I read this in one sitting, I could not stop reading. Wavy and Kellen are characters that will stay with me. I laughed, cried, and will read this again
I read this in one sitting, I could not stop reading. Wavy and Kellen are characters that will stay with me. I laughed, cried, and will read this again
I don't know what to rate this. Well written, slightly gruesome, and the end left me feeling sad. The kind of sad where you are missing someone or something, but it's been long enough to dull the edges of the hurt. I wouldn't read it again, but would be open to reading other books by this author.
Second book in the series. I read this book in less than 2 1/2 hours, couldn't put it down! Hades, Persephone and the rest are immediately interesting and draw you into the story. Easily readable as part of the series or a stand alone book
Superbly written, I love this series. Will definitely read again.
Pretty decent read, would likely read again. Midwife or witch, or somewhere in between. Alice and Fleetwood make an unlikely duo that end up changing the lives of many people around them, for better or worse.
The story immediately pulls you into a page turner with an eerie feeling of something is wrong, but no immediately clear reason why. The making and breaking of a family, a broken woman whose experience of motherhood is everything she feared. Disturbing and couldn't put it down
First half of the book is a snooze, last half a lot happens but I felt it was an unfinished or rushed ending. If the intent was to blur the line between reality and hallucinations, the author definitely succeeded. Not something I would read again,
A slave woman tells the story of the war between the Greeks and the city of Troy. Really interesting subject matter from the perspective of a minor queen captured and given as a war prize to Achilles. I wanted to like it a lot more than I actually did. I will read it again later as the premise of the book is really interesting.
10/10 must read
Not an easy story to read, but absolutely worth it. Looking forward to reading other works by this author.
8/10 Definitely recommend
What I was expecting wasn't what the book delivered. What it did deliver was a book I couldn't put down, with moments that made me laugh, cry and left me feeling like I'd actively been a party of the story.
8/10 Worth reading, it's easy to get lost in this book.
Interesting insights into the Amish lifestyle, and what the end of the world would look like from their perspective. I will read this one again
-2/10 Not recommended
I forced myself to finish it in hopes it would get better, or at least make sense. This book is about one day, at a restaurant, from numerous characters perspectives. There is so much backstory and excruciating detail from each character, that you completely lose track of the actual story premise, until the last few pages. Even then, the book ends, but leaves so many loose ends it feels unfinished.
5/10 This is a very imaginative book. The world and the characters were both interesting and diverse. I certainly haven't read anything like it before. The main issue I encountered was that quite few things that were a little too far fetched even for my tastes.
I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from voraciousreadersonly.com, and my opinions are my own
Not what I expected in the best way possible. Tony and Frankie are immensely likable larger than life characters. If you enjoy a good detective story with a dash of romance, a shot of fantasy, and a thread of humour throughout, you should read this book. The author brings his characters to life and creates an immersive experience you simply can't put down. I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from voraciousreadersonly.com
3/10 The story that this book tells is really good in theory, but not well executed in that it ended up feeling like I was reading someone's diary. A lot happened, and it moved fairly quickly but never felt like it fully developed.
I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from voraciousreadersonly.com
10/10 This book had me hooked from the very beginning. Amanda Knight is a psychic widow with a knack for solving crimes. Ghosts, demons, sibyls, witches and dwarves occupy the same space as humans in the forest, and she receives some help from a few unexpected places. Bundy manages to keep the surreal just real enough to be believable, and creates a world where past, present, and future all play together in the most delightful manner
8/10 Funny and quick moving, definitely a great read. I've read this one a couple times, and it doesn't seem to get old or boring. Space pirates, secret identities, and crime lords? Yes please!
3/10 I really wanted to enjoy this book. Half way through, and I still can't find anything to keep my interest. Arius had a good start as a character, but Anaya made me super frustrated and annoyed. She acts/reads as about 6 years old, but is supposed to be an adult. I can't finish the book, too bad. The majority of the characters came across as either useless, confused or both.
4/10 Great concept, actual delivery was iffy. I really wanted to enjoy this book, but the repetition and characters quickly became banal at best, and downright irritating at worst. Character development around Sue and Bill was okay, the Skidians were pedantic and absurd. I won't read this again.
9/10 Fine example of the historical romance genre. Good read, likeable characters, and just enough going on to make it interesting.
8/10 This book, like her others are written in such a way that you recognize yourself, your family, and people you know in her books. Lydia losing herself to keep those around her happy is a sensative topic for me, this is not a book I will forget.
7/10 Decent read, too much and not enough happening all at once. There is a thread of a story, but it almost feels like you can't really get into it because the substance just isn't there. Interesting concept of a book, but left me wishing for more depth.
8/10 Rollicking good read, rather a good specimen of the historical romance genre. Well worth the read, and Tavis is a favourite!
9/10 Excellent book, definitely a case of truth is stranger (and more interesting) than fiction. I enjoy how this is written, more like a conversation with a friend than a point A to point B type story. I've got a list of a couple restaurants I want to try next time I'm in Toronto!
6/10 Had a tough time getting started with this book. Around the 1/2 way point, it started to get interesting. Decent read, but wouldn't read it again.
10/10 6th book in the series, and still going strong. Interesting juxtaposition of fantasy and factual details. Well worth the read, would be great for travelling, on the beach, or anywhere in between.
10/10 Much more in depth story of Dani. I sincerely hope the author writes more stories about the individual characters in this series! Very well written and impossible to put down.
8/10 Nonfiction Biography. Some parts of this book struck a deep chord. When my father passed, it was unexpected and very hard for me. I was able to relate to Helens grief and feeling very odd. Helen found her salvation in Mabel. Goshawks are rather different birds, and I'm interested in learning more about them.
10/10 Fairly short read, would make for a very interesting longer story. Matt and Branch are my favourite characters in this. Some interesting plant knowledge in this one as well.
10/10 Three way tie between Warren, Mercy, and Zee on who's my favourite character. Book #5 out of 11, and I can't wait to see where the author takes this storyline. Another great read for travelling, you get sucked into the story, and by the time you finish and come up for air a bunch of time has passed!
10/10 The series has sadly come to its end. I cried more through this book than any of the others. Not the ending I expected, but perfect nonetheless. Long but worth every minute of the read.
8/10 Great story, I read it in one sitting! Wayne, and Treadway are very different characters, with a few hardfound similarities. Some chapters are overlong on description with a distinct lack of anything happening. I'd read this again, and would be interested in other books by this author.
2/10 I tried, I really did. The story was banal and irritating in my opinion. Tried to read it three times, only managed to get a quarter of the way through the book in total. Possible that the book improves, just can't be bothered to torture myself any further.
5/10 Not my favourite read, book has a very religious overtone. Percy is an interesting character, and the parallels between growing up normally vs having a visable difference from others is a very clear thread throughout. The abuses perpetrated by the church are quite believable. Longer book, and I wouldn't read it again.
7/10 Decent read, not what I'd expected. Multiple short stories, each with different perspectives, characters, and story lines. Left feeling a little disappointed, wish the stories would have been slightly longer, as they almost felt unfinished, or that they would've tied in together at the end somehow.
9/10 Interesting story based on some true events during WWII. Very believable characters with a few unexpected moments. Decent read, good to pass the time while traveling.
9/10 Not an easy book. Some parts hurt on a visceral level. Well written, the world needs more men like Ephram .
9/10 Excellent read. Heartfelt and sweet, no big twists, just a well written story, that pulls you along rooting for Marianne all the way. Excellent summer read, great for travel, or simply relaxing and enjoying.
8/10 Good solid read. Not amazing, not horrible, somewhat predictable, but nonetheless enjoyable. Characters are well written and generally likeable. Good book to read on n the deck with a lemonade or while traveling.
6/10 Different perspective on a coming of age story in the 60's. Maureen is young, poor, and trying to find herself after growing up with an angry bitter mother and jovial drunk for a father. One event sets the stage for her life going forward, and the second is a form of rebirth for her. Definitely not my favourite book, but worth a read anyways.
10/10 8th book in a fantastic series. The pieces are coming together, in the best way. Shazam breaks my heart, Mac is delightful, and the Nine are deliciously bad. As the series progresses, their characters are being fleshed out more each book. Keeps the interest without becoming repetitive.
10/10 Easily the best book I've read yet in the Mercy Thompson series. A lot of emotions in a small amount of pages, definitely keeps you enthralled. Love the walking stick and the new oak tree by Mercy's trailer.
8/10 7th book in a fantastic series. Only reason rating is lower than 10 is the amount of jumping from character to character detracts from the story imo. Otherwise as enjoyable as the rest of the series.
10/10 Excellent read, definitely a good book while travelling as the time you spend reading it disappears in a blink. I quickly became emotionally invested in the characters, and was pleased how it ended