"While he was interrogating Jesus, Pilate unexpectedly put this question to the accused: "Where are you from?" by Pope Benedict XVI
#readingeurope2020 #vaticancity
A surprisingly interesting study of the current Pope and his predecessor- the only time in history when there have been ‘two‘ Popes.
I had read reviews of this book saying that it was biased but I think as long as you are aware of this (surely all bios are biased in some way?) then it‘s a fascinating account of their similarities and differences, in particular their suggested implication in authoritarian regimes.
For those of you aiming for a full house on #readingeurope2020, including those pesky little micro-states, this book would do rather nicely for #vaticancity...
99p on Kindle today
Prepping for a course I'm teaching on the Trinity and reminded again what a gift this book (all three volumes, really) is. Pope Benedict's reflections always open up new avenues for deepening my understanding of and relationship with Jesus. #JesusChrist #Catholic #BenedictXVI #pope