Books that I loved that didn‘t make my #Top24in24. I was surprised at how much I liked this short book imagining of Mary.
Books that I loved that didn‘t make my #Top24in24. I was surprised at how much I liked this short book imagining of Mary.
Is there any acting Streep can‘t do?! She gave voice to Mary as a mother that is more realistic & relatable than is typically presented in the Christian mythology. At least to which I‘ve been exposed anyway.
I‘ve tried a couple of Toibin‘s novels and they didn‘t hook me. This lyrical novella I really appreciated and will have my eye out for a paper copy. 😁
#BookedinTime #BiblicalFiction
I was going to read Mary, Called Magdalene by Margaret George but its size made me change my mind. I just happened across this on Libby. A short novella read by Meryl Streep imagines a different Mary than the one we think we know. 4 🌟
@Cuilin @dabbe
On the fence about this one but going for a 'pick' because it is well written and thought provoking. Mary here is bitter and sceptic, detached from her son, grieving his death, and not ready to believe that he is the son of God. So look away if you're not comfortable reading that because there really isn't much else in this novella. I liked the idea and the writing in certain parts is vivid and rousing. 👇
Beautiful imagining of The Book of Mary, narrated by Meryl Streep, is the Audible Daily Deal at less than two bucks. I listened to this years ago during Holy Week and thought it was excellent. https://mobile.audible.com/pd/Fiction/The-Testament-of-Mary-Audiobook/B00EHOT1MS...
#HeyJune #LadyMadonna
I wasn't sure what to make of this novel. It read to me as though Mary didn't really know her son. Maybe that was the point?
About to see a theatre adaptation of a novel I enjoyed very much. 😀
Three books down, this is what remains of my #sbksept TBR. I'm not sure what mood I'm in - what do you think I should read next?
If you'd like to join me reading short books this month, it's not too late to sign up: http://www.betterthandreams.com/2017/08/the-short-short-books-reading-challenge/
Whoever came up with the idea to have Meryl Streep narrate this is brilliant! Today's commute wasn't so bad 😀
I liked the ingredients of the book, its originality and its suspense. In the end, however, I felt a bit disappointed. The beginning is so strong, the end couldn't match my expectations I think. #Booker #manbooker
Finished reading this wonderful novella for my book club. It's my second reading and I thought it would leave me less impressed this time, but I was wrong. The last 20 pages at least, are pure brilliance: so soft, so touching, so raw my heart aches.
This book is beautiful. Tobin's storytelling style is masterful and heartbreaking. I 100% recommend this to anyone. Also, the audiobook is read by Meryl Streep and it's flawless.
I'm not sure I would have picked this up if I hadn't noticed that Meryl Streep was the narrator (and she's fantastic, as always). I would have a hard time saying I liked this novella although it's certainly well written and I appreciated this version of Mary as a mother hardened by grief who cannot suffer the apostles foolishness and believes her sons death was not worth it. Recommend on audio.
Yet another quiet book, reflective of an inner world which has to endure despite great suffering. How does a mother process her grief when those around her tell her she does not know or understand the son she raised? Who is this man, grown from a baby dependent on her for everything who suddenly refuses to follow or even acknowledge her?
This story was particularly memorable because of Meryl Streep's dramatic performance. #audiobook
This was a haunting, alternate view of the Jesus story as told by his mother Mary. It was only 72 pages long, so it can be read in an hour or so. The writing was tight, telling a full story with sparse words. I will be bothered for a long time after reading this. Two thumbs up.