I really enjoyed this! The time period and isolated Scottish location really adds to the story… a fantastic reminder that the scariest thing is simply other people.
I really enjoyed this! The time period and isolated Scottish location really adds to the story… a fantastic reminder that the scariest thing is simply other people.
“American outrage is always for show.”
This felt like Hannah Gadsby‘s “Nanette,” it starts off hilarious, then gets deadly serious. A great example of how humor intensifies horror.
Wasn‘t sure how this was going to end, and as weird/sad as it was, it was perfect. Loved this whole series!
And yes, it did take me 2 months to read the last one, probably a personal slow record 😆. But in that time, I‘ve changed jobs and moved to a new state… now I‘m a Vermont librarian 😀📚
I forget that Ben & Jerry‘s is a THING. Since I live only about an hour from the factory, I still think of them as a small Vermont company. Still, nice to see a bit of “home” in this French novel 😀🍨
I 🖤 everything about this book! What makes this story are the characters, and I loved the juxtaposition of how each person saw themselves vs how others saw them. Raw, human, and sad, this also has some really hilarious moments. My favorite #blameitonlitsy purchase so far.
“He has a sneaking admiration for rockers, the way they manage to go from juvenile to senile without pausing at mature.”
I didn‘t want this to end! Haunting and beautifully written, this is the story of three people who have lost their way. If they could figure out how to help each other they‘d probably be ok, but they don‘t and things end in tragedy.
Actually went to my favorite bookstore yesterday! Browsing was such a needed treat 📚
Between a pick and a so-so. I don‘t generally read mysteries, but I enjoyed the British humor in this one. Actually, that was the best part... otherwise the female characters are a little stereotypical and the mystery part was average. There are more in the series, not sure if I‘ll read them at some point. But if you like humor and non-grisly murders, give this a go.
Calling all Stephen King fans: this is a free film festival screening unreleased films based on his short stories.
Predictable, but enjoyable. While we may have regrets, we truly can‘t know what our life would be like if we‘d made other decisions and this is a gentle reminder to live the life we do have as best we can.
This is a photo I took on a recent hike, if anyone wants to see more pictures of my corner of the world, I‘m luna.rampage on Instagram.
Snowy Saturday, tea, and a new book.
I loved this! It raises thoughtful questions about life and there are so many great quotes applicable to our current reality.
“They teach you growing up that you are only one thing at a time-angry, lonely, content-but he‘s never found that to be true. He is a dozen things at once. He is lost and scared and grateful, he is sorry and happy and afraid.”
A friend asked if I‘d read this yet then said she wanted to talk to me about it when I did. So I started it this morning and laughed: March 10 is another friend‘s birthday 😀🎂
A couple of months ago someone on Twitter asked what they should read next. A librarian colleague replied “The answer to that is always Murderbot.”
I just finished them and have to agree! Murderbot is my kinda snarky and Preservation are my kinda people. Book #6, Fugitive Telemetry, is out April 27.
It‘s actually sunny here today before we‘re supposed to get rain for Christmas. I‘ve been hiking more than I‘ve been reading lately (6 mile snowshoe yesterday), but today I‘m cozied up with hot chocolate and a book. Happy holidays everyone!🎄
We‘ve been having phone issues at the library, so a patron stuck this note in their return:
“If I have been unable to reach you prior to your receiving this note, PLEASE CALL ME. I NEED A BOOK.”
😆😆 #librarylife
I loved this! Especially Frank and Q‘s relationship, we do such a disservice to men by making so-called sensitive emotions feminine.
At 16, Sydney is suddenly aware that she‘s visible to men. This book covers it all: what it‘s like to be a woman living among men, the “rules” women follow whether they want to or not, and questions why the same choices elicit different reactions based on gender. This book argues that women have every right to be themselves and take up space in the world without being judged or objectified.
Same, Frank. Same. 😆
Such a wonderfully accurate description of what texting is like at the beginning of a relationship. Made me 😀
Couldn‘t help but think of this scene from Good Omens when I was cataloging yesterday.
I‘m going to spend the afternoon reading after spending the morning hiking a local mountain. We got our first snow!
I was digging through our donations pile and found this “review” stuck inside this one 😂😂
Separately, David Mitchell‘s novels are wonderful. But read all together, the threads linking them make them so much more. The theme that we‘re all connected through time seems especially important to remember now, and love and taking care of one another is never the wrong choice.
I‘m beginning to wonder if David Mitchell has a thing against pants.
Lots of good one liners in this. 👖
I can always count on one fantastically hilarious name in a David Mitchell novel 😆
I saw this car at my doctor‘s office a couple of weeks ago and now the drive-in is showing Christine this weekend. Should I be worried??
If men could be women for a week I bet a lot of things would change 🤔😆🙄
🧐 As someone who went veggie after my divorce, this just struck me funny 😂😂
Norris is my kind of sarcastic.
I liked this, but it‘s not a strong pick. The writing is great, but I finished this a few days ago and feel like much of what I read was descriptions of beautiful book lined rooms, candles, and cats and Zachary saying “what?” all the time. My favorite parts were Kat‘s secret journal and the story of Simon and Eleanor because we actually got to know the people. There‘s a lot of different stories here, but ultimately I wanted to know Zachary more.
Henry Bemis! Truly the only really disturbing Twilight Zone episode.
Like many, I‘ve had trouble reading in these weird times. But I‘ve managed to get into this the last couple of days.
Just finished this last night and this stood out. Instead of wishing everything goes back to “normal,” I hope we think about the ways we can fix the things that clearly aren‘t working.
Stay healthy everyone!
This was a happy surprise! Apparently I‘ve been on Litsy for 4 years now 🥳. Thanks to everyone for making this such a great community 🥰
Reading and making cookies for a library program tomorrow. I‘ll be honest, not all of them will make it there 😛
I‘m hosting a family recipe night and these are my mom‘s recipe (...they taste just like I remember!). 🍪🍪
My new mug, currently filled with Champlain chai hot chocolate. I‘m doing cozy today.
Today‘s library funny.
First book of 2020! Mix Firestarter with a dash of Minority Report and you get this. Maybe not quite as good as those, but definitely entertaining and a solid King experience.
A perfect Friday night: homemade soup and rereading a favorite from a couple years ago.