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Fifth Formers at St Clares
Fifth Formers at St Clares | Enid Blyton
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Eggs 💜 Enid Blyton 💜 3y
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Just rediscovered this box set on my bookshelf!
My mum found them with her thrift shop powers and knew they would be a welcome addition to my Enid Blyton collection…

Centique This is so cool! I‘m very jealous. I have two of the old ones but I just bought a new collected edition because I wanted the missing stories. And the new cover art is terrible 🤪 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Centique, you can‘t beat the magic of the original illustrations! 3y
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I knew someone has to fall sick in one of these books! ? "The next day Violet went down with a very bad cold, and was taken off to the sick-bay by Matron, sniffling and feeling very sorry for herself."

My copy needs to go to the sick-bay, too...

#sniffles #150PnPCoverParty @CrowCAH @LeahBergen

BookishMe MEMORIES!! 😍 😍 7y
LeahBergen Just look at that well-loved copy! It‘s strange that I never read this series as I loved both Enid Blyton AND boarding school stories. I may have to remedy that! 😆 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm I loved these and the Malory Towers! Owned the exact same editions. Had to donate them away 😢‘coz the pages were foxed and they became a habitat for silverfish! 😩 7y
batsy I know @erzascarletbookgasm the fear is real, foxing seems inevitable in our weather and I'm constantly checking the shelves :( 7y
kamoorephoto Omg my favorite series of all time!!! And Malory Towers too. These books led me to ask my parents if I could go to boarding school (we were living in Hong Kong; they said yes to school in England). I love seeing this! 💖 7y
batsy @kamoorephoto 😍 Oh wow! That is awesome. I used to dream of boarding schools at 10, 11. Did you have midnight feasts? 😆 7y
kamoorephoto @batsy Yes!!! We used to sneak down in the middle of the night at Christmas to the tree on the stage in Abbott‘s Hall (the grand hall of the school) for the one in Winter term. We‘d take turns at staying awake until the time it was to wake up and go down, via our common room to grab our goodies. It was BIG trouble if we were caught! So many fun things...!!! 😹 7y
kamoorephoto We were split into 4 houses of course: St Patrick‘s (my house - green), St Ethelreda‘s - purple, St Martin‘s - red, and St Mary‘s - blue. And points awarded (and taken away) for things throughout the year and went towards the school‘s House award. It was a big deal to not get into trouble because then everyone‘s pissed off at you (works very much like you read in the books, and a la Hogwarts)... 7y
kamoorephoto PS. It was an all-girl‘s school while I was there, and went co-ed after I left... 7y
batsy That does sound wonderful, thanks for sharing! I'm so amazed that your love for these books got you there. That's very cool! 7y
batsy Sorry forgot to tag you @kamoorephoto 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @kamoorephoto how awesome! Those are times to be cherished! After reading Blyton‘s boarding school series, I secretly wished my parents could send me to one, too! Unfortunately, only in my dreams and I went to an all-girls missionary school instead. 7y
lucylovestoread @erzascarletbookgasm I wanted to go to boarding school as well after reading these! My grandmother, who had been at one, was horrified and gave me a long lecture about all the terrible things about them 😁 7y
batsy @lucyinedinburgh @erzascarletbookgasm Yes! My grandmother had also been to one and told me how lucky I was to be able to come home after a school day 😀 7y
CrowCAH Wow that‘s an old and very loved book! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @lucyinedinburgh @batsy Mmm, maybe grandmothers know best! 😄 7y
LeahBergen @kamoorephoto Are you kidding me?? That place looks like my childhood DREAM. ❤️ My poor parents were so insulted that I begged to go to boarding school. 😂😂 7y
Centique I have that same copy and dreamt of going to St Clare‘s too! So jealous of your reminiscences @kamoorephoto 😍😍😍 7y
kamoorephoto @LeahBergen @Centique Some of my favorite memories ever are of my time at boarding school...and on the grounds of the Battle of Hastings???!! It was fabulous. The building and grounds were amazing 💓💓💓💓 7y
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