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The Happiness Equation
The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything | Neil Pasricha
19 posts | 16 read | 54 to read
Whats the formula for a happy life? Neil Pasricha is a Harvard MBA, a Walmart executive, a New York Timesbestselling author, and a husband and dad. After selling more than a million copies of his Book of Awesome series, he now shifts his focus from observation to application. In The Happiness Equation, Pasricha illustrates how to want nothing, do anything, and have everything. If that sounds like a contradiction, you simply havent unlocked the 9 Secrets to Happiness. Each secret takes a common ideal, flips it on its head, and casts it in a completely new light. Pasricha then goes a step further by providing step-by-step guidelines and hand-drawn scribbles that illustrate exactly how to apply each secret to live a happier life today. Controversial? Maybe. Counterintuitive? Definitely. The Happiness Equation will teach you such principles as: Why success doesnt lead to happiness How to make more money than a Harvard MBA Why multitasking is a myth How eliminating options leads to more choice The Happiness Equation is a book that will change how you think about everythingyour time, your career, your relationships, your family, and, ultimately, of course, your happiness.
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I read this one for a book club with one of my favorite Podcasters/ Patreon creators - Laura Tremaine of the 10 Things To Tell You podcast. There were lots of great tips and the writing style was easy to read. Some of it seemed too basic, but overall I enjoyed it. 3.5 ⭐️

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June 1st 2019 Wow! It has been a long haul ( jk not really ) and I finally got a chance to complete the book. Neil Pasricha is a very talented author and sounds like a genius. You can tell he cites sources and knows what he is talking about. Obviously a person might not agree with everything he says but he does talk sense. Great read. Definitely would recommend if you enjoy comedian-like books and humor neil@globalhappiness.org

lilpumpkin2.0 @rather_be_reading Please please recommend me back any self help books 5y
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May 15, 2019 So far i have read up to page 132 out of 269. The book has a total of 269 pages and i am almost half way done. So good. Stay tuned

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May 13, 2019 Happy May!!! I have been M. I. A. because i have yet to have found a good book. As i was scrolling through Youtube, I watched a book haul by one of the people I like watching and she recommended the book above as one of the best self help books. Self help books are one of my favorite genres in addition to Young Adult. So far i have read the first chapter in this book. Will plan on finishing and have a review later. Peace ✌🏻

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A book about what it takes to be happy, from the authors perspective. Really good insights into our understanding of what happiness is, our aspirations towards achieving it and what we can do in our day to day (at work) to be more happy. It's a good read but I can't say the book is a breakthrough in human psychology or that the author compiled a lifetime of research to write this book. I recommend nonetheless, but don't expect a masterpiece.

greenhairdontcare Welcome to Litsy! 💚 6y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
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I really enjoyed The Book of Awesome, so I picked this one up because I loved Neil's writing style. Has anyone read it? Would love to hear your thoughts!

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I was worried this audiobook would be a bit too self-helpish for my taste, but it was better than I expected. The first third was definitely the best part.

BeckyRoy I got this from the library...page 19-25 were torn out!!! I'm waiting for a new copy to come in. 8y
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This book had some nice points that I will try my darnedest to remember... Read it by audio then checked out the ebook to read it again (cause well audiobooks are in one ear and out the other for me unfortunately). Mostly reread it to avoid the other book I have going which is not going well😜

Beckys_Books Totally agree about the audiobooks. Can't stay engaged. 8y
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So in the last few days I have had some success listening to non-fiction self-help books. Ironically, I have not had success with audiobooks of any type or self-help print books in the past but hey, I am going with it. And I an enjoying this audiobook so far so I consider that a success!

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Really does make you think, even though the ideas are simple. And, who doesn't want to be happier?? 😉😊🙂🙃☺️😜😝

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I've dipped in and out of this book over the past few weeks and have really enjoyed it. Simple but wise words here.

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When you're packing and go through all your old magazines to rip out the book pages.

Gayan I do this all the time. 8y
maximoffs @Gayan I get Oprah Magazine and she always has SUCH good recommendations 8y
LauraLeah Do you ever read Bookmarks magazine? When I do my to read list expands enormously. 8y
Bkwurm I have such high hopes when I do this! The fact that those hopes are only realizes 1/4 of the time does nothing to deter me. 📚 8y
maximoffs @LauraLeah I never have but now I need to. @Bkwurm right????? 8y
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LOTS of highlighting happening in this book.

CynCruz23 What an interesting "self-improvement" recommendation ? Loved another one of your recs - The Happiness of Pursuit as well. So sad BOTNS is ending ? but hopefully we'll still get your outstanding "books we can't wait for you to read" on here and your other social media ? 8y
ChasingOm I agree with everything @CynCruz23 just said. 👍🏻 8y
Wren I just listened to the latest episode of the podcast and I can't wait to pick this one up. I so often agree with your recommendations that I'm sure I'm going to love this one. Going to miss BOTNS! 😩 You and Ann are the best! 8y
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Happiness equation revised: want nothing + do anything + carry around a Litsy spoiler wallet (thanks to @todd ❗️). This book opened my eyes to easy things I can do to be happy every day.

todd Ha...I knew that equation was missing something ;) 9y
ColleenLindsay I love that wallet!!! 8y
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Heller dishing some serious wisdom to Vonnegut. (Oh, to be a fly on the wall for their whole conversation. Now, that would be happiness.)

SGJ Hey, I've had this one magneted to my file cabinet for nearly twenty years now, I think. Saw Vonnegut and Heller do an event in ... 97, maybe? William Styron was there too. Maybe the coolest book event I've ever been to. I never saw Jordan play, but I saw Vonnegut and Heller speak. 9y
SGJ Or maybe it's a version of this I've had under a magnet. Been there so long I don't even read it anymore. 9y
jeff @SGJ - wow. Heller, Styron, Vonnegut ... must have been a special night. I think I would trade my Bulls game for that. 9y
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