Happy New Year Littens! Been really busy with my new career and my reading pace has slowed down 😩 But managed this one! It was okay, just dragged. Was expecting better but beggars can‘t be choosers
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Omg, can y‘all say Best PenPal ever? Thank you so much Danielle for your kindness and generosity. I hate being poor, especially around this time of year. But having friends like these just makes it a bit easier ❤️
Found my new favourite author!! Amazing read
I happen to glance at this online, and it really resonated with me. I‘m just sad that I haven‘t been reading as much I want because of life. Little things ya know?
Lol!! Gotta love my amazing Pen pal @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego
Thank you so much for the card and the pampering mask! ❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂
Really loving this one so far. @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego You know me all to well. Thanks my friend ❤️
I absolutely loved this book. Main focus was how girls as young as 8 are sold into the sex industry and brothels in certain parts of India. Reality is that it‘s happening in our very own communities, regardless of where you live.😔
I absolutely loved everything I received for #Screamathon!! Thank you so much for everything ❤️❤️❤️
Got my package in the mail the other day! Sorry for the late post. Will be mailing yours out on the 30. Hope it arrives in time 😬
Absolutely devoured this book! I have made so many notes and comments throughout the book. I will never donate this book because people will think I‘m a real BAD ASS! 😆
Wow! Just Wow! A huge shoutout and thank you to @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego
I‘ve been going through the after affects of a breakup for a couple weeks now. But my friend Danielle unexpectedly surprised me with this care package. I‘m so grateful for you! Thank you bunches!
P.S.... Doing better than ever!
Grateful beyond belief! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Best book hands down, so far this year!
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@squirrelbrain @Blaire
I‘m on pg 472 and you ladies are so correct!
My heart is broken! I‘m rooting for Jude. Wish I knew this fictional character in real life
Oh Em Gee!! Do ya‘ll realize I have been on a 13 month waiting list at my library for this book?!? I had the afternoon off and decided to go to my local thrift store, and BAZINGA, here is this beautiful piece of art, practically brand new for $3!!! Yep! The thrift gods were watching over me today 😊
One of my favourite books!!!
I will see the movie, and I‘m pretty sure I‘ll cry till I have a panic attack, then pass out from a broken heart. Ugh!! Fabulous writing!!
This book reminded me so much of my childhood and what Elaine went through as a kid. My heart broke for Elaine and how she was bullied. I understood. It was like I was almost reading my diary from that time.
But I still loved it!! ☹️💔
I just grabbed this at the thrift store for $1. I read The Good Earth years ago and I remembered it being amazing. I understand this is the 3rd book but never read the second. Should I chance it and read it anyways? Who am I kidding, I‘m going to read it regardless 🤣
Oh my goodness! I devoured this hilarious book and developed a six pack overnight. I can relate to Allie on so many levels 😂🤣😂
I can not get enough of Margaret Atwood ❤️
So excited I found this classic at the thrift shop yesterday! Forgot how good this book is 🥰
Margaret Atwood never disappoints. Can‘t wait for the TV mini series
1. 3000 Questions About Me
2. My old cookbooks from the 60‘s
3. Marshmallows 🏕
I‘ve joined LITSY over 2 years ago and I see a lot of you LITTENS reading more than 1 book at a time. I‘m so curious on how you can do that and I really admire you. I have ADHD and reading just one book..( Oh look a squirrel ) keeps me on my toes! Kudos 😊❤️
I‘m 89 pages in and these 2 quotes stood out to me...
“Life is warped..I‘m just in sync” ( SO ME😂)
“The best way of being kind to bears is not to be very close to them ( DUH 😂)
AND I just found out they are currently in production with a TV Mini-series adapted to the MADDADDAM SERIES BOOKS!!!
I‘m currently reading this gem. I have yet to read Oryx & Crake but this is the third novel I‘ve ever read by Margaret Atwood and I vow to read every book she‘s ever published. I also loved The Handmaid‘s Tale. Gotta keep my eyes open for all her titles when I go book thrift shopping 🥰
I would‘ve gave this book 5 ⭐️‘S, but I could‘ve done without the sex scenes.. Meh
Oh boy!!! This quote described my 20‘s!! Glad I‘m older and wiser 😉 Loving this book so far
1. The 80‘s
2. Paper
3. Older. I‘m 42
4. Nope! Born in Portugal, came here at 10 months old. Canadian raised ( within a Portuguese home ) 😊
5. Tag away
Ugh! I got the plot and theme, but.. BUT.. The style of her writing in this book annoyed me! It just bothered me on numerous occasions that she didn‘t use the comma button in the paragraphs and dialogue. Very confusing on my part 🤷🏻♀️
⭐️⭐️⭐️/ 5
This book made me think long and hard that God forbid if ever a plague were to wipe out the human race, that the ones who remain will hopefully know what to do to survive
I scored these beauties for $2 in total! Halfway through “THE YEAR OF THE FLOOD”. Love Margaret Atwood
I first read this chunkster many years ago. I just finished re-reading it, and am so glad I did. Any books by Wally Lamb are so worth the re-read
This book reminded me a bit of The Nest. I liked this book but all the talk about finances and stocks bored me.
What a beautiful book! I absolutely loved this story about an Indigenous 2 spirit boy living on the Rez and in Winnipeg. His relationship with his Kokum and Tias,and how hard life can be at times. Get your tissues ready. This book gripped my heart!
1. Historical Fiction
2. Crowds & Deep bodies of water 💧
3. Hairstylist
4. -28 ( I live in Winnipeg, Canada so that‘s the norm around this time of year ) 🥶
5. @Gaylagal2
I absolutely loved this book! The whole historical fiction genre has always intrigued me and this book grasped me
I just got diagnosed with Adult ADHD last week and it explained a lot of why, what and how I was doing things so differently over the past years! Ex: it takes me forever to read a book; I tend to lose interest and focus at a new job after 3 weeks; I zone out watching movies and when people are having conversations w/ me; I start crochet/ cross-stitch projects and never finish them and a lot of other things! Medication and this book are helping! 😊
I think I started off the new year with a bang, when I read this gem. I don‘t like sports, especially hockey but it was still a great read, nonetheless
I always like a book that keeps you guessing to the very last page
Anyone else finish their 2018 Good Reads Reading challenge? I know it ain‘t much and kinda makes me sad because I use to be able to read at least 60 books a year easily. But as I get older, my attention span isn‘t the same. But I like to think I‘m beating that one person that is glued to a screen every waking moment and that I‘m at least feeding my mind. Happy Reading Everyone 😊❤️