Fantastic business history of Gygax-era TSR and #DungeonsAndDragons. Well researched and well told! #TTRPG
Fantastic business history of Gygax-era TSR and #DungeonsAndDragons. Well researched and well told! #TTRPG
Prepping for a 6-week course on #CatholicSocialTeaching I start teaching tomorrow night. This is one of the assigned texts -- a nice primer which also shares how various saints have embodied justice!
Did not realize when I ordered this that it was a 700-page tome. Looking forward to it even more now! 😅📖
My #PetPeeve: when publishers change the spine design in the middle of a book series.
This is why I love library book sales and used book stores. #catechesis
Recent acquisition from the used bookstore. Probably gonna save it to read at Christmas.
One chapter in and I can already tell I'm gonna like this book.
A great book for catechists, youth ministers, evangelists, and anyone who wants to share their stories of faith and help others do the same. #Catholic #catechesis #evangelization #LetYourLifeEcho
Really enjoying this book by my friend Julianne Stanz -- a must read for all catechetical leaders! #catechesis #disciples #discipleship #JesusChrist #Catholic #evangelization
Been reading the #HarryPotter series to the middle kids. They are absolutely drawn in to Rowling's world.
Careful thinking about the spirituality of administration is just one of the gifts Garrido offers #Catholic leaders. She identifies and reflects on 12 habits administration calls us to. Among the list are both the expected (trust, integrity, breadth of vision) and the surprising (humor, agape, embracing death). For each habit she also identifies a spiritual companion from the Church‘s history who embodies that particular aspect of administration.
Tonight I finish teaching a six-week course on the Trinity for deacon aspirants in our diocese. It's been a pleasure working through this great mystery of the faith with them! #DiocesanLife
As a child of the 80s the shuttle program has always loomed large in my imagination, so I found “Into the Black“ a fascinating look at the development of the shuttle and Columbia's maiden flight. White's book is well researched. He sometimes dips into technical details, but for the most part keeps the focus on the human players. A great book for anyone interested in aviation history, manned space flight, or just real life adventures! 🚀
#PopeFrancis, nailing part of the modern condition and the Church's role in combatting isolation. #EvangeliiGaudium #Catholic
Prepping for a course I'm teaching on the Trinity and reminded again what a gift this book (all three volumes, really) is. Pope Benedict's reflections always open up new avenues for deepening my understanding of and relationship with Jesus. #JesusChrist #Catholic #BenedictXVI #pope