Better late than never, my March totals. 13 finished. These were my top 5, but so many others were so good. How fortunate we are to live in such an abundant universe filled with authors.
Better late than never, my March totals. 13 finished. These were my top 5, but so many others were so good. How fortunate we are to live in such an abundant universe filled with authors.
I can't express how much I loved this book. The protagonist is an amazing woman. She works to protect her mountain from the encroaching Connector, a road that will go through her property. She carves and converses with her block-people who will play a role in the novel. And she buys books for and staffs the library while editing the classics. And then the aviator arrives in town, looking for the gold coins stolen years ago. I love Jane so much.
"In honor of her French Canadian neighbors, Jane had painted her fishing shanty in splashy pastel colors, sunshine yellow and tangerine, with a cotton-candy pink door and lilac trim around the single window."
I love driving to Montreal, especially in the winter. The vivid colors pop against the snow. And I love the idea of Jane taking the time to bring such beauty on to the cold frozen lake. (Google image)
I live near the Northeast Kingdom where this novel takes place. Yesterday we briefly played softball in the snow. And then someone had to pee. (Sigh.) Trudge, trudge, trudge back to the house. So many layers! #Vermont
Good things come in threes. A great book, a postcard campaign, and 26" of snow (as of 8 hours ago). Can't wait to see what the new totals are. Snowed all night and continues still. Can't wait to throw the little one into the snow piles.
I think the Kinneson family has the best character names: Venturing Seth, Freethinker, Quaker Meeting, and Pharaoh's Daughter. All mentioned in the first pages of this wonderful novel. #booktober #bestcharactername