A fast paced, well written mystery that hopefully won‘t give me bad dreams. A little bummed it didn‘t take place in the Midwest like I imagined but I guess rural England is just as cool
A fast paced, well written mystery that hopefully won‘t give me bad dreams. A little bummed it didn‘t take place in the Midwest like I imagined but I guess rural England is just as cool
Fast-paced book that will turn out to be an even better movie. A little dense with the scientific material but the physics constant is not overwhelming. Loved the Martian and love this book as well. 4.5/5
Bowen hits the bullseye. Absolutely loved this book and it makes me wanna book a flight right to Venice. Bowen writes a captivating and touching novel that will keep you from putting it down. 4.9/5
a delightful and relevantly educating piece. I enjoyed and appreciated the excellent choice of words and elegant style of writing. 4.8/5
a refreshing yet realistic love novel. was worried about the repetitiveness of a quarantine story but Picoult prevailed. 4.5/5