"Life is horrible and unfair and terrifying. But those are not reasons to stop living."
"Life is horrible and unfair and terrifying. But those are not reasons to stop living."
Fangirl is the first ever Rainbow Rowell book that I have read. Even though it's not my favorite YA contemporary, I liked it a lot. Since then, Rainbow Rowell has become one of my auto-buy authors.
What's your favorite Rainbow Rowell book? I love Attachments the most!
#fangirl #rainbowrowell #contemporary #yacontemporary
I finally got a copy of Flame in The Mist! Aaaah! I love Mulan, and I love how this retelling is in Japanese setting. I love everything that involves Japanese feudal period! I read so many mangas set in feudal Japan, and I couldn't get enough, really. I'm a sucker for any type of historical periods. I'm so excited to read this one! 😍
#booknerdigans #books #booksph #bookporn #igbooks #bookish #flameinthemist #reneeahdieh #feudaljapan #retelling
"Isaac and Andrea's connection was a natural law, greater than any he had ever discovered: unbreakable, timeless, and absolute. It had bound their hearts just as gravity married the earth to the moon."
I'm 90% done with Love and Gravity. I am seriously in love with this book. This is so good!!
#LoveandGravity #SamanthaSotto #Historicalfiction #Historicalromance
#booknerdigans #bibliophile #bookworm #lit #books #booksph #bookporn #bookish #yabooks #nabooks #becauseofreading #fangirl #bookboyfriend #isaacnewton #bookwormph