love