Picked this up on a whim 10 years ago and couldn‘t get into it. Trying it again. Used to be a big Leonard fan but this is all just eh.
Love this album. Love this band. Really mad at this book.
Preordered in the before times and forgot about it entirely. Arrived a couple days ago. Can‘t wait to dive in. Thank you @Papercuts ! #songwriting
Heard about on NPR. My first bookshop purchase. Can‘t put it down!
Get out of my head, Hornby. Get out of my head.
More than a travelogue, not quite an autobiography. There‘s a really great blend of insights into the author‘s life, songwriting, and what it takes to make a touring band work. There‘s the requisite amount of name drops without getting tired like other musician memoirs I‘ve read. This moment in the photo is one of my favorites and it was worth reading the whole thing just to get to it.
So far a decent travelogue. It‘s nice to read more about some of the characters from his songs.
Parenting: I‘m ready but unprepared. I‘ve been told nothing will prepare me. Either way it‘s happening.
Thoroughly enjoying my signed copy on this last beach day of the year.
I loved “Totally Biased” and “Politically Reactive” so it was just a matter of time before I picked this up.
This one has been sitting on my nightstand for years. Plowed through half of it today. #beachread
It takes me so long to get through books and I just keep adding more to the stacks.
Menu from Joan Nathan‘s cook book. I‘ll have to find an excuse for this one.
I hit a brick wall with every other book I was reading. I‘m flying through this gem to build momentum. This is a “fun” read for me.
Volume 1 was great, volume 2 was pretty good, volume 3 I would not read again.
Hipster batgirl brunches hard. This was my second read through this volume and it was just as awesome. #webrunchhard #hipsters #dccomics #batgirl
I think every storyline should include a stop at the super hero diner.
Rereading because duh so good. #batgirl #comics #graphicnovels #hipsterbatgirl
I started reading this on Hoopla. Still prefer the physical to e-books.
I'm upset with myself for not having read this sooner.
Set in 2008, there is nothing that happens in this book that doesn't sound like it could happen today or at any point in the near future. There's no reason to believe that anything in this story couldn't have happened in the last 16 years following the events of September 11. I suppose that's what makes it great fiction. I just recommend not letting it be the last thing you read before bed.
Recommended by @thomdunn and woo boy isn't creeping me right the hell out.
I've never been a big hulk fan but I enjoyed this first issue. I'll keep reading...
Much much darker than the "batgirl of burnside" run. I might be reading these out of order.
Uh so it turns out I was mixing up two runs of #batgirl. The kind folks at hub comics in #somerville straightened me out.
Lanmolas are. The. Worst. #legendofzelda #snes #comics #graphicnovels #nintendo #nintendopower
Meh. Another one from my grab bag of issue number 1s.
Communication was complicated back in the day. Could you imagine your local bartender taking messages for you?
#batgirl is kind of a hipster and I love it. #dccomics #comics #graphicnovels
Another number 1 from the grab back. Except this one is dope. Obviously #blackcanary is in a band.