If you can, take a moment to check out my #bookstagram I follow those who follow me! 😊
If you can, take a moment to check out my #bookstagram I follow those who follow me! 😊
Finally made a #bookstagram
My username is catladybooklover! If you follow me, I‘ll shoot you a follow back 😁
Also any advice or feedback is greatly appreciated!!
I‘m just in love with how she writes. She talks like I do and she‘s so relatable. About half way through and loving it so much!
Finally finished this one! I wasn‘t sure what to expect but it really kept me hooked! I‘m uneasy usually about switching POV‘s and this one not only switched a ton, but also added snippets that focused on the bigger picture and outside of the main characters and I really liked what it added to the story. Made me very thirsty reading it though!
My #bookhaul from last night at #barnesandnoble. They had a sale 2 for $10! 🎉 I‘m so excited to check them both out!
1) cats! I‘ve seen so many movies/books with alternate dimensions and I feel like I never see animals! I would miss my cats 😩
2) not let what people said get to me and enjoy what I liked to do (which is read) and not care if people thought it was weird
3) my weirdness! I laugh at my own jokes, randomly sing or dance, and I‘m definitely a little nerdy
Thanks for the chance to win!! @Meaw_catlady #7777giveaway
1) 😂❤️🙄
2)No, but my coworker is!
3) A birthday Cookout and lunch with my momma
4) middle child!
5) of course!
#friyayintro @howjessreads
He always has to be nearby while I‘m reading and tonight he‘d prefer to be right on top of me 😂
#catsoflitsy #currentread
I love this book so much! A few years ago, I HATED #selfhelp books, but now they‘re some of my favorite books!
#motivated #currentread
So excited to start this one tonight!
#currentread #dry #nealshusterman
1) It has to make me feel something. For example, we were liars made me have a roller coaster of emotions and left me speechless!
2) anything cat related! I have 3 cats and I‘m so obsessed with them, so anything cat related
3) I am the WORST cook, my boyfriend does all of the cooking I burn or undercook everything!
4) I‘m honestly not big into poetry. Probably Edgar Allen Poe
5) @jmbooks welcome!
Over the past few years, I have realized Mary kubica is one of my favorite authors and this book just reiterated that even more! What a rollercoaster of emotions! I just finished and I‘m still trying to process! So suspenseful, but not too slow paced or too fast paced! I honestly did not see the ending coming and you either love it or hate it and I loved it!
I WILL finish this book tonight! It‘s so good that I‘ve stayed up late two nights reading as much as I can and have had to work two twelve hour days so far and haven‘t gotten a lot of reading time in, but I just NEED to know how it ends!
Love nights were I can snuggle up with my sweet kitties and read❤️
#catsoflitsy #kittysnuggles #everylastlie #marykubica
I‘m 136 pages in and I can‘t stop reading. I NEED TO KNOW HOW/WHY NICK DIED!
So excited for this next read. I've always been a fan of John Green, so I hope it lives up to my expectations!
I honestly did not see the ending coming. I really like how the author introduced the characters. I like it being written in all of their point of views. I felt like I was able to connect with all of them. I really loved the shocker twist of it being suicide. Also so in love with Bronwyn and Nate. Such a well written book. I honestly had a hard time putting it down. So excited to read more from this author and I highly, highly recommend this book!
I will finish this one today! It's our fourth snow day and I'm ready for the warmer weather to come! #ihatesnow
One of my absolute favorite books of all time. I felt every emotion. I stayed up until 2 am reading because I couldn't put it down. Afterwards, I felt a hole in my heart wishing I hadn't felt the book so deeply. Highly, highly recommend.
Hello to all of my new friends! I'm new to Litsy and trying to figure it out! Love the idea of it, though. Can't wait to get my account built up. If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it! Also if anyone wants to add me on Goodreads, my name on there is Kristina Kaufmann