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Joined January 2017

Skills: extensive Harry Potter knowledge, knows words to every Disney song, can form abnormally strong attachments to fictional characters, sass
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Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Bookish traits: using anything as a bookmark, in this case a ticket stub that I incidentally found in my #C book for the #LitsyAtoZ.

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Bruised | Sarah Skilton
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Halfway through my original #B book, (Before I Die by Jenny Downham), I realized I had watched the movie previously (they changed the title) . Being a book then movie kind of person, I had to change to my alternate list, so now #B is for Bruised and it's actually really good. #LitsyAtoZ

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That feeling you get when you find a perfect reading nook to catch up.
#MidnightReads #HPChapterADay #ProudGryffindor

MyNamesParadise Looks comfy!! 8y
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Adam | Ariel Schrag
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#A is for: Ariel Schrag.
Also an #A on the title, for my unofficial #LitsyAtoZ that's kind of mixed and was a spur of the moment decison. As I'm still digesting my other #A choice, I'll be a happy camper here.

BookishMarginalia Cool pic! 8y
sleepiest @BookishMarginalia, thank you :) 8y
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Harry Potter | JK Rowling
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“Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us something worth knowing,
Bring us back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot...”

Yay for doing the #HPChapterADay challenge!

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Addition: A Novel | Toni Jordan
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After reorganizing my book shelfs, both physical and digital, I finally got around to making the list of books for the challenge.
#A is for: Addition.
It's been on my TBR pile a few months, and even though it screams #ChickLit to me, it is also listed in the #MentalHealth genre. So I am hoping for the best and maybe getting some of its Aussie slang!
#LitsyAtoZ, thanks @BookishMarginalia for the challenge.

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First post, things to say? About 20, but here's the main reason why I joined Litsy. I'm usually an avid reader (good book+coffee+bed=bliss), however I tend up to read whatever falls into my hands and only when I really feel like it. So, new year new challenges, right? And I am taking it quite literally, I'll be participating on the #LitsyAtoZ challenge, starting with my TBR books, and the ones I own already.

MrBook Great first post and challenge to join! Welcome aboard. And welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay 😊👍🏻. 8y
sleepiest @MrBook, thank you for the warm welcome, I am getting the hang of it, but sure am here to stay! 8y
monkeygirlsmama Welcome! It's utterly wonderful here. 😊 8y
monkeygirlsmama Btw, good luck ?with your challenge. I'm not doing that particular one, but I am personally challenging myself to try and read more books from my overflowing "already own it, just need to actually read it" TBR. I also review for authors, publishers, and NetGalley so will be a challenge to not forsake my personal stacks. I'm looking forward to it though. ? (edited) 8y
sleepiest @monkeygirlsmama, thanks a lot, I'm also looking forward to tackle some TBR asap. It's very smart to write reviews, I am usually too biased by its world to write about it, the more if I really like it, so I foresee success in your own challenges. c: 8y
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