Finally ready to dive into this one. I won a signed copy back in February and nooooow I can't put it down 😉
Finally ready to dive into this one. I won a signed copy back in February and nooooow I can't put it down 😉
Of course, that isn't true. There is no magic weight, no magic size, no magic number on the scale where, as soon as you got it, confetti rains down and a band starts to play and hidden doors slide open and Daniel Craig walks through them to lift you in his arms (because, thin as you are, he totally can) and carry you into the life of uninterrupted bliss that you just know could be yours, if only you wore a size two dress. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 LOVE her!
When you find your obsession somewhere else 😎
After finishing Everything, Everything in two days I needed a palette cleanser ;) wasn't feeling another fiction novel (plus I have way too many to choose from) so this book it is. From the little bit I've read so far it couldn't come at a better time for me ❤️
For us to have met, to have fallen in love, to get to be together is beyond anything either of us had ever thought possible. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Started this last night, even though I'm still not over "When breath becomes air"... let's do this!
😭😭😭😭😭😭 this book. This man. I devoured this book and wish he would've had more time...
I'm amazed that Atwood wrote the book more than 30 years ago and it still seems to be relevant today - maybe more so than it was 30 years ago. The Handmaid's Tale was a completely different book than i usually read and my first Atwood. It won't be my last though! I'm very looking forward to the tv show coming out this year, hoping I'll enjoy it as much as the book :)
😱😱😱 I just finished I See You and I'm still kind of in shock. Although the jumping between present and past tense was a bit annoying at times, I enjoyed this novel immensely. I loved the characters back stories more than in I Let You Go, which was phenomenal in itself. Also, the twist at the very end?! Somehow didn't see that coming, although it makes total sense in hindsight.
Where do I even begin...? Small Great Things should be, in my opinion, a required read for high school students. And their parents. And really anyone.
I loved/hated it so much! Hated because of what happened to the main character, loved because if everything else. Jodi Picoult hit the nail on the head with this novel.
How incredibly easy it is to hide behind white skin, I think, looking at these probable supremacists. The benefit of the doubt is in your favor. You're not suspicious.
Scary how timely this novel is... first book for 2017 #smallgreatthings
I don't know if it's because of how busy the holiday season was this year, but it took me foreeeeever to get through Big Magic. I loved it though! Lots of take-away points for me and my creative life, but also a couple of points I'll just ignore. All in all a solid reference book for creative minds.
"When my personal devils take over, I can feel my creative angels retreating." Same, Gilbert, same ❤️❤️❤️
When you can't find a bookmark and just use random pieces of paper instead... #bookworm #whoneedsbookmarksanyway? #ihavesomany
This is by far the prettiest (and most expensive) book I've ever bought for myself and it was worth every penny. I love reading the little essays about how the musical came to be and Lin-Manuel's annotations are pure gold.
I've read the book well over a year ago, but Shonda Rhimes's description of different kinds of parenting styles has stuck with me. You do what's best for your family and I'll do what's best for mine. That's how it's going to go down! 👌🏻