1960s coming of age slash CIA spy novel. Sounds like a weird combo, but it works! Fun, fast-paced and has a very real protagonist
1960s coming of age slash CIA spy novel. Sounds like a weird combo, but it works! Fun, fast-paced and has a very real protagonist
So excited to see the ARC appear on Edelweiss! #Gunsabove was one of my absolute favorites from last year — it‘s #steampunk but only because #airships , otherwise great otherworld #Regency facsimile #military #scifi
Supernatural Jason Bourne is the Feb pick for @MystGalaxyBooks #bookclub. Barely started it but there‘s a teapot, a bunny and a 6-tentacled cephalopod on the cover so I‘m in!
Family isn‘t always the people you‘re born to. Pepper and Sidra weren‘t born to anyone (or really “born” at all in a traditional sense). But they, along with others, are a family, and this book is all about that journey to finding a place in the galaxy. Speaking as someone who really liked TLWTASAP I can say that this was even better. Characters you fall in love with, great world-building. A sure bet.
Breaking with your insular family and community to be the first to grab opportunity in the wider galaxy, discovering that not only are you more than you thought you were, but your home is more than you thought it was, and together, you and your past/family/community can create a better future for the universe. Binti is an amazing character!
I'm a sucker for #steampunk and a good #seafaring adventure and this has both! Well, sort of, since the sea in question is outer space between Earth and Mars. It has the same feel, though, plus automatons, a smart, strong, scientifically-gifted girl rubbing up against Regency gender roles, and a galactic British Empire! If you like #Larklight then this is a book for you.
I loved this more than I expected. Leia is a New Republic Senator about 20 years after ROTJ, investigating a shadow threat which is overshadowed by a scandal that may explain why her family is the way it is in TFA. Great characters and plot!
I love Star Wars but have never been able to get into any of the books. This looks like it's going to be the first! Leia, New Republic Senate intrigue and a shadow threat in the years before Force Awakens
Just started today, rec'd by a friend after I told her how much I loved Name of the Wind by Rothfuss. Excited to be back in the epic fantasy world!