Got it on release day but struggled to get into it. Giving it another chance now, after finishing Witch Accused by Krista Walsh. :)
Got it on release day but struggled to get into it. Giving it another chance now, after finishing Witch Accused by Krista Walsh. :)
I am almost finished with Bride, by Ali Hazelwood. Pretty sure I'll finish it tonight. 😜
So, you know when you can tell 100% that the author had a *blast* writing the story? That's how I feel about this book and its author. And it makes the experience so much more memorable. Highly recommend. 🤓 👍
I couldn‘t sleep, so I started reading The Well Life. I‘ve been using The Dragontree products for a few months. Their apothecary products are really good (the muscle melt line of products for muscular pain are wonderful), but it‘s through their planner that I first encountered them. It turns out the planner is based on the teachings from this book, which the founders of The Dragontree wrote. I‘m really excited for what this one may offer.
It‘s been a while! I‘ve been dealing with some health stuff and school. Reading has kind of taken the backseat a little, but I‘m still reading, mostly non-fiction.
My most enjoyable read currently is Rise of the Videogame Zinesters, by Anna Anthropy.
Because I haven‘t mentioned this here: I‘m also an independent video game developer. This book speaks to me very personally. Will definitely share my thoughts once I‘m done!
“He told you once that he thinks of himself as human in spite of his strange body. You belatedly realize that you‘ve chosen to see him as human, too. That makes this something other than an act of predation. You‘re not sure what it is instead, but … it feels like a gift.”
I have such an author crush. 🤭💕 And I‘m in love with a certain statue.
I just started an online graduate program in English & Creative Writing. It‘s only my first class, and already I‘ve learned so much about literature! I‘m also learning how to read like a writer, studying both classic and contemporary fiction. My genre is SFF, and I picked these two novels to learn from. (LOVING NK Jemisin!) And this‘s all I‘m reading currently. Anyway, online school is lonely, so I hope I can fill that gap here!
“Are you human?”
At this, you cannot help but laugh once. “Officially? No.”
“Never mind what others think. What do you feel yourself to be?”
“Then so am I.”
“There is such a thing as too much loss. Too much has been taken from you both—taken and taken and taken, until there‘s nothing left but hope, and you‘ve given that up because it hurts too much. Until you would rather die, or kill, or avoid attachments altogether, than lose one more thing.”