Starting this one tonight. I also picked up the next three Ms. Marvel. And that‘s what I‘ll be doing on my next day off after doing 8 straight.
#dc #batgirl #graphicnovels
Starting this one tonight. I also picked up the next three Ms. Marvel. And that‘s what I‘ll be doing on my next day off after doing 8 straight.
#dc #batgirl #graphicnovels
Rooming with my parents at the hotel tonight. We did some shopping and I came away with vol. 3 of Batgirl and some Christmas things. 🎄
#graphicnovel #batgirl #christmas
Volume 1 was great, volume 2 was pretty good, volume 3 I would not read again.
Hi I'm Claire and I've checked out way too many comics from the library again so today I'll be reading comics until my eyeballs fall out #cantstop #wontstop #pleaseremember #intersperseyourheavyreading #withlightreadstoo #lovealltheOverThisreading #butbesuretogiveyourselfabreak #loveyouall #letschangethefuckingworld
Batgirl fights her own memory in this one and once again is stronger for the people around her. Love it.
a nice quick & fun read for a monday afternoon
Kind of perfect that I opened this volume on #favefriendships day in #booktober! I love Babs and Dinah so much. #favoritefriendships #bestfriendships
Normally I like the action of Comics and Graphic novels. I am not a big fan when they feel like I am reading a Saturday morning cartoon. And that is exactly what this feels like. It‘s hard to explain, but take Batgirl and replace her with Scooby Doo and the Black Canary with Fred, and you get the feel of this book. Overall the storyline is not bad, just not great either. The illustrations are spot on.