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Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo | Christiane F., Kai Hermann, Horst Rieck
Im Alter von zwlf Jahren kommt Christiane F. in einem Jugendheim zum Haschisch, kurz darauf in einer Diskothek zum Heroin. Sie wird schtig, geht vormittags zur Schule und nachmittags mit ihren ebenfalls heroinabhngigen Freunden auf den Kinderstrich am Bahnhof Zoo. Die Berlinerin Christiane F. erzhlt mit minuzisem Erinnerungsvermgen und rckhaltloser Offenheit ihre traurige Geschichte. Ein Buch, das in den 70er Jahren Deutschland erschtterte - und bis heute nichts von seiner Aktualitt eingebt hat.
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#TitlesandTunes July #SexDrugsandRock&Roll Full disclosure I‘m rating the German TV show not the book. The show is based on the book and since I don‘t know enough German I read about 8 hours of subtitles. It was dark!!! Painful story handled with grace. It was full of sex (unfortunately the buying and selling kind), drugs (mostly heroine), RocknRoll (Bowie). Knowing its meaning I still love the song Big in Japan. All the trigger warnings.

Cinfhen Sounds really dark but so perfect for this prompt. And the song you chose is among my favorites but I didn‘t know the meaning behind it. 1y
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This has always been one of my favorite songs from the 80s, but it wasn‘t until about 10 months ago I learned what this song is actually about. Marian Gold lead singer with Alphaville said the song was about two lovers trying to get off heroin. He was influenced by what was happening in Berlin around the Zoo Banhoff area. The book is also about teens addicted to heroin in 1977 in Berlin.

Cinfhen Ohhhhh! #LiveAndLearn ….I never knew either and I LOVE this song 🎶 Book sounds great! Thanks for posting and sharing 1y
BarbaraBB I had no idea! I just sang along to it about a thousand times! 1y
dabbe Now I'm singing “Zoo Station“ by U2, too! 🤣🤣🤣 1y
Cuilin @dabbe Another great song. 1y
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📖 Christiane F.
✍️ Julie Clark
🎞 Christmas Vacation
🎤 The Clash
🎵 Cherry Bomb

#manicmonday #LetterC @CBee

CBee Thanks for playing! 😊😊 2y
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Deeply disturbing, yet full of beauty and love.
Loved it a lot. Cried about it a lot.

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This was very far from the books I usually read but once it got going I was very drawn to it. There was something about the way it‘s written that didn‘t want to let me go even when dealing with harsh events that were sometimes really difficult to read about. I was really surprised by how much I ended up liking it! The translation was also really good! #translatedbooks Book 3 for #ReadingEurope2020 #Germany @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Librarybelle Great review! 5y
BarbaraBB That is an oldie! I saw the movie as a kid and didn‘t even know it was based on a book! I now want to read it, thanks for bringing it up! 5y
lukulamppu @BarbaraBB You‘re welcome! I definitely recommend the book! I may have to check out the movie one of these days as well😄 5y
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Noi, i ragazzi dello zoo di Berlino (VINTAGE) | Christiane Vera Felscherinow

Molto forte, ma bellissimo. Racconta una realtà che tutti ignoriamo ma è attorno a noi.

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5/5 ... it's on my top 10 list

HotCuteReadingGeek One of my most favourite books and it's one of the reasons i started working with drug addicts. 8y
MemoirsForMe Is that Betty Boop? 😊👍🏻 8y
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