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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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#HumbleHarvest Day 9: Bamboo stalks and #Hayride(s) seem to go together. Paired with delicious mexican burrito. Book was strongly recommended by my Kuwaiti doctoral student. 💕💕💕

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 8mo
Megabooks Burrito! Yum! 8mo
DHill Yum! 8mo
Blueberry 😋 ¡bueno! 8mo
Eggs Nom nom 🤤 8mo
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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#AutumnPlease! Day 26: I have a feeling wearing a #Mask could be a theme here with the main character struggling to find a sense of belonging while in-between cultures as a biracial individual - and not really fitting in with one (Kuwaiti) or the other (Filipino).

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 8mo
tpixie Gorgeous and I bet yummy. The book sounds good. 8mo
Singout Looked for this in my online library and found the master fisher‘s guide to building a bamboo rod. Sigh. 8mo
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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A rather melancholy and depressing read but I still liked it. The MC returns to #kuwait where his Filipino mother became pregnant by the ‘master‘ of the house when she worked as a maid. The way that his Kuwaiti ‘family‘ treat him is terrible, as he has brought shame on them and ‘people will talk‘.

It‘s beautifully written and you get a real insight into #kuwaiti culture.

#readingasia2021 Also could be used for #philippines

BarbaraBB It sounds good! 3y
Librarybelle Agree with @BarbaraBB - it sounds good! 3y
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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Two books from previous week, all of them are for Reading Asia Challenge, except audiobook - Bellini and the Sphinx. #weeklyforecast

Cinfhen I love THIS GRAPHIC ❤️🙌🏻😍 so clever!!! Which countries of Asia are you reading?? 3y
squirrelbrain I have that one on my list for #timorleste too! 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Love your graphic too 👍💛 3y
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Simona @Cinfhen Live From Mongolia is for Mongolia, Beloved Land is for Timor-Leste, and The Bamboo Stalk for Philippines. The Bamboo Stalk can be also for Kuwait. I used this virtual shelf when I don‘t have any ‘real‘ book in my pile @erzascarletbookgasm 3y
Simona @squirrelbrain My options were limited to this book or some war thrillers ... 3y
squirrelbrain Yes, not much choice is there?! I found one other fiction book, but it‘s on Kindle Unlimited, which sometimes indicates a not-so-good book... 🤷‍♀️ 3y
Cinfhen I NEED ALL THREE OF THOSE COUNTRIES/ not Philippines but Kuwait / I‘ll be watching your reviews 😍😉 3y
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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Continuing my focus on the Middle East... José is the child of a mother from the Philippines who worked for a family in Kuwait when she became pregnant, and the father is the son of the family for which she is working. José's grown up being told he will go live with his father in Kuwait when he turns 18, and this is his journey between cultures, languages, and religions. ↘️

ReadingEnvy He also has to navigate a situation where his Kuwaiti family doesn't want to acknowledge him because of the family's reputation, which is why he and his Mother returned to the Philippines in the first place. He looks more Filipino which also creates some challenges in Kuwait. ↘️ 4y
ReadingEnvy He is José in one country and Isa in another. His mother named him after José Rizal, and there are epigraphs from Rizal at the start of each section. José also visits a historic site connected to Rizal that had me looking more into filipino history and landscape. ↘️ 4y
ReadingEnvy People from the Philippines work all over the world, and this is the first novel I've read that lives in this reality. There are multiple filipino characters in Kuwait in this novel, not just in service roles like José's mother but working in the mosque, attending university, and more. ↘️ 4y
ReadingEnvy This is the first novel from Kuwaiti writer Saud Alsanousi. The prose is simple and straightforward, which probably comes from the author's experience as a journalist. The writing style makes the 500 pages a breeze. I have spent two years focusing my reading on Southeast Asia so it was nice to have this connector piece of a novel to this year's reading. 4y
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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#BookReport Completed Mar 8-14
Tagged book was #BookSpin ✅ 4🌟
Happy to finish one more book than expected this week, so #AuthorAMonth

3⭐ book and tagged were partially read books from last year 🙄 😑 😁
Glad to tick them off!

The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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Completed my #BookSpin for #March - YAY!
It was another partially read book that needed to be ticked off & truly deserved more of my attention.

Bamboo Stalk was a journey of a young man, seeking to understand his identity and to forge a sense of belonging in his father's homeland. I laughed, my brows shot up and heart sank with José aka Isa.

Excited for doublespin but I doubt I'll finish it in Feb.

Next list in the works 😆😂 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great review!! As always, if you finish your #doublespin book in a month other than March, still feel free to tag me and just let me know it was March's book!! Glad you enjoyed this pick. 4y
BookishMe @TheAromaofBooks definitely! I actually just started reading it - oh my! I may just get hooked to it, after this hilarious line : They were peasants, superstitious fools who ate too many beans. Lolol - clever insults are BEST! 4y
TheAromaofBooks haha starting with snark is always a good way to open! 😂 4y
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi

We're Catholic Muslims, and they're Protestant Muslims, he said. Everyone roared with laughter, but nonetheless I understood...

- funny analogy indeed! 😆 😆 Expecting to complete my #BookSpin title soon

#Bookquote #currentlyReading

The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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When you‘re only on page 9 and you‘re already disgusted by another pig of a father...

Leftcoastzen Oh dear. 4y
BookishMe This is such a good book! Alas I have been taking too long to finish it 😬 4y
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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Spotted this at my local Union Co-op supermarket and had to take a picture. It‘s oddly right above a copy of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi

Brilliantly compelled the novice that I was when I read it 😩😭💜💜💜

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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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#fivestack for this quarter's #LitWorld2018GB - #memoirs / biographies /first person narratives / I dentities &
I deology
Voyages to↩️
📚 Kuwait/ Philippines
📚 Syria
📚 Congo
📚 Egypt
📚 UK
The tagged book is my perfect fiction find for this theme. It continues to feed my rumination over the 'universal (question) of identity, race and religion.'

JaclynW The tagged book looks really interesting. Stacked! 6y
BookishMe @JaclynW it is very! After the first chapter, I knew this book is going to be very close to my heart. I stumbled on it while randomly browsing through bookstagram. For once, not complaining about the detested algorithm ;p 6y
JaclynW @BookishMe Haha! I'm glad something good came of it! 😊 6y
HolyCluster The bamboo stalk is written in my native language “Arabic” . I have read it twice and it is the first novel that made me just fall in love with stories and narratives . 6y
HolyCluster Oh How i am proud of this book 😩💜 6y
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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Not the greatest picture but in my defense Kinokuniya was still closed when I took it. Saud Al-Sanousi is apparently coming for a book signing March 16 at 5:30pm if you‘re in #Dubai.

HolyCluster I adored the bamboo stalk but not " فئران امي حصة" at all. Well i know that it has a message and purpose to pacify between religious sections and to avoid civil war . But as a novel which is a form of art that has to touch people‘s hearts and awe them it failed doing that to me . 6y
HolyCluster What about the other books ? 6y
Smrloomis @HolyCluster I haven‘t read his others besides Bamboo Stalk but agree that they should move you in some way. If you read more, let me know what you think. (edited) 6y
HolyCluster I don‘t intend to do so . I don‘t wanna ruin the bamboo stalk experience. And was dissatisfied by the another book i read for him .☺️ 6y
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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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This is the story of Isa, born to a Kuwaiti father and a Filipino mother, the domestic help. Having lived in the Middle East for almost a decade now I found this story particularly interesting and can totally understand the situations that Isa found himself in and the controversy he faced. A really interesting read.

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The Bamboo Stalk | Saud Alsanousi
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