Excellent! I enjoyed this one so much it took me less than a week to read. I didn't want to put it down.
Excellent! I enjoyed this one so much it took me less than a week to read. I didn't want to put it down.
A book I could not put down. Very interesting story.
Excellent read. Took me a little bit to get into but couldn't put down once I started.
I have had a love-hate relationship with this series. Good plot, good characters but goes on forever (and there are 8 books, almost 9). Only 14 more hours left listening (43 hour long book).
I loved this trilogy! Sad to have it in. For all their money, I feel like I can relate to the characters in some sense. Full of humor. I have never read a series so quickly.
The plot was average and predictable. I saw the ending at the beginning of the book. Not a pan, just a so-so.
Great book about the Chicago gay community during the AIDs epidemic and trying to reconcile a mother-daughter relationship in 2015 Paris. Great story about how art is so much more then painting.
I'm in the midst of reading this book. It is great so far. It's very sad at times.
I have Harrison Scott Key's "The World's Largest Man" and was excited to find this memoir.
Set in 1860s New Zealand, The Luminaries weaves together the world of the gold rush, shipping, banking and others. It also tells the tale of how people decieve others for their own gains. Overall, a long read (830 pages in paperback) but good read. I did get somewhat confused at times on keeping characters' names straight.
This the second Kristin Hannah book I've read. I was disappointed that I had to go do other life things because I could not put this book down. Set primarly in Alaska, the story focuses on the Allbrights. The book is filled with tension, grief, and resilienct, strong people. Trigger warning: there are scenes of domestic abuse.
#notyourprincess is the voices of Native American women telling their stories of the many struggles and issues they face. It is a must read in the talk about diversity.
I decided to read Milk and Honey finally. I am mixed and slightly underwhelmed by it. It touched upon some interesting subjects but it left me wanting something more satisfying.
Kathy Zebert did an author visit at a library where I used to work. Her Dom & Callie books are some I wouldn't normally read. I finally decided to read them. It was a quick read. I found the book intriguing as a romance but could have used a little bit more editing.
Finished this book today. Julia is the main character. Her sister, Olga, is dead and the book opens at her funeral. Olga has been the perfect daughter while Julia has not. Julia unravels as she goes through school and trying (not) to live up to her Mexican family's expectations and unravels Olga's secrets. While Julia can be irritating and gets angry, she is a teen who is trying to understand life and uphold all her relationships.
Last book read for 2017. It is also book #77 finished for 2017. Enjoyable read.
This book was book #75 I've read this year. Interesting, good read. Won't be making my goal of 115 books read in 2017 but it was a try.
I found this book interesting and a good read. Diana is a professor witch who chooses not to use her power finds a long lost manuscript that is coveted by other powerful beings. She falls in love with the vampire Matthew Clairmont (a romance that is forbidden) and must learn to use her powers. The length of the book may scare people away but it is worth the read. If you like books like Twilight or even Outlander, you might like this book.
I have about 200 pages left in this book. I am enjoying this book so far. The characters and plot are interesting and keeps me wanting to read. I can't wait to finish so I can read books 2 and 3 of the trilogy.
This book was sad and extremely troublesome (and disturbing) at points. The book is told by several narrators but the chapters were short enough to not get confused by it. I didn't see the end of the book coming.
I found this book was good a first but fell apart somewhere in the middle. The characters were bland with little development.
Oh goodness! I enjoyed this. I had some suspions about what happened but no spoilers from me.
I know I should be sleeping. I am only rereading this one for the third time.
I am rereading Like Water for Chocolate. Love the passion between Tita and Pedro. Also, the food sounds wonderful.
A pick and good read (or listen). I enjoyed learning about General Alex Dumas and his life.
I read Sleeping Giants a few months ago. I finally have time to start Waking Gods!
I reread Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistle Stop Cafe because I needed a book that was heartwarming.
This year I have a hard time reading/listening to enjoyable books (or at least enjoyable to me). I've been told to keep on with this one. I am half way through this one and Ove is still an unsympathetic curmudgeon.
I found this biography very interesting. It also shattered what I thought of Queen Victoria and especially of Prince Albert and their legacies.
Great story and illustrations! Enjoyed reading it very much!
I typically don't read sci-fi books. I really enjoyed this book because it was not super heavy on science and technical terms that can weigh down a book. I am excited to read the second and eventually third book.
I am learning new things about Queen Victoria and it is quite interesting (and of course scandalous at times).
I had better expectations for this book. It is categorized as a travel memior. While the author does travel, the book focuses on the men she has relationships than tries to escape by getting another man. I have no problems with hooking up with different men, the book seems to be more lust than wandering. Wild by Cheryl Strayed is a better choice and I recommend it over this book.
The concept of this book was great. Ava is a 13 year old who has mysterious talent of healing people and this talent is discovered after saving her best friend's life after a crash. I was hoping this book to be a lot better. It was poorly written. The characters say "I know" and various sentences featuring the word "okay". The adults were insufferable (especially Ava's father) and couldn't make up their minds about what was best for Ava.
Enjoyable. I had empathy for the two boys that the book centers around.
I enjoyed this book better than the author's other book, Longman. Bloodroot is a story centered around Mayra and is told from various characters' viewpoints, including Mayra's. Family dysfunction reigns in the rural Tennessee town. Some cringeworthy moments especially between Mayra and her husband's family. The only downside was the characters don't get a good wrap up and makes me want to know what happened to them.
It is 2017 and I have never heard of this part of American history. I enjoyed this one and learning about the struggles of African American women at NASA.
I saw this book in my library's workroom for repair. I remembered I had read it several years ago. I end up reading books about Mississippi and its people (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not). I remembering enjoying Delta Belles and how their lives changed after college.
The Help is alright, but this book is better. The View from Delphi is about two women, one white and one black, and the tense relationships between blacks and whites in Mississippi. While the book is dull in places, I enjoyed this more than The Help as the relations between people is turned up.
The chaos of large families and wanting to have the perfect (Southern) wedding. Story was about the mundane, everyday life tensions. I got a little confused at points but can be an enjoyable story.
I have never been interested in vampires as main characters or the focus of the stories (outside of Dracula). I am finding that this is a new, refreshing take on the relationships between witches, vampires, and the ways they try to stay alive and not try to kill each other along the way. About 400 pages left in this book.
This book is quite interesting. I'm still listening to it but it is worth listening to. It is about Alexandre Dumas' father, who rose in the ranks of the French army despite being black.
I would like to go on a find myself type of adventure one day. Also, much more planning would go into mine.
A Newbery Winner this year. Good story overall. Interesting concept with the magic and sacrifice. The action didn't really pick up until almost the end then ended.
Still relevant today's world of race relations. This book demostrates so far that kids do learn discrimination from the adults in their lives.