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River Marked
River Marked | Patricia Briggs
47 posts | 138 read | 17 to read
Being a different breed of shapeshifter-a walker-Mercy Thompson can see ghosts, but the spirit of her long-gone father has never visited her. Until now, on her honeymoon with the Alpha werewolf Adam. An evil is stirring in the depths of the Columbia River-and innocent people are dying. As other walkers make their presence known to Mercy, she must reconnect with her heritage to exorcise the world of the legend known as the river devil...
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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I‘m so in love with this series ❤️❤️❤️ Just finished reading these 3 back to back and about to start the next one. Mercy and Adam such a great couple!

Jari-chan Your kitty seems to like the books as well 😸 12mo
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Mercy and her crew struggle to control the uncontrollable—a river monster! I‘m #latetotheparty with this series. Plus, I constantly put it down for extended periods. But that‘s only because I‘d like to stretch out my enjoyment.

My only concern is whether the author has a personal connection to the indigenous peoples and mythologies in her books. Or does she practice cultural appropriation?

#booked2023 #aboutamonster #pantone2023 #mochamousse

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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#GhostCat is helping by staying in her little cave while I mop the floors.


Mercy is camping - this time she has to deal with Native American magic instead of Vampires and Werewolves. Nice change from the other books in the series.

#SuperSeptember @Andrew65

TheSpineView Looks like she is a good supervisor!🖤🐈‍⬛ 2y
julesG @TheSpineView Better than Her Feline Highness demanding constant attention. 😉 There are days when I wonder what drove me to get a siamese mix cat. 😬 2y
Andrew65 We all need one of those caves ♥️ 2y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Today's #SuperSeptember #readathon #audiobook re-read paired with household chores.


Andrew65 What a strange cover. 2y
julesG @Andrew65 It's definitely strange, but fits for the story and within the canon of the series. 2y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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So nice to come back to the Mercy Thompson series after a bit of a break. This one delved into Mercy‘s Native American background and provided more information about the walkers.

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Still a great read. I love this series and author. Highly highly recommend.

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Continuing in the world of Mercy Thompson for the start of 2022. This one is a reread but I love this series and I can‘t wait for the newest installment, Soul Taken, out June 21st

#currentlyreading #patriciabriggs #mercythompsonseries

wanderinglynn I am so excited for Soul Taken! 2y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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My favorite read-a-thon is back and I‘m so excited!

Here is my TBR for September‘s edition, my TBR specific to some character traits, and version one of what my character might look like (I‘m sure this will change as I take more time with her).

#magicalreadathon #magicalreadathon2021 #orilium #oriliumthenovicepath #oriliumreadathon

wanderinglynn I just watched the video. This sounds like so much fun! 3y
BacklistReader It‘s tons of fun. Definitely recommend joining in. 3y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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July #tbr

Here‘s to hoping I can get almost caught up on my reading goal….

robinb Patricia Briggs 💜 3y
BacklistReader @robinb she‘s my favorite 3y
robinb @BacklistReader Love her and Ilona Andrews...tops! 3y
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BacklistReader @robinb I‘m hoping to try Ilona Andrews soon. I read a short story of her‘s and really enjoyed it but then never picked anything else up. 3y
robinb The Kate Daniels world is just as amazing as Mercy Thompson‘s. 😊 And I think it‘s neat that Ilona Andrews is a husband/wife writing team. ❤️ 3y
BacklistReader @robinb that is cool. And I have definitely heard nothing but good thinks about Kate Daniels. I think I‘ll have to push it up higher on my TBR…. 3y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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This one gets more into Native America culture and includes one of my biggest fears—huge monsters in water.

Another great installment. I love Mercy. 👍🏻

Book 11 for #screamathon and #scarathlon #teamharkness + 9 other readathons

robinb That river monster was terrifying, right?! Kind of like the Creature from the Black Lagoon... x 1000!!! 😳😳😳😂 4y
wanderinglynn @robinb yes! And why deep water freaks me out. 😳😱 4y
alisiakae You‘re on a roll! 4y
robinb @wanderinglynn totally with you on that! 😳 4y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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#manicmonday #letterR @JoScho
📚 Rick Riordan
📚 RuPauls Drag Race
📚 Reba
📚 Roses- OutKast

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Loving my reread of the Mercy Thompson series.
I read the first as part of #PLC and continued as I hadn‘t read the later books in the series (or the alpha and omega series) and thought I should reacquaint myself with the story before the new ones.

This is one of my favourites as I love Coyote and the walking stick, and LOVE Mercy and Adam‘s relationship 🥰

1hr15 reading done for the day, book one of two down, and time for bed!


Clwojick Great first day! 4y
Lizpixie Well done!👍 I love Coyote too & the walking stick is brilliant❤️ 4y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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A spot of bedtime reading for me!

And I just wanted to show you all the Harry Potter inspired drink I was enjoying earlier (it was a Christmas present along with jelly slugs, every flavour beans, and a chocolate frog). Flying cauldron butterscotch beer. It has two of my favourite things - butterscotch and cream soda. If it wasn‘t so expensive it would be a frequent treat!

#BedtimeReading #ButterBeer #JumpStart2020
@Lizpixie @Clwojick

Clwojick OOh! I'm very intrigued by this drink! 4y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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I‘m struggling with time, and with actually reading physical books at present. My dog doesn‘t like my attention being on something in my hands, so often tries to eat any books, magazines, or phones that happen to be being used! I am hoping to finish at least this one before the new year though (I am soooo close to the end) and perhaps the next holiday read I had planned :p

#TeamNutcracker #WinterGames #DogsOfLitsy
@Clwojick @StayCurious

11 pts

River Marked | Patricia Briggs

Still loving this :) I love how fierce she is, especially when she is picking on her hubby.

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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So I said I needed a break but... I lied! I couldn‘t stay away for long :) already about a quarter of the way through.

River Marked | Patricia Briggs

10/10 6th book in the series, and still going strong. Interesting juxtaposition of fantasy and factual details. Well worth the read, would be great for travelling, on the beach, or anywhere in between.

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Rereading this so I can refresh my memory. I love Mercy

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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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The road trip helped me adapt to listening to audiobooks. It also helps me to listen to books I‘ve previously read. Plus, I get why everyone likes Lorelei King as a narrator. So now I‘m trying #audiowalking in my new town.

KathyWheeler Listening to books I‘d already read helped me get used to audiobooks; now I listen to all kinds of books on my walks and in the car. 5y
Michollio I love Mercy 5y
wanderinglynn @Michollio Me too! 🙌🏻 5y
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wanderinglynn @KathyWheeler Yes, this has been a good way to start. 5y
LibrarianJen That looks like such a beautiful area for #audiowalking! 5y
wanderinglynn @LibrarianJen Silverdale, WA—I just moved here, but I‘m already loving it! 5y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs

I love Mercy's father so fucking much!

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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I'm a couple of books behind, but this has consistently been one of my favorite #ongoingbookseries! (And yes, I know my River Marked doesn't match, but it's signed so I can't replace it!) #Julyinbooks18

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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This was so so good. I really liked learning about Mercy‘s heritage. I adore her relationship with Adam and how the bond between them is utilized but not relied upon. The beast was really interesting. Can‘t wait for more.

Erinsuereads I LOVE these books so much 6y
KeepCalmWithBooksAndCoffee @ErinSueG me too! This series is great 6y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Mercy hits it right on the head 😂😂😂😂

That-Bookish-Hiker I have a pair of gray jeans and I didn‘t realize the pockets were fake until I wore them for the first time and tried to put my hand in them. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ so annoying! 6y
KeepCalmWithBooksAndCoffee @That-Bookish-Hiker agreed! I hate it when back pockets are fake. I try to put my phone in and end up dropping it! 😩 6y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Took a bath and read 50 pages of this today. Stepping back into this series is like meeting an old friend. I love long paranormal series just for that reason.

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Seasons Greetings fellow Litizens! I'm sorry I haven't been active here in the last couple of months. One of my New Year's resolutions is going to be maintaining a more active presence here again!

This time of year, I often prefer revisiting old favorites to reading new books. I just finished a full of reread of the Hollows series, I'm currently part way into a reread of the Mercy Thompson books, and I plan to move on to the Iron Druid next.

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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This image from National Geographic came in handy while rereading this fantastic instillation of the Mercy Thompson series! A bet leads to an impromptu and important moment. An ancient evil re-emerges. A new set of paranormal people come into play. And, of course, snarky banter is had. Epicness abounds! I think this is my favorite book in the entire series so far!

iread2much It's hard to tell which is my favorite, it seems like she keeps writing new ones to be my favorite! 7y
the.bookish.valkyrie @iread2much it is hard to pick, but this is the one I always come back to! 7y
iread2much 😄 I used to always come back to silver borne, then it was fire touched and now I just don't know, there are so many good options! 7y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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I'm a fan of the #Mercy Thompson series, but this was the last one I read! Frost Burned is still on my bookshelf. #augustgrrrl

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Who else loves Mercy Thompson? I cannot get enough of this series!

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Some books with a #BodyOfWater in the title. 2 of which actually take place at said body of water! 🌊💦


River Marked | Patricia Briggs

This one was a really fun read. It's taken 5 books for the romance to really kick in, and I'm happy with that pace. It's a nice change from the they-met-and-fell-madly-in-love-at-first-sight type of romance that's prevalent in most stories. This book also involved Native American mythology & mysteries and I loved it! I finished it today, & I'm moving right into the next installment :)

River Marked | Patricia Briggs

It took 5 books for the romance in this series to develop. About time. Native American mysteries and mythology play an important role in this one. I liked it and am already reading the following book. Mercy Thompson is addictive

katelynd Haha! Couldn't have said it better myself! Just finished this one today & started in Frost Burned. Mercy is addicting! 🤓 7y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Another winner in this series....action, scary monster and a new character to flesh out Mercy's background. Also loved that she and Adam had more one-on-one couple time without the pack in this one. Totally recommend this series to anyone looking for fantasy, a strong female lead, romance, and an interesting cast of characters. #romantsy #osrbc

River Marked | Patricia Briggs

Mercy Thompson #6 starts with a wedding and ends with a love letter. And in between is murder, mystery and mahem with a sprinkling of friendship, injury and self discovery. As with the rest of the series, well worth reading!

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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@Mc_cart_ny just gave me some more traditional recs for when I'm #inthemoodforlove so I'll have to check those out. In the meantime, I always associate this book with love because it's one I read soon after I became engaged to my husband, and it tells the story of Mercy's wedding and honeymoon. #SeasonsReadings2016 @RealLifeReading

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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I am a bit swamped with house-sitting on top of regular work (here is the very demanding kitty I feed at the window who also yells for pets when she's feeling ignored!) so I've been pretty bad with these whole updates and challenges -things. At least there are audio books! I #reread both #katedaniels and #mercythompson via audiobook pretty constantly... I find the two series soothing in their kicka** supernatural ladies way #booktober

Larkken Yes, she IS trying to boop me through the window 😍 8y
Texreader Adorable. 😻 8y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Best one of the series so far. I especially liked the Native American mythology tie ins. Still hate the covers.

Bookworm54 I have a different set of covers which are much nicer, though I quite like yours ☺️ 8y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs

All change brings bad things and good things to replace the bad and good things that were there before. It is natural to look back and say it was better before - but that does not make it true. Different is not worse. It is just different.

River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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This was a tough #AugustPhotoChallenge for me, I had to resort to my ebooks for #PeachColoredBooks and it was more like within the peach spectrum than anything definitively "peach", lol. Incidentally, I got to include one of my all time favorite heroines, ✨Mercy Thompson! ?? #AugustOfPages

Bookworm54 I love Mercy 😍 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Love Mercy, Fever, and Ilona Andrews! 8y
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Another excellent Mercy Thompson book... Mercy continues to be her strong coyote self and Adam is, as always, handsome and smart. One of my all time favorite heroines.