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Soft City
Soft City | Pushwagner
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Soft City | Pushwagner
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Continuing my focus on my fave. graphic narratives of the year, Soft City is book 4 of #12booksof2023 Subtitled the lost graphic novel, this is easily one of the best that I have read published by NYR Comics. With an intro. by Chris Ware, in the words of NYRC site Soft City is, “is an epic vision of a single day in a world gone wrong: a brightly smiling, disturbingly familiar dystopia of towering skyscrapers, omnipresent surveillance, and...(cont)

vivastory endless distant war.“ It is incredible to me that this oversized book exists & kudos to NYRC for publishing it!
Andrew65 A glowing recommendation. 6mo
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Soft City | Pushwagner
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Weekly Bibliophile Highlight: Rediscovering the joys of public reading. I used to read in public every so often, but then work & a global pandemic happened. This week I have rediscovered the benefits of decompressing after work with a drink in a quiet place for an hour or two. I have found an unlikely, yet perfect spot to do so.
6 Books read this week: 1 novel, 1 book of aphorisms, 2 graphic novels & 2 manga. Also read a lot (cont)

vivastory of short stories from Datlow's anthologies Final Cuts & Screams From the Dark. Also half of Faber's story collection Fahrenheit Twins.
Standouts are the tagged graphic novel which I read yesterday & still seems incredible that it was ever made, Blood on the Tracks vol. 1 & 2 & SG Jones' story Lords of the Matinee.
JamieArc I have recently rediscovered this joy too. There‘s a new coffee shop with the right vibe that I‘ve been going to once a week to read for a bit and it‘s definitely contributing to some happiness. Glad you found this spot ❤️ 13mo
TrishB I have a veggie cafe where I do this 😁 (edited) 13mo
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vivastory @JamieArc The right vibe is key. That coffee shop sounds delightful. There's a new library that opened down the street from me & their cafe is now open & fully functional. I have been meaning to try it out. 13mo
vivastory @TrishB It's delightful. It's within walking distance of work which makes it even better. 13mo
SpeculativeFemale This just made me realize I haven't really done much public reading (beyond B&N and airports) in a long time. Thinking when the weather is agreeable, I might need to go read along the lakeshore in the sun! 13mo
vivastory @SpeculativeFemale That sounds wonderful! There is a park about 10 minutes from my house that I used to go to all of the time to sit & read at. Might need to revisit soon 13mo
sarahbarnes I love that you found a spot! I‘m getting back onto the habit of reading in public, too. 13mo
Branwen Public reading is the absolute BEST! So glad to see you're getting back into it! 💕📚 13mo
Megabooks I give public reading 5⭐️! 12mo
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Soft City | Pushwagner
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The full title of this is “Soft City: The Lost Graphic Novel.“ I think that gives a bit of insight into the background of this oversized, seemingly impossible creation pub. by New York Review Comics. As Chris Ware writes in the intro. “Though it masquerades as narrative , the term 'graphic novel' seems inadequate to describe Soft City, especially for a book that existed before the term was even coined.“ Elsewhere in the brief, yet (cont)

vivastory fascinating intro, Ware cites Tarkovsky, Kubrick, Chaplin, & Lang. It is not just the oversized format of Soft City that lends it a cinematic feeling, but how the work is orchestrated throughout the book. As far as the story goes, this is more of a book of themes than of plot: foremost being saturation in urban centers leading to increased control & conformity. I have read a few releases by NYR Comics & this is easily one of the best I have read. 13mo
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Soft City | Pushwagner
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I've been reading a lot of graphic novels lately. Soft City was the most haunting - such striking and disturbing images. Talk about feeling like a cog in the machine.

NikkiM5 Oooo looks creepy, stacked 👍🏾 3y
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Soft City | Pushwagner
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Soft City | Pushwagner
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Soft City has a familiar mid-century anxiety about consumerism and conformism but it also gets to the root of our desire for "softness" and safety. Here our desire to keep our minds away from violence directly results in the perpetuation of violence in the world. #comics #art

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Soft City | Pushwagner
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"Who controls the controller?"
A beautiful book and a powerful message. A bit unexpected of a graphic novel with almost zero dialog. Very reminiscent of Fritz Lang's film "Metropolis". A grim portrayal of a society that has been stripped of its humanity with the majority being soulless slaves of their own consumerism and an elite few. Yet a few manage to dream... The last page gave me bad chills.

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Soft City | Pushwagner
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Today's bookstore finds! 😊

MrBook 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
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