Growing up a plus sized girl in a stick-thin world has given Weiner a different perspective. She talks about growing up as an outsider in Connecticut, then finding her people after she moved away.
Finished 4/29/2022
Growing up a plus sized girl in a stick-thin world has given Weiner a different perspective. She talks about growing up as an outsider in Connecticut, then finding her people after she moved away.
Finished 4/29/2022
Still trying to tame my TBR pile (this might take years 🤣). Picked up this one last night and I‘m loving it.
I really enjoyed this book! Jennifer Weiner is so honest and down to earth. She‘s also very funny! She talks about her childhood, becoming an author, having a book made into a movie, marriage, divorce, second marriage and motherhood. If you enjoy memoirs, I definitely recommend this one!
I loved his book. I really love Jennifer Weiner. She had always been one of my favorite writers and this book was so incredibly relatable and personal and I loved the stories and the writing. I just respect her message in her writing so much and find that she is really inspirational because she makes it okay to be whoever it is you want to be.
I had to do this one! I read this before I worked an author event at my library. I had never read anything by Jennifer Weiner but tried this based on a recommendation from @YummyLibrarian. I loved it and loved listening to and meeting Jennifer Weiner. Really great book! #hungryheart #marchintothe70s
#NonFiction2019 Making significant progress @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 🤓
This memoir started to drag and became somewhat repetitive plus there was some white lady privilege going on, shade being thrown and really uncomfortable family drama revealed but overall I believe Jennifer Weiner did her best in keeping this story real. She has the gift of gab & her message of loving yourself felt sincere & unwavering.
This memoir is REALLY getting twisted!!! I‘m almost finished... Not what I was anticipating at the 12 hour mark
Today‘s walk features a #tall menorah atop the synagogue which is illuminated every night on Chanukah 🕎
Another blue sky day 💙
#LitsyWalkers @kaye
#TimbitTunes After listening to several audio memoirs which have been very heavy, I thought I‘d lessen #TheWeight and listen to something a bit lighter. Ironically a majority of this memoir focuses on Jennifer Weiner‘s weight and struggle to feel acceptance and worth due to her size. ( which is ridiculous because she‘s a healthy vibrant woman,not mortally obese) I‘m finding a lot of commonality with JW (age, upbringing, values)
New day, new #audio , new walk!! Thanks to @kaye and the #LitsyWalkers, I was motivated to go out before the skies opened and the downpour started 🌨🌨🌨🌨I snapped some pretty flowers along the way for the Litsy Walker Bingo square 🌸🌷🌼🌹Im enjoying this memoir by Jennifer Weiner, her age and “Jewishness” is VERY comforting & familar💟 She‘s a modern Francie Nolan 🙌🏻
While I mostly liked this memoir/essay collection about Jennifer Weiner's struggle to fit in and overcome loneliness while dealing with a complicated family life, I was really put off by her statement that Joan Didion was using the tragedies in her life to make a profit. It was a statement that reeks of the mean girls Weiner describes from her adolescence. Besides, what is Weiner doing in this book other than profiting off her own tragedies?
I've not been doing a very good job sticking to my TBR Bingo, but my library's Cloud Library had this available and I wanted to read it.
I picked this one up on a whim, because I've never read anything by her and because I like reading about the process of writing. But, I didn't love it. I found it to read like a collection of mismatch essays with uneven and clunky narratives. I learned a lot about her, but after a while found her to dig real deep in some areas and not dig deep enough in others. I'm interested in her work, but I'm not running to get it.
I woke up this morning with Elton John in my head... not a bad soundtrack, you know? ☺
When I think of Philly, I think of Rocky. My parents are fans and so I am a born fan. Is there a Rocky book?
As far as books go, I associate Jennifer Weiner with the city. Her memoir was a good read! I don't always love her novels, but I read them faithfully.
Now, I need to get back to Philly and partake in the vegan food!
#rockinmay #philadelphiafreedom
How on earth is this practically just-released book already at my local discount store for $3.99? Oh, and I grabbed a couple of other books from my TBR. Helped make my shit day (including this horrible healthcare bill) a little better. #bookhaul #happybibliophage
Of course, that isn't true. There is no magic weight, no magic size, no magic number on the scale where, as soon as you got it, confetti rains down and a band starts to play and hidden doors slide open and Daniel Craig walks through them to lift you in his arms (because, thin as you are, he totally can) and carry you into the life of uninterrupted bliss that you just know could be yours, if only you wore a size two dress. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 LOVE her!
When you find your obsession somewhere else 😎
After finishing Everything, Everything in two days I needed a palette cleanser ;) wasn't feeling another fiction novel (plus I have way too many to choose from) so this book it is. From the little bit I've read so far it couldn't come at a better time for me ❤️
I grabbed this from the library on a whim since her novels are on my TBR pile but I've never read any. I found her weight struggles, love of reading & love of her family completely relatable. She's a strong individual with a lot to say. 'Good in Bed' will be bumped higher up my reading list.
I'm not saying there's not a bracket #MemoirMarch #MarchMadness
"Fall down, get hurt, get up again."
I enjoyed this memoir as the author dives into many deep issues from her life. Her father was loving and kind when she was young but mental illness and drug addiction turns him into a stranger. She speaks about that loss, her relationship with both her mother and grandmother. Her issues with weight and sexism. I was most interested in reading how she began her writing career. It is definitely a great read!
#17booklove Day 24 - #heartinthetitle
I enjoyed this book, and as a bonus I can't help but get the Springsteen song stuck in my head whenever it's referenced. ❤
This. Exactly this. I remember the shame in middle school of showing up in the wrong jacket. It may have looked like Members Only, but the brand name was WRONG.
Finally putting my Goodreads #aroundtheyearin52books plan post up
Struggling! Love JW and I love reading her story but I'm 13% in and keep putting it down. I feel like the book is a big old F U to her critics whom suggest women's lit isn't really "literature". As though she is proving that she is just as smart or smarter than said critics. Wiener is highly intelligent - she doesn't have anything to prove to any of us.
I hear this now in my head, as a mantra.
My morning. ❤️ ❤️❤️ my new Clue mug!!!!!
First #audiobook of 2017! I prefer memoirs, non fiction, and comedy as audiobooks. I saw this at Barnes n Noble the other day. I'm surprised there was no wait list on #overdrive.
To those following me: Thank you! I have been reading a lot, and will be sharing soon!
Good in Bed spoke so strongly to me and I have gobbled JW's books since then. This is a lovely memoir of linked essays which is by turns poignant, light, dark, funny, challenging, and heartfelt. Anyone who has struggled to fit in will find something to relate to here.
Oh, I really like this:
"Activists aren't here to make friends. We are here to say the things you don't want to hear, to smack you in the face with inconvenient truths, to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, to force the world to improve."
Great food for thought, especially as I work my way through bell hooks' essays, which definitely smack one in the face.
"Last summer, a writer…revealed that querying six literary agents under a male name netted her five responses (including three requests to see the manuscript) within twenty-four hours, while the exact same letter, sent fifty times under her own name, had gotten a total of just two invitations to send her manuscript."
Well is that crap or what? ?
I love a good memoir and this did not disappoint! Jennifer Weiner has a compelling personal story that has heartbreaking elements which clearly inform her writing. If you're a fan of her fiction, you will enjoy this.
So excited to get all this as part of a Jennifer Weiner Facebook giveaway. And really looking forward to Hungry Heart since I love memoirs and have been a Jennifer Weiner fan for awhile.
As an ethical vegan who has thought a lot about how to spark change in how we use and treat animals, this rings true to me. Activists - no matter their cause - must speak up and speak out. If we don't, change doesn't come.
I skipped part of kindergarten when I moved to a new school. By that time, I was already "taking" first grade reading. My social awkwardness started early!
When I woke up at 3 am, I wasn't expecting this little epiphany. Hm.
Nice change of pace from what I've been reading lately. It's always interesting to me when I learn what has motivated or inspired an author I've read.
At our happy place @TheBookmarkPR for #shopsmall #getindie 💜💙💜
"Fall down seven, stand up eight" is one of my life mottos.
I looooooove this book and have a newfound love for Jennifer Weiner! i could go on about her humor and finally honed insights on life, but there's one unique aspect I LOVE the most. She explorers what it means to be a reader, which is so rare. If you're on this site, you'll love this book!
Finally finished Jennifer Weiner's memoir Hungry Heart. I'm not sure why it took me so long to read it. My biggest issue was having just read the anniversary edition of Good In Bed, which was heavily based on her life. Portions felt like I had just read them. But I think it was a solid memoir of a writer who has always struggled with her weight.
I really enjoyed this book. So much resonated with me- parenting, miscarriage, and feminism. Her relationship with her dad is tough to read about.
"When you're sad and lonely where you are, it only makes sense that you do whatever you could to get some place else. That was what books were for me. My lifeline, my oxygen when I was underwater, my escape. #hungryheart
Thanks for the free galleys, Politics and Prose!
Honest and funny memoir. 3.5 🌟
A Lovely Shelf Awareness win signed by Jennifer sharing her life the good the bad& the ugly.😀