This is an excellent resource for anyone feeling stressed or overwhelmed by life. It provides a great overview of how stress affects the brain and offers practical solutions to manage the stresses of daily life.
This is an excellent resource for anyone feeling stressed or overwhelmed by life. It provides a great overview of how stress affects the brain and offers practical solutions to manage the stresses of daily life.
I just finished this book, and I'm ready to read the next book in the series. Excellent writing, unique story, fascinating characters... This one is definitely worth reading.
Suspense, mystery, and a look at the complexity of human nature are beautifully intertwined in this book. Hints of faith and doubt now and then add to the depth of the story without taking it over. I highly recommend Misery Loves Company by Rene Gutteridge.
A captivating read that gives an interesting look at what it means to be a Christian. There were a few theological issues, but overall the story had a good message.
Have you ever read a book and gotten something from it that someone else didn't?
#reading #books #fridayreads #authorlife
Happy Independence Day to all my American friends! Have a fun and safe time celebrating. 😀
I placed a hold on this book at my local library and forgot about it until they notified me it was in. Guess what I'm doing this weekend? Assuming I can hold out that long. 😉
This is an excellent book about America, patriotism, and the changes the nation has gone through. It also contains glimpses into Dan Rather's life and career, which add an inspiring personal touch. I highly recommend this book.
This is an important distinction everyone should aware of. Patriotism is great! Nationalism...not so much.
An excellent end to another amazing series by Rick Riordan. If you haven't read The Heroes of Olympus series, do it. You won't regret it. Just one word of advice. Read the Percy Jackson series first or you'll feel a little lost at times. 😉
Another excellent book from Rick Riordan. I reached the last page and immediately wanted more. I need to know what happens next!
This is one of the best dedications I've ever seen. 😁
This is the first book I've read by Brandon Sanderson, and all I can say is, "More please." ? Steelheart pulled me in and wouldn't let me go until I reached the end. Then I went and downloaded the sequel because I'm dying to find out what happens next. ?
My last book of 2017! It has a complex plot that gets a little mind-bending at times. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well worth a read for fans of Stargate SG-1. ☺
This book is *amazing*! I loved it from the start and kept loving it until the end. I highly recommend it to everyone who likes YA romance. You won't be disappointed!
I fell in love with this book the moment I started reading it. A quarter of the way through, I love Dimple and Rishi even more. 😍
A bit over the top at times, but still an action-packed story that drew me in.
You know that feeling when the library sends you an email to let you know the ebook you had on hold is in and has automatically been checked out to you? Yeah, I'm totally basking in that feeling. 😍
#heroesofolympus #rickriordan #librariesrock #lovethisseries
This is an excellent start to another series by Rick Riordan. I can't wait to read the rest of the Heroes of Olympus series! If you enjoy mythology and adventure, give The Lost Hero a try.
Too much foul language and sex for my tastes. If you don't mind that sort of thing, it's a lovely, complicated romance that offers a fascinating look at Indian culture.
I loved the humor, the angst, and the messy, mixed up feelings of teens trying to find their way and themselves. My only complaints are some of the language used (I'm not a fan of swearing) and the love scenes. Even though the toasty scenes were vague and described in mostly euphemisms, I prefer "clean" romances, especially when written for teens. Despite that, this book was definitely worth reading.
I checked these out of my library this morning, but didn't realize the covers shared a color scheme until I saw them together. 😂
#amreading #fridayreads #coverlove #needtopaymoreattention
I gave this book an honest try. For the first third, I enjoyed it a great deal. Then I got to the part where Will wants to kill himself because he'll never make a full recovery and his mom agreed to help him. As a person with disabilities, this made me angry enough to want to throw the book against the wall. To imply life in a wheelchair can't be worth living turned this book into a rare DNF for me.
Amazingly insightful doesn't even begin to describe this book. Sebastian Junger looks at different societies and ties the necessities of tribal behavior to the health of a society. I've spent the last few years watching America tear itself apart, and this book offered a logical explanation for that phenomenon. I highly recommend Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging for anyone wondering where modern society went off course.
How true is this statement? Strong emotions (such as those experienced by combat vets) not dealt with can quickly become a destructive force.
My current reading material. Sebastian Junger is an excellent author whose conversational style brings nonfiction to life.