Love this book. So much honesty.
I'm a sucker for a good shelftalker. Adding this to the TBR pile.
I love Ishiguro so much. Don't know why it took me so long to get to this, but it's just so brilliant.
Fascinating, thought-provoking, deliberate. Love being dropped into a different world when you feel you can immediately trust the author.
Fascinating, thought-provoking, deliberate. Love being dropped into a different world when you feel you can immediately trust the author.
Multitasking. Love the stories the Olympics tell. Reading during commercials.
This would be a totally weird beach bag for anyone but the characters in GOOD AS GONE. But these are just a few clues to get you going, because you definitely should read this one on the beach.
I'm so excited to read this. Peter Ho Davies is some kind of genius: thoughtful, kind, but ready to shake up the world.
Sometimes all it takes is the opening sentence to realize what the hype is all about.
This book is probably better enjoyed with a martini, but coffee will certainly do. I know there's a lot about Hemingway about there, but I learned many things about him here. Plus, Paris! "Everybody behaves badly...Give them the proper chance." -Jake Barnes in The Sun Also Rises
"It's never the scars that can be seen which matter."
Thumbs up for the six billion, yes. But isn't "the guys" problematic?