So glad I finally got to read this book! It‘s been on my TBR for so long, and it didn‘t disappoint. It wasn‘t a story packed with drama and plot twists, but still an interesting and enjoyable historical fiction.
So glad I finally got to read this book! It‘s been on my TBR for so long, and it didn‘t disappoint. It wasn‘t a story packed with drama and plot twists, but still an interesting and enjoyable historical fiction.
I went to buy a baby gift and instead came home with these 4 books I‘m not even sure I want to read 😜#SendHelp #ICantBeTrusted My defense, these were on the $5 table. Are any of them good???
Been meaning to read this for a couple years. Such a pretty cover! #historical
I really enjoyed this book. I learnt a lot about Jewish culture and how similar it is to my own. Also how life was in America back in the 1930‘s. It was a bit of a struggle but found it a bit easier in certain aspects
Enjoyed this more than I thought I would! Historical novel from 1935's Lower East Side where a mother and daughter both accidentally get pregnant. High drama as we alternate between the two of them as narrators, day by day, as they try and get things sorted. Ending is less pat than I first assumed! I liked the daughter's journey particularly. Interesting commentary on assimilation, too. #JewLit
Loved, loved, loved this book! A timeless story of a mother and daughter, the secrets they keep, and the difficult decisions they must make. Two equally compelling narrators I couldn't say goodbye to, and a beautiful, poignant tale of family and motherhood.
This week's read is Modern Girl. Starting the book from the hotel lounges in Shanghai. The smog is too bad to enjoy the outdoors.