No surprise that this is my top book for July!
No surprise that this is my top book for July!
With the tagged book being my last read for July, I hit my page goal! Any more is an added bonus - I didn't know at what number to set my goal so the final result will be a surprise!
#popsugar #recommendedbyabookseller - this was recommended to me when I went for my reading spa at Mr B's in Bath a couple of years ago!
#Ghostwalk #RebeccaStott #FabulousFebruary #Readathon #BookSpinBingo
This book is a mixture of history and fiction. It's about Isaac Newton's suspicious circumstances surrounding his appointment as a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1667. I learned about Newton's involvement with glassmaking and alchemy. The book switches back and forth between the present and the 17th century.
Brief life of Sir Isaac. Sympathetic to him, though if one reads between the lines, he could obviously be very difficult to deal with. I realise it's not meant to be a scholarly work, but there were some quotations which were unattributed and it would have been nice to know who said it, even if it was a name I didn't recognise.
“...if only we could jump fast enough, or had a strong enough wind at our backs, we could all be planets.” 🌏✨ #isaacnewton #gravity #planets