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How to Write Better Rsums and Cover Letters
How to Write Better Rsums and Cover Letters | Pat Criscito
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Criscito presents a virtually fail-safe 12-step process for producing a perfect rsum in all formats needed for a job search, and then explains how to create a dynamic, customized letter that stands out. Job seekers are sure to find inspiration for their own rsums in this guide.
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This has been my life pretty much this entire week: updating my résumé, writing and re-writing a cover letter, and just generally being mentally drained about the prospect of packing, moving, and job-hunting.

But hey! Moana is on in the background, the hubby brought home wine (cheers! 🥂), and I can see the light. We'll be in a brand new state and hopefully soon, in new jobs 😄❤💼📚💻

So please wish your girl 🍀 as she keeps at this 😁

mcipher Good luck! Job hunting and resume writing are not fun, but it sounds like it will be worth it in the end! 🥂 6y
Megabooks Good luck! #beenthere 6y
ReadingSusan Good luck! 6y
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Thndrstd Good luck! 6y
Jess7 Good luck! 6y
mariaku21 All the luck to you 🍀🍀 6y
Beachesnbooks So much good luck!! 6y
megt Good luck!! 6y
Librariana @Beachesnbooks @Booksandcooks @Jess7 @mariaku21 @mcipher @megt @ReadingSusan @Thndrstd - I apologize in advance for making this a group "Thank You!", but I truly am grateful to each of you just for taking a couple of seconds to wish me good luck ?? This is gonna be quite the undertaking for the hubby and I - retirement (him), move, job and house hunting... so thank you all for sending the good vibes out into the Universe. I appreciate you! 6y
mcipher So many good vibes to you!! 🌟🌟🌟 6y
Librariana @mcipher - You're a sweetie 😊 Thank you so much!! 💜 6y
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Littens, do you have any advice on how to make Cover Letters stand out?

Do you stick to the formal, grammatically correct format? Do you infuse bits of your personality?

I'm so overwhelmed from job hunting for a full-time job with benefits. Every time I get an email saying I haven't been selected for an interview. I feel completely worthless. 😔

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)

TrishB To be honest when I do recruitment I dont pay much attention to cover letter except where you highlight skills applicable to the job and to the spelling/grammar. When looking at applications I like to see them mapped against the skills listed in the job spec - so an example of where you have done that etc. Hope helpful! 7y
MyNamesParadise @TrishB thank you!!! Being young and not having much experience anyway I feel so vulnerable in this job market. What about the appearance of resumes? For each job I apply to I format my cover letters and resumes differently. 7y
TrishB Definitely different for each role, a standardised one looks lazy and won't go down very well. Use examples from ' normal' life for skills if you have to, shows you are thinking about them. 7y
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ReadingEnvy Stick to traditional format. Many people tasked with evaluating applicants are specifically looking for language in your cover letter that mirrors the requirements in the job description. Use their language; make it easy for them to know you qualify. 7y
saresmoore 1. YOU ARE NOT WORTHLESS! (Sorry for yelling.) 2. I was just about to say what @ReadingEnvy said. Pick up on their keywords and connect them with your strengths and experiences. In the resume, choose a design/layout that highlights your unique contributions, rather than a standard one that is designed for people with loads of work history. 3. You're doing great! Don't give up! 😘 7y
moranadatter What @saresmoore said. I know it's hard, but try to let the rejections roll off of your back. There are lots of reasons why any one individual employer might not bring you in for an interview. Look for patterns instead. If you're getting interviews, you're doing fine. If you're sending out a lot of applications and getting very few interviews, your resume and cover letter could be the problem. Alison Green (www.askamanager.org) gives good advice. 7y
MyNamesParadise @TrishB thank you so much for your advice! I'm currently putting it to use! 7y
MyNamesParadise @ReadingEnvy thank you! Since it's a full time position currently where I'm part time I know their language and jargon so I'm listing the requirements on a piece of paper outlining and writing my experience/skills to help! 7y
MyNamesParadise @saresmoore awww thank you 🙂😘. I'm researching different resume types and recently got a book about the perfect job interview including chapters on cover letters and resumes. Thank you! I'm currently working on positive thinking as well, but it's hard for me 🙈 7y
MyNamesParadise @kmdartist thank you! I actually read my first article on that website the other day! So I'm trying to spruce it up!!! 7y
TrishB Good luck 👍 💗 7y
saresmoore @MyNamesParadise Believe me, I understand! I'll just go and read ANOTHER positive thinking/self-help book now so I can bolster your job search resolve with good vibes! 😁 7y
CouronneDhiver I've always had the better luck going professional on the paperwork and bringing personality into the interview... 7y
hgrimes I'm great at getting interviews, and total garbage at the actual interview part! My tip is to be selective about what you apply to and really take the time to personalize and customize your resume/cover letter as much as possible, tailored to the position and organization. (edited) 7y
hgrimes PS - Good luck, and don't let the rejection get you down. It happens to all us! Job hunting is frustrating. 7y
MyNamesParadise @hgrimes it took me 4-5 hours to plot out my letter before writing it and it turned out really well! Thank you! Yeah it is scary! 7y
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