One of my literary lodestars. 😔💔 Maybe more than any other writer, she's helped me make sense of myself and the world.
One of my literary lodestars. 😔💔 Maybe more than any other writer, she's helped me make sense of myself and the world.
Alice Munro, Nobel winner and titan of the short story, dies aged 92 https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/may/14/alice-munro-nobel-winner-a...
I'd give anything to be able to go. Some day!
@Lindy were you already aware of this website/organization?
I can't let #shortstories day go by without mentioning Alice Munro, the Nobel Prize winner and grand dame of the modern short story. Margaret Atwood says (in the introduction to this edition), "Among writers themselves, her name is spoken in hushed tones". Oh, and it's #nationalcoffeeday , too. #SomethingforSept