Really interesting to have sociopaths explained BY a sociopath.
Really interesting to have sociopaths explained BY a sociopath.
Basically just on a mission to read everything she's written, because I LOVE IT ALL
I was drawn in right away, but less than impressed with character development, and I outright disliked the ending. This is one in a series of books with these characters, so maybe if I read others I could have some questions answered, but I'm not invested enough in the characters to do that.
The blurb described this story as "gripping" and yes. That's accurate.
Read aloud with the kids. Super fun book.
I kept waiting for some shocking revelation, but I did not feel shocked by any of the revelations. Also 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻stereotyping of postpartum depression/mental illness. But I did read the whole thing today, wanting to know what happened. So.
I feel a little torn on my review here. I wouldn't say that I liked this, so much as I feel like it's good for me to read stuff that doesn't reflect my own life experiences at all.
A writing style that attempted (and failed, IMO) to make the main character seem badass and an audiobook narrator whose voice I found grating from the first sentence, made me give up on this less than 1/4 of the way through.
Reminiscent of the movie Now and Then. Completely different from the other stuff I've been reading.
I want Maggie Stiefvater to write a million books and I will read them all.
I keep reading her stuff, and it keeps missing the mark for me. That said, compelling story. I'm giving it a "pick" because I'd definitely recommend it for anyone who is a Forman fan.
I hesitate to enthusiastically endorse this as something everyone should read, but it was worth the read for me.
It's been so long since I read this last that I'd forgotten how things went! Love it.
More true crime! But this one is less about the murders, more about the relationship Claudia (a reporter) has with the killer after he's convicted. My only complaint is that she talks about his size/weight a LOT. Like, way more than necessary.
Beautifully written, but often sad in the melancholy "isn't ANYBODY happy?" kind of way
Fascinating perspective on the story of Ted Bundy- Ann Rule knew him personally, and stayed in touch with him throughout his life. (And, amazingly enough, she was contracted to write this book about a series of Oregon murders, long before Ted Bundy was even a suspect.)
I remember when this happened, although I only heard the very basics- Oscar Pistorius shot & killed his girlfriend through a bathroom door, claiming he thought it was intruder. And I remember thinking, "What? No. No way he didn't know it was her." This book goes into the details & background of his life & makes quite a convincing case that in fact, he didn't know.
True crime story of a guy wrongly convicted of murder. Pretty heartbreaking to hear all the things that went wrong to lead to the conviction. (So-so for too much editorializing on the part of the author)
I really like Tina Fey, but this book fell flat for me. (Maybe I would have liked it more if I'd read it when it first came out? I dunno.)
Abrupt shift in books from true crime to paranormal YA. I really enjoy this series. (This is book 5, I've liked them all.)
Have I told you I like true crime? I like true crime. This is the Jodi Arias story (which I was already familiar with, thanks true crime TV) told by the prosecutor. Very detailed, and parts of it were hard to listen to.
Really interesting if you're in to true crime. Looks at why different types of criminals commit the crimes they do.
I was lamenting to a friend how long the library wait list is for this book and she stopped by the next day to loan me her copy! 👍🏻
Library book sale choices! Most years I end up with a mix of stuff I've read & liked and stuff I haven't read yet. This year the only one I've already read is Hunger Games & I picked that one up to replace a copy I (apparently) loaned & never got back. So! Looking forward to some new stuff!
Can hardly wait for the next illustrated book to come out! (Not until OCTOBER 😬)
I don't want to say I enjoyed this, because the book is quite sad, but I definitely got caught up in the story and the characters. Worth reading.
As with the other 2 in the series, quick & fun. And nicely ended, I thought.
Cute & fun. I could do with a little less love-triangle in my YA Dystopian fiction, but I suppose it's written aimed at teenagers, so I'll put up with it.
I don't read classics nearly as much as I used to, but when I do, I remember why I love them so much. Kept me interested in the story for all TWENTY FIVE HOURS of audiobook.
If you like classics at all, let me recommend Wilkie Collins.
Read this for the Book Riot challenge- set within 100 miles of my location. (Took place about 10 miles from here.)
Started book 2! Illustrated book 3 isn't out until October, but it's pre-ordered already. These books are gorgeous.
Finished the illustrated version with the kids this morning *happy sigh*
Yup, still on my true crime kick.
I've been in a true crime mood. I just started another.
Ann Rule knows how to write true crime.
I think Robert Durst's story is fascinating, but this book was not that. I listened to the audiobook and really disliked the author, who also narrated, and was a DA for some of the stuff Durst was involved in. It was much more her story of dealing with this guy than his actual story. And I pretty much hated her by the end. So big NO to this one.
These are all books that I picked up at some point during the last year but then set aside for one reason or another (often to get a library book read before it was due 😬) and never got back to. So I'm bumping them all to the front of the line. Time to finish some books! I also have a couple audiobooks & at least one kindle book in this category. Wish me luck!
Eragon ended up moving too slowly to hold Will's interest, so we set it aside for the time being & started in on the illustrated edition of Harry Potter. Kids 1st reading! (my last re-read of the series was in 2009.) LOVE.
Obviously not a literary classic, but quick & enjoyable! I'll definitely finish the series.
I wanted to like this more than I did, but turns out I really prefer the scientific/investigative aspects of true crime more than the "life story" aspects. Also, it's unsolved (which it says RIGHT ON THE COVER IF I HAD PAID ATTENTION) which drives me crazy. I found it a little hard to keep track of everyone, but possibly because I listened instead of reading.
Eh. Interesting in places, but much of it was stuff I've already read/heard. I skimmed a lot of it.