I have watched her documentary and listen to her podcasts so I thought that I knew her story and didn‘t feel the need to read this. This covers so much more and I really enjoyed learning more about her. Snerkbol.
I have watched her documentary and listen to her podcasts so I thought that I knew her story and didn‘t feel the need to read this. This covers so much more and I really enjoyed learning more about her. Snerkbol.
🎧 I ran across this author/comedian/actress in the new Star Trek TV show. She‘s perfect. I love her interactions with every character.
Her story isn‘t unicorns & rainbows. She‘s been through a lot. The book spans her life to date.
There are worse lives to be led. I wonder what she did with the ballet slippers.
There‘s understated humor. She seems to have found her place in today‘s world & the meaning of her own personal happiness.
I've really been enjoying her podcast, Don't Ask Tig, so I decided to read her book. Very enjoyable.
Just finished reading this book. I‘ve seen her stand up and loved it. So I was happy to find the book in the clearance at half price. Was a good read. Now I need to watch her documentary.
#tignotaro #memoir #imjustaperson #lgbt #grief #cancer #loss #comedian #soup #halfprice #halfpricebooks
Another inspiring read from a comedian! Tig Notaro reminded me of the complexity and compassion we all embrace to get through life. Also, as I pass through this difficult season in my life, her story showed me how it could be so much worse. 😂❤️ Loved it!
Really beautiful and vulnerable autobiography that focuses primarily on a few years in Tig‘s life. Def recommend, but make sure you pick it up at a time that works for you because the issues discussed regarding death & sickness are some deep emotional terrain.
Tig Notaro takes us through the hardest year of her life. First bronchitis and a sinus infection lead to a deadly bacteria infection. While she‘s recovering, her mom suddenly dies. She goes through a mutually agreed upon break-up. Then she‘s diagnosed with breast cancer and goes through a bilateral mastectomy. At times funny, Notaro‘s book is an account of tremendous loss, but also tremendous strength. 4/5 ⭐️ #queerbooks
My random number generator picked this book for me out of my collection and it was serendipitous. Coming up on the third anniversary of my own mother‘s death, I don‘t think I was emotionally ready to read Notaro‘s experience before now. It still brought tears, but oh how I could relate!
This book has all the things I want from a memoir: honesty, growth, and at least some happiness to hold on to. Highly recommended!
One down, two to go. Won't stop until the other two are finished.
#myownpersonalreadathon #longoverdue
I had heard about Tig Notaro‘s famous set about her breast cancer diagnosis and her mother‘s death, but didn‘t know the details. She discusses that time in her life here full on. It is bold, raw, and honest. This is such incredible vulnerability. It‘s so good.
I‘m audiostitching a dog-themed design while listening to Tig. She‘s so raw and open, I‘m really impressed. And I‘ve been keeping the door closed so Gunther won‘t eat this project like he did the last one. 🙄🐶
Somewhere on disc 4 I found myself sobbing on the commute home from work, so there's that
This was a very raw, engaging and honest insight into an absolutely terrible year in Tig Notaro's life. Great to hear the author narrate the audiobook version!
Good morning! Coffee and audiobook time! 📚☕
I love Tig and feel like I know everything about her, yet I still enjoy her stories and her strength and her words. Don‘t go into this expecting to crack up constantly. It‘s funny but so emotional as well.
My 3 road trip audiobook #24in48 recs are
-Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (The audiobook is beautifully narrated)
-A Man Called Ove (you'll be so caught up in the heartwarming and sad story that you won't want to turn it off)
-I'm Just A Person by Tig Notaro (Tig is one of my favorite comedians, a fantastic narrator and has such a dark sense of humor that you will be surprised at what she can make you laugh at)
This was a very engaging audiobook. Tig came across as very open and honest. Listening to her go through all she did and hearing her all to real struggle to manage it all was inspiring and heartbreaking.
Started up this audiobook today while I continue to make progress on the blanket I am crocheting for my niece. So far the book is extremely engaging.
"The scary beauty of life is that cancer can be around the corner just as a Grammy nomination can be."
I was only vaguely familiar with Tig Notaro prior to snagging this on an ebook deal recently. Anyone who can keep a sense of humor through tragedy is my kind of human being. This was a very solid memoir.
I'd vaguely heard of Tig but hadn't watched any of her shows or really followed her work. Her slow, dry, deadpan humor is totally my cup of tea, and her story is touching. The memoir covers surviving her mother's death, dealing with C. Diff, and surviving cancer, all in one year. Really glad the audiobook was narrated by her. Definitely plan to catch the now famous Largo set.
Sciatica flare up so stuck in bed. Using this time to update my reading spreadsheets and listening to this audiobook.
Eyes hurt too much to do any orint/electronic reading, so listening to this quick memoir.
A lot of the information in this book was similar to her stand up special Live. There was a lot more detail and nuance and feeling added. Unlike the stand up, there was not much humor here, just the story of a person going through a tough part of life. Not what I was expecting but very well done.
An intense, darkly funny, inspiring memoir about a pretty unbelievable year in the life of comedian Tig Notaro. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly it is that I love about how she puts things. I think it's her sense of humour, for sure, but also her deadpan voice and her generosity and her honesty. Yeah, maybe that's it. Great as an audiobook.
#Audiobooks #QueerBooks
I was expecting this to be intense -- comedian Tig Notaro talking about her year of hell with her mom dying, a life threatening bacterial infection, a break up, and breast cancer followed by a double mastectomy -- but damn. Somehow, it's still funny, even though it's also sad? #Audiobooks #QueerBooks
Tig is one of my favorite comedians and I'm so glad I listened to this book because her narration is perfect! She is such a fascinating and hilarious person despite the many difficult and painful things she has had to endure in such a short amount of time. If you haven't seen any of her work, check out her stand-up special on Netflix and her show on Amazon (which I still need to watch). She will make you cry and then laugh hysterically. ❤
As she sits at her mother's deathbed.
Tig Notaro is just such a pro at breaking your heart and then, when you least expect it, making the joke that will elicit surprised yet authentic laughter. This was a quick, gratifying read. Plus it reminded me that I need to make time to finish watching One Mississippi.
Life kicked Tig Notaro right in the ovaries, really fucking hard, over and over in a short period of time. She came through it and one of the results is an awesome book. Honest, sad, funny, and touching. Great read.
I think Tig is awesome and hilarious and I was thrilled to find out she wrote a book. And it was enjoyable. She's a great writer and a badass survivor. However, having watched and read interviews and her Netflix special, I don't feel like I learned a ton more about her. It was interesting to really get a glimpse inside her head during that one year and how she dealt, survived, and got through. She's definitely inspiring but the book was meh.
I finished up this memoir today. It was very moving, and encouraging. Tig went through so much rotten stuff in such a short time, and she still has a wonderful, humorous, inspiring attitude. It's a really good memoir.
Tig talking about feeling at a loss trying to decide what her mother should be buried in.
Also, I occasionally go in for the "something covering my body" look. It's a good one.
If you've ever felt like you have bad luck, Tig's story might be able to make you feel a bit better about your situation. If you want a shorter version than the book to get a taste, try her movie on Netflix, called "Live". Have tissues.
Anyone else read this?
I'm always #readinginbed, and usually with two cats and a dog. #photoadaynov16
When you started a new book yesterday, but then your library hold came in, and now you're reading 3 physical books, one on Serial Reader, and an audiobook in the car... #booknerdproblems #notcomplaining
5 stars ⭐️🌟💫⭐️⭐️and all the praise. Listened on audio. The story is so raw and honest and Tig's reading brings it home even further. She is an inspiration for me and I think about tackling some personal writing.
This is why I don't study at the library... #litsymademedoit #damnitlitsy #noselfcontrol #gimmeallthembooks
This book doesn't cover a lot of ground outside of Tig's well known battle with Cancer, but it is a really intimate and human story of love, loss and life that I found quite engaging. Her voice is mostly sweet, but just enough of her dry wit shines through to give this a fun tone despite it's heavy themes.
Tig pulls no punches in critiquing her fashion stage eight: "I thought these patterns matched." #morkfromorksuspendersFTW
Man, my wife is killing it with the books she is bringing home this week! It's a tip in, but I still think it's great!
I saw some stand up, then I heard her speak on The Moth podcast, (Do listen to that) and watched the documentary. (Do watch) Reading the book, I have her voice, her particular delivery in my head.
Thank tou, Tig Notaro, for jolting me out of my reading slump. Wept.
Many of us know the Largo set and if you have seen any of the docs, you know all within 1 year-Tig's mother died, Tig was diagnosed with C Dif, broke up, and then diagnosed w/cancer and had a double mastectomy. This is her story in her own words w/a big focus on her mom's death. Not new, but good.