I read this in two days. This book was absolutely heartbreaking but definitely kept my interest.
I read this in two days. This book was absolutely heartbreaking but definitely kept my interest.
I have watched her documentary and listen to her podcasts so I thought that I knew her story and didn‘t feel the need to read this. This covers so much more and I really enjoyed learning more about her. Snerkbol.
Picked this up at the library and was pleasantly surprised. I love her sense of humor. Also, she is super relatable.
I waited months for this book to be available at the library and was hoping that it would be as good as I had heard that it was, it was way better! An optimistic story about a pessimistic man AND a surprise orphan, be still my heart.
I picked this book up at E Shaver bookstore on a recent trip that my family and I took to Savannah and I couldn't put it down. This book is hilarious. I love Sedaris' dark humor.
This is another one of the summer reads that my daughter and I read together. Sometimes I like reading young adult books more than adult fiction because it is like a vacation from the stresses of life. Just to be able to jump back into the headspace of my younger self makes me feel safe and happy.
I have been reading a lot of books with my daughter this summer and this book was my absolute favorite. A perfect summer read.
This book was quite different that I thought that it would be, in a good way. I love the way this author writes so vividly about her experiences and the food that she ties into her childhood memories.
I loved this book! It is heartbreaking, and beautiful, and incredibly inspiring.
My partner and I dream of moving to Maine and are fans of the show The Lost Kitchen (Erin French's show about her life and restaurant in Maine.) I picked up this book that deep dives into Erin French's life story and was not disappointed.
I read this book last month to put me in the holiday mood. I love Jenny Colgan books, they are pretty much always the same story... girl has a dead end job/lifestyle, girl moves to small town, girl finds simple life more fulfilling, girl falls in love. Sometimes the comfort of predictability is needed.
I am trying to read more so I downloaded this app to post the books I am reading. I am extremely forgetful and tend to pick up a book, get about 1 chapter in then realize I have already read the book. I am here so I can document what I have read and don't make this mistake as often.
I just finished this book today and couldn't put it down.